《Pokémon Elemental High》Crushing loss


Hell this is Zodiac and I hope everyone had a good Christmas. See you next year in 2022, bye!!!!!

-A Vaporeon, Flygon, and Exeggutor appear-

Solana: Watch and learn as the leader of team Solana beats this crappy old man! Flygon Earthquake!!

Risa: Hey, that's going to hit our pokemon too!!!

Solana: It's all for a good cause

-The grounds shakes around everyone but it suddenly stops-

Solana: What..what happened to my earthquake?

Palmer: If you think that measly foreshock will even reach my Rhyperior then you might as well just play dead

Solana: Why you!! Flygon use-

Kate: -whispers- Wait! Can you think for a moment. We are not beating him in a 1 on 1, and there are 3 of us so let's use that to our advantage

Solana: What makes you think that I can't beat him!?

Kate: -grabs her ear- He was in the Elite Four!! Do I have to spell it out for you. Also no more moves like earthquake, it hits me and Risa's pokemon as well!

Palmer: Since you're all just standing there I take the liberty and attack, Rhyperior rock blast

Solana: I got this, Flygon use dragon pulse!

-The rock blast overwhelmed the dragon pulse and one shots Flygon into the wall-

Solana: Huh? A single attack that wasn't even effective took me out, but...h-

Kate: Do I have to say it again, we are not beating him in a 1 on 1

Solana: Ok Ok -throws out her next pokemon- Metagross lend me a hand!!

Risa: What's the game plan?

Kate: We are obviously not beating this Rhyperior but we don't have to, he said the battle will only end if the trainer is unconscious or dead. This is where my exeggutor and you guys come in. If both of you can get pass this Rhyperior for a couple seconds I can use sleep powder on Palmer

Solana: Basic plain but it will work

Risa: Don't get cocky, we got to get rid of this Rhyperior for a couple seconds, just make sure not to get hit by hit. Ok Vaporeon hydro pump

-It gets a direct hit on Rhyperior but it doesn't even look like it affected hit

Risa: Damn, a quad effective move didn't even faze it

Palmer: -yawns- Rhyperior use rock throw

-The rock pebbles race towards the group faster than anyone could react which makes Metagross, Exeggutor, and Vaporeon all faint. It also cuts Risa's face and arm and cuts Kate's leg and puts a small whole in Solana torso-


Solana: What happened? -the pain starts to sink in and she realizes she's injured- Ahhhh!!!!

Kate: Solana!! -tries to help her but falls face first on the ground- Ahh, my leg!!

Risa: So fast, ahhh, I couldn't even react!!

Solana: -tightly holds her wound while screaming in pain-

Risa: He's really trying to kill us!!

Kate: Solana let me see the wound

Solana: It hurts, dammit, it hurts!!!

Kate: Risa this is bad, she lost a lot of blood!!

Risa: -takes off her shirt and wraps it around Solana's wound-

Palmer: Of course, my Rhyperior's rocks are harder than any metal and mineral, plus it threw it at speeds faster than a bullet

Kate: This isn't funny!!!! She needs to go to a hospital fast!!

Palmer: That's just the danger of battle

Barry: Palmer please stop!!

Palmer: Silence!!!

-Rhyperior traps Barry in a rock dome-

Solana: -attempts to get up-

Kate: Don't move Solana!!

Solana: I have to get up and fight, I refuse to be a sitting duck, not ever again!!

Risa: What do you mean by never again?

Solana: That's not important now, we have to get out of this or we all die!!

Kate: Well said -throws a pokeball out-

Kate: Beartic use ice beam to create a walking stick and also use ice beam on all of our wounds

-Beartic uses ice beams on all the wounds temporarily closing it-

Kate: There, that should help a bit

Risa: -Help's Solana up- Yeah, now let's hurry up and beat this guy, go Glaceon!!

Solana: Kate, Risa, please listen don't tell anyone that I have this pokemon, it might be our only chance

Risa: Huh? What pokemon are you about to send out

Solana: Just watch -grabs an ultra ball from her pocket and throws it-

-Manaphy pops out-

Palmer: Wow!

Kate: A Manaphy!?

Risa: Where did you get that!!?

Solana: Since the time of my great-grandfather each new pokemon ranger in my family gets a Manaphy egg to raise. This should at least help us a bit

Risa: You couldn't have used this from the start?

Solana: I don't like using Manaphy, it only listens to me on occasion and the fact that's it's a mythical pokemon makes it feels like a cheat to me

Manaphy: -stares at Solana-

Solana: Manaphy I need you to fight that pokemon over there, please


Manaphy: Manaphy!! -cloaks itself in water making itself invisible-

Solana: Come on, not again!! Manaphy I need you!!

Palmer: How disappointing, I wanted to fight the mythical manaphy, but it seems you don't even have it trained

Solana: Shut the hell up old man!! -throws a pokeball- Tyranitar helps us out!

Kate: -throws another pokeball- Forretress please protect us from attacks!

Palmer: You all better get ready cause we are coming at you again!!!! Rhyperior use Rock Wrecker!!

Kate: Forretress use protect!!

-The giant boulder smashes right through protect and hits Forretress head on making it faint-

Kate: return!! You did good -throws out another pokeball-

Risa: Let's attack together!

Solana: I will counter his rocks with mine and also give you both back up

Risa: Kate you're Beartic is big and strong so it will be the main attack while I use my fast and small Glaceon to distract Rhyperior.

Kate: I'm fine with that but I think we should call all of our pokemon out. This is a life or death battle, so we got to go all out. I also have another plan in mind in case all of our pokemon faint

Solana: Good -throws out the rest of her pokeballs, Goodra and Plusle come-

Kate: -does the same and brings out Pachirisu, Chandelure, and Noivern-

Risa: Come out everyone -Eevee, Flareon, Jolteon, Umbreon, Espeon, Leafeon, Sylveon and Pikachu come out-

Palmer: Now this is going to be fun! stone edge Rhyperior!!

Kate: Chandelure shadow ball!

Solana: Goodra hyper beam!!

Risa: Leafeon energy ball and Sylveon moonblast!!

-The group attack barely counters the stone edge-

Kate: Let's go on the offense! Noivern use steel wing, Chandelure shadow ball again and Beatric use ice beam on the arena!!!

-The entire arena becomes a ice field while Noivern charges in for an attack while being backed up by a shadow ball-

Palmer: Rhyperior hammer arm

Risa: No you don't!! Leafeon razor leaf and Slyveon disarming voice

Solana: Goodra go for a power whip

-With attacks from all around Rhyperior is being pushed back-

Kate: Keep up the pressure, we have numbers!

Palmer: I think it's about time to take it up a notch, Rhyperior use rock blast!!

-Rhyperior uses a faster and stronger rock blast which makes every single pokemon on the field faint-

Risa: How-w are we supposed to win!!

Solana: Damn, I have never been defeated this badly!!

Kate: At least we didn't get hit this time!!

Palmer: Well girls, is that it, disappointing. Rhyperior finished them with Rock Wrecker!!

-All three of the smile and shout-

Risa, Kate, and Solana: Now use thunderbolt!!

-Plustle, Pachirