《Pokémon Elemental High》Forest Conflict 4 and a Slow Burning Recovery!!


It's been a minute but I'm back from my overseas trip to Kyoto, Japan. I actually arrived back on February 2nd so anything after is just my own fault for not uploading so I am sorry. I have been playing Legends Arceus in my free time instead of writing, but I am back, and again, sorry. Also, for anyone wanting to learn Japanese, I will tell you this now, Kanji is fucking hell.

Barry: Who's Manaphy is that!? Is it wild!?

Kate: Worry about that later ok? Call your staraptor out

Barry: Jeez!! Ok!! Go staraptor!!

Kate: Risa hop on it!!

Risa: -climbs on onto staraptor holding Solana- What are you 2 going to do?

Kate: Don't you worry about that just hurry on out of here

Risa: Right!!

Barry: Ok staraptor take them to the nearest pokemon cent-, wait, where is the nearest pokemon?

Risa: I'll check real quick -pulls out her phone- Oh no it's broken!! It's must have been destroyed during the battle

Kate: My phone is dead so I guess just go back to the academy asap!!

-Staraptor lifts off with Manaphy following along in a bubble-

Barry: Now what?

Kate: -sharp pain starts coming from her leg- Ahh!!

Barry: You leg is bleeding, did Palmer do this!?

Kate: It just a scrape, I'll be fine -gasp-

Barry: That looks pretty deep, lay down and rest -grabs 2 pokeball from his bag and throws both out- Go Heracross and Roserade!!

Kate: You have a heracross too? Why didn't you say anything

Barry: I thought you meant flying type pokemon

Kate: -facepalms- Huh, nevermind!

Barry: Jeez relax, my Heracross can only carry 1 person anyway, here op on it

Kate: -jumps on Heracross's back- What are you going to do?

Barry: I'll wait for an hour so my Empoleon can regain some strength then leave

Kate: Fine by me

Barry: Ok Heracross!! Listen to Kate while I'm still stuck here

-They take off-

(A voice in the distance): That went smoothly

Barry: -turns around angrily- What the hell is wrong with you Palmer, this was not what Jack wanted!!


Palmer: I was simply training them up as ask

Barry: Jack did not ask for you, I didn't for you, you found out and suddenly showed up saying you would help me train them. -points to himself aggressively- He asked me personally not you, what's so hard for you to understand? We don't want you near us, we don't acknowledge you as our father. I saw the wounds that your Rhyperior inflicted on them, that girl Solana could die!

Palmer: It seems you're too young to understand, training them rough now is the best and only way. The end times are soon approaching

Barry: There you go again with your bullshit, and how the hell did you lose after all that

Palmer: You really think that my Rhyperior would be beaten by them, I let them win, I inflicted damage on their bodies to remind them of what it's like in war

Barry: You sick rotten old man!

Palmer: Hmhp, say what you want, you are still and will always be my son, you and Jack both. Second, I have the experience to know what happens to people like Solana, that's why I commanded rhyperior to injure her heavily.

-A Dragonite appears from Palmer's pokeball-

Palmer: Peace -hops on Dragonite and flies off-

Barry: I'm going to beat you one day, for me, Jack, and Mother, you hear me you bastard!!!?

-With Risa and Solana-

Risa: I have to keep applying pressure!! -preshes on her wound-

Risa: Come on Solana don't die, we only just ment. I want to get to know you more, experience things with you, you're my new teammate!

-Flashback to Ash battling sceptile-

Ash: At least we got riolu countering the attacks so we can think for a moment -throws a pokeball- Charmeleon don't hurt Sceptile too much but just hold him off

Sceptile: -screeches in agony-

Ash: Ok Charmeleon us- -falls on the ground holding his chest-

Risa: Ash you're heavily injured, don't move too much

Ash: I have to do this!!

-Sceptile plunges it's two fist into the ground sending shock waves towards the group which summons big roots to sprout out of the ground-


Risa: That's Frenzy Plant!! We gotta run!!

