《what am i to you • tk》11


"Done, look I finish this soup"

I smile at gguk.

"Good bunny, now drink this medice"

Gguk drink the medice.

"Now, rest. I will back this to kitchen"

I put the blanket on him and I touch his forehead, he still have a fever.

"Come back okay?"

"Yes" - I smile at him

I walked downstairs.

"Oh tae, he's awake? Did he eat the soup?"

"Yes Mrs.Jeon" - I smiled at her

"Ohmygod, tae. I knew it, he will listen to you" - she smiled at me

I just smiled at her.

I walked upstairs and I went at gguk's room.

"Why you took so long?"

I glared at him then I walk to his closet to find a new shirt of him.

Gguk sit up straight.

"Why cutie? Did I do something wrong?"

I blushed at the nickname, but I still glared at him. I walked to him.

I sit beside him.

"Why you didn't listen to your mom?"

He blink and look down for a seconds and sigh.


"Why did you work? You should listen to your mom. Now look at yourself, you're sick" - I pout

"Angel... It's not like I'm not listening to her but I just... I just want to have income by myself.."

"I want to try new things... It's vacation and It's just a part-time job. I just want to earn some money so they didn't need to gave me allowance, i'm not a kid anymore tae.. i'm a man now"

"I want to exercise myself for the future, for my family in future.. I wan-

I smile and quickly hug him to shut him up.

"Sshhh.. It's okay" - I said

He wrap his arms around my waist. He sigh.

"I'm sorry if I make you worried"

I smile and pulled away from the hug.

"I understand. Just tell me if you're sick again so I can take care of you"

I realized what I said, I blushed and look down. He just chuckled.

"O-Oh, here. Change your shirt, you smell sick" - I joke at him

He chuckled and he quickly took off his shirt.


My face heat up.

I quickly look away then I side look to him. Omg my poor eyes TT.TT

His muscular chest, his six pack abs, his biceps, his muscles, his veiny arms. OHMYGOD. I want to have it too but I don't know why I can't :((

"Just look, it's okay. You can touch it too"

*ddug ddug ddug ddug ddug ddug ddug

I look at him and he smirk at me.

My face heat up.

"Y-Yah! Just wear it!"

He wear the shirt then he chuckles and he pulled me to lay down with him.

"I miss you"

*ddug ddug ddug ddug ddug ddug ddug

"I miss you too"

There. I already said it.

I buried my face to his muscular chest/shirt because i'm blushing.

"Thank you for taking care of me" - he said then he kiss my head

"Oh and by the way, the bracelet looks good on you. I have one too"

"You have? Where?"

"I still didn't wear it, but I will wear it ofcourse"

So it means? We have a matchy bracelet? I blushed.

He took my hand then he stare and rub at the bracelet on my wrist.

"Remember when the time Lisa said "Thank you last night"?

*ddug ddug ddug ddug ddug ddug ddug

Oh yes. I will never forget that coz until now I don't know what real happen to him and her that night. Why did he ask this now?

"That is the time or night when I bought this, I ask a favor to lisa to accompany me to buy this bracelet... then she buy a gift too for jennie"

*ddug ddug ddug ddug ddug ddug ddug

My face heat up. WHAT?! I thought they have a date that night T.T

I just listening to him. I don't know what to say.

Wait what??

I look at him confuse.

"Who's Jennie?"

"Oh she's the one who took Lisa's heart, she's courting her now"


My face heat up.

Ohmygod??? I thought she's straight????

"I-I thought she's s-straight?"

"Nah. she isn't" - gguk smiled at me

"Now, don't be jealous at her okay?"


My face heat up and glared at him.

"I-I'm not jealous!" - I said then look down to blanket

He just chuckles.

"It's beautiful right?"

I pulled away from him then I sit up.

"Yeah it's beautiful though it's plain. Now, rest. You need to get well"

"But hey! I want cuddle" - he pout

"Jeon, you're sick so no cuddle for you"

"But I need your cuddle to feel better" - he pout

I blush and look away.

"Please baby.."

I quickly look at gguk, he's pouting. WAIT WHAT?! BABY?! JEON MOTHERFUCKING JUNGKOOK CAN YOU NOT

I bite my lips and looked down.


He pulled me down and he wrap his arms on me.

"Let's sleep"

*ddug ddug ddug ddug ddug ddug ddug


Gguk is now sleeping while here I am awake, staring at him. His handsome face, his sharp jaw, his bunny teeth and his muscles. He's handsome and cute. I am whipped.

"Please get well immediately, I miss you" - I said lowly

"Please baby.."

I suddenly remember when he called me baby. I blushed.

"What am I to you?"

I yawn then I close my eyes.

I close my eyes, waiting for my dreamland.

"Please get well immediately, I miss you"

I heard taehyung. He thought I asleep now. Aww yes baby, I will get better.

"What am I to you?"

*ddug ddug ddug ddug ddug ddug ddug

My heartbeat beats faster when I hear him.

I open my eyes, then I see him pouting while asleep.

I smiled. Such a cutie.

I slowly parted the messy long strands of hair from Taehyung's forehead and I slowly caresses his soft red cheeks with my hands gently. I stare at him, his long eyelashes, his pointed nose, his cute mole, his tan skin, his plump lips that I want to kiss, and his petite body. He's so beautiful, sexy, an angel, an ethereal. I am whipped.

"You're my everything"

I kiss his forehead.

I suddenly remember, Jin hyung told me that bogum invite tae to eat in restaurant last last week, that time i'm on my work. And yeah until now I feel jealous.

I sigh.

"I love you.."


I woke up when suddenly I heard some giggles.

"They look so adorable"

I quickly pulled away to gguk then I stand up.

"A-Ah Mrs.Jeon, Mr.Jeon" - I nervously smile

"Aww, you're cute" - Mrs.Jeon said

"So how's my son?" - Mr.Jeon ask

I look at Mr.Jeon then I look at gguk, he's still sleeping.

"H-He's okay, Mr.Jeon. I think he will feel better soon" - I smiled at them

We walked downstairs to eat dinner. OH SHOOKT IT'S DINNER ALREADY?!

"So taehyung, did he say something to you?" - Mrs.Jeon ask

I nod then I tell to them why gguk is working and why gguk is acting like he's not listening to his parents.

She smiled and nod.

"Aww my son is so sweet, thank you tae for telling us this" - she smiled at me

"It's nothing Mrs.Jeon, oh! I-I should be going now, it's already late. My mom's gonna kill me" - I laugh

"Oh it's late taehyung, why you just stayover tonight?" - Mr.Jeon ask

"A-ah no Mr.Jeon, thank you but I need to go home" - I smiled at them

"Okay tae.. Take care. Just say hi me to your mom" - Mrs.Jeon smiled at me

"Yes Mrs.Jeon, thank you for the food" - I smiled at them


"Oh son! I'm waiting for you! It's already late! I'm worried. What happen?"

"Sorry mom, I'm just stay at gguk's house. And Mrs.Jeon say hi to you. I'm sorry for worrying you mom" - I hug her

"Oh son, you should message me next time okay?"

I smiled and nod.

"Where's Jin hyung?"

"He's sleeping now" - I just nod

"How's gguk?"

"He's still sick mom, and I think he will feel better soon"

"Ofcourse sweetheart. You're his power you know"

I blushed and pout.


Mom just chuckled.

"Mom when is dad is coming home? I miss dad"

"Oh dear, dad miss us too and I think next month or next next month?" - mom said and she chuckled

I smiled and nod at her.

"Okay dear let's sleep, okay?"

I smiled sweetly at her and nod and we walked upstairs.

I'm here at my room, I can't sleep because I asleep at gguk's room right.

I spend my hours just staring at the wall while thinking bout gguk.

I sigh.

"Hope he feel better tomorrow"

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