《what am i to you • tk》14


Here I am, walking to school. Oh yes! School is back! And I'm so excited to see my friends again.

"Taetae! Ohmygod!"


I ran to Jimin and I hug him.

"Omg I miss you tae! where's gguk?"

"I miss you too chimmy! Hmm? I dunno? I thought he's already here"

"Hey tae"

"Yoongi hyung!"

I was about to hug yoongi hyung but chimmy cough.

Oh. Oh.

I laughed.

"Oh Jimin! I'm not going to steal your boyfriend" - I said then I hug yoongi hyung

Jimin blushed.

"Hey babe..."

Yoongi hug jimin then he peck his lips.

Jimin just blushed and smiled shyly.

I smiled at them.

"Chim, I'm going to locker" - I said then I walk away

"There's a new student here in school"

"Oh? Boy or girl?"

"A girl, and someone said her name is jieun"

I heard the students. A transfer?

I open my locker then I put my stuffs there.

I was going to close the locker when...

"Hey angel"

"Ohmygod gguk!" - I startled, touching my chest

Gguk just chuckles and I glared at him.

"You scared me! You shouldn't do that, I'm going to die because of heart attack" - I rolled my eyes

Jungkook smile and lean in then he hug me.

"Sorry bub..."

I blushed and smiled slowly.

"Hey tae, gguk!"

I pulled away from him and turned around.

"Hoseoki hyunggg!"

I smiled and quickly hug hoseok hyung.

"Ehem ehem"

I pulled away to hoseoki then I look at gguk, his tounge poking his cheeks. What!

Hoseok laugh at him and I look at hoseok, confuse.

"Easy JK" - hoseok smiled at gguk

Jungkook just nod. Wait? What is happening?

"By the way gguk, coach wants to talk to you"

"In this morning?" - gguk ask

"Yes, he's in sports room. Ok, see you around tae, gguk" - hoseok said then he walk away


I look at gguk, he's pouting. Aww.

"Oh? What are you still doing here? Go to your coach" - I said

"Don't wanna" - he pout

"Yah! It's first day of school, come on go"

He sigh.

"Okay.." - he said sadly

I blink, eyes grew a bit when he suddenly kiss me on the cheeks then he run away.

*ddug ddug ddug ddug ddug ddug ddug

I touch my cheeks and I smiled.

"You bunny.." - I said lowly

I am walking now here in quadrangle. Then there's a girl, she's running.


"Ohmygod, hey miss, you okay?"

I help her to stand up because she trip.

She look at me, then she bow her head.

"Yeah, thank you, hmm can I ask where is the bathroom?"

Bathroom? So she's running because she needs to go to bathroom.

"O-Oh? There" - I said then I point the way

"Thank you again...

"Taehyung, Kim Taehyung" - I said and smiled at her

"Thank you Taehyung, I'm Jieun" - she smiled at me

"Oh okay, I need to go to bathroom hehe, thanks again" - she said then she walk away

Jieun? So she's the new student here?

I smiled.


"Goodmorning class! I am your new Music professor, I am Kim Namjoon"

"Woaah, he's very tall. I think he's basketball player" - chim said

"Not all tall people is basketball player babe" - yoongi said

Jimin look at him and blushed.

I laughed silently because yoongi is right.

I look at gguk beside me he's looking at me while smiling. I smiled at him.

"Before we start, let me introduced our new student here, you may come in"

New student? Wait is she here?

We look at the door then she enter in our room.


"Goodmorning, my name is Lee Jieun. Please take care of me" - she said then she bow


I look at gguk, I heard him although he just mumbles it.


Gguk knows her?

"You know her?"

Gguk look at me then he smiled and nod.

"You can sit now" - Mr.Kim said

There's one available chair only and that is beside Jungkook.

She saw the available chair then she quickly walk to our line then she sat beside gguk.

"Excuse me, omg it's you!" - she point me

I look at her, she remember me.

I smiled at her.

"Annyeong, nice to meet you again" - I smiled at her

"Taehyung right?" - she said then i nod

Then she look at gguk.

"Omg gguk?!"

Gguk look at her, then he smiled.

"I thought you wouldn't notice me here jieun" - gguk smiled at her

"Omg I miss you!" - jieun said then she pinch gguk cheeks

"Yah! I never thought that we will going to be classmates here!" - she said

I look at them confuse. They know each other??? But why I didn't know her???

"Everybody listen, so here in our music class, you all need to sing one by one, again, one by one. So you should not shy, I know all of you here can sing and also dance. I'm looking at y'all guys" - Mr.Kim said

Mr.Kim is now lecturing and I'm here listening but my seatmates is not listening.

I sigh. Gguk and Jieun is talking and talking and talking. I don't know but I don't like it.

I am right here beside him, but it looks like I am not, because he didn't give me attention, he didn't talk to me nor he didn't look at me.

I look at chim, he's looking at me then he mouthed 'you okay?'

I just smiled at him and nod.

"Ok class you can go now, Mr.Kim I need to talk to you"

I look at Mr.Kim. He needs to talk to me? Idk but I suddenly feel nervous.

"Tae, I'm going to tour Jieun here in our school, I'll just see you around" - gguk said and smiled at me

I look at gguk and jieun is smiling at me. I just nod then they walk out to the room.

"Tae, I'll wait you outside"

I look at chimmy.

"N-No chim, it's okay. You should eat now, yoongi hyung is waiting for you" - I smiled at chim

"No tae, I will wait, we will wait"

"Chim, I don't want to eat, I'm still not hungry" - I smiled at him


"Please Jiminie? Mr.Kim is waiting for me, come on you just go, I'm okay" - I said, smiling at him

Jimin just sigh and smiled at me.

"Okay..." - chim said then he walks away

I sigh. I walk to Mr.Kim to ask why.

"Why Mr.Kim? Did I do something wrong?"

"Nothing Taehyung, you just seem quiet a while ago. Is there any problem?"

I look at Mr.Kim and quickly shook my head.

"N-Nothing Mr.Kim"

"Is there something happen in your house? Family?"

"Oh no-no Mr.Kim. Nothing's happen" - I smiled at him then look down

"You know, your brother is my boyfriend right?"


My eyes grew big and I quickly look at him shock.

"W-what? Y-you're my brother's boyfriend? J-jinnie hyung's boyfriend?"

Mr. Kim chuckles.

"You didn't know? Oh okay"

He stand up then he give his hand to me.

"I am Kim Namjoon, your brother's boyfriend" - he smiled at me

I look at his hand, waiting for handshake.

I place my hand to his hand then he quickly shake our hands.

"Nice to meet you Kim Taehyung"

We pulled our hands away and I just stare at him, still look shock.

Mr.Kim chuckled.

"You really look like your brother, haha you can go now tae" - he smiled at me

I just nod then I bow to him.

"N-nice to meet you hehe, I will go hehe" - I said awkwardly


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