-Ash and Risa desperately try to evade all the plants around them-

Ash: Charmeleon Flamethrower!!

-The flames burns most of the plants but it keeps growing at a rapid paste, too fast for Charmeleon to keep up-

Ash: Riolu help out Charmeleon with Vacuum wave!

Risa: -Throws a pokeball- We'll help out too. Eevee use copycat and help them burn all the plants

-From a combined effort of the 3 pokemon including even Pikachu all the plants have been destroyed-

Ash: Sceptile, we just want to help!!

PIkachu: Pika Pika!! Pika bb!

Sceptile: Scep...

-It runs away sprinting into the forest-

-Riolu and Pikachu immediately chase after it-

Ash: Let's go after them -stumbles to the ground-

Risa: Ok just stop, you're hurt, if you keep running around you're going to fatally injured yourself more

Ash: Risa sometimes it's a feeling of wanting to help that desires emotion

Risa: What does that have to do with anything, and what does that even mean!?

Ash: It means that I have to help Sceptile, even if I know nothing about it, I will risk my life to help it

Risa: Won't that kind of logic backfire on you Ash?

Ash: Maybe so, but I still want to help it. You want to be a pokemon ranger right, so I will say this right now. Would you stand by when another is in need?

-Risa stood silent for a second then sighed-

Risa: You're right...you're right

Risa: Just please...

-Flashback ends-

Risa: Please, don't die...

-After a while they arrive with Jack waiting in front of them-

Risa: -hops off Staraptor- Instructor Jack!! Solan-

Jack: I already know, I just had a chat with my father over the phone... -looks at Solana- That monster!! How dare he do this to my students, I'm sorry, we have barely been together and I already failed you all as an instructor.

Risa: Don't beat yourself up, it's Palmer's fault!!

Jack: I'm still indirectly the cause since you are my students. We'll talk about this later -holds Solana and rushes inside the Academy building-

-Solana and Risa are rushed to the ER and tended to their injuries-

-An hour later-

Kate: -rushes through the door- I'm here!! -huff-

Kate: -see's Solana and Risa awake on hospital beds-

Jack: You made it Kate!! Wassup

Solana: Yeah, only took you a month to get here

Kate: Really? That's the first thing you say to me after all of what just happened -sigh- nevermind. How are you, Risa?

Risa: They said I should be fine and make a full recovery but with Solana it might possibly take several weeks for that torso wound to fully heal

Solana: Haa. For me this should heal in 2 days flat

Risa: Those painkillers must have caused further damage to your brain

Solana: At Least I got one, all your brain cells went straight to your chest

Risa: Oh grow up, I'm the reason you're alive!!

Solana: Protecting the team leader is the bare minimum, so get off that imaginary pedestal you put yourself on

Risa: Ain't know way you're accusing me of putting myself on a pedestal... -grabs a handful of sleeping pills beside the bed and tries to shove all pills down her mouth- Open wide!!

Solana: What are you doing!! You've gone crazy!!

Risa: You're clearly dreaming and need to be brought back to reality

Solana: How the hell does that even make sense you milk gallon

Risa: You're obsessed with my chest cause your as flat as a cardboard

Solana: Oh please!!! Yo-

Kate: Can you both shut the hell up!!!! For Arceus sake you're all headaches!!

Jack: Hahahaha!!! I can tell you guys are going to become very close, I'm glad at got paired with you all

Kate: -gets up and is about to walk out of the room- I'm going to bed, this was one hell of a day, goodnight

Jack: I guess I should make my way on too, goodnight!!

Risa: (It really was one hell of a day, I should get some sleep too) .....wait, it's the middle of the day!!!!

Solana: Stop yelling!!!

Risa: Ok Ok, jeez

Solana: Hmph... -whispers- Thank you Risa...

Risa: Did you say something?

Solana: No!! Mind your own damn business!!

Risa: Man you're rude, learn some manners!!

Solana: After you learn to shut up

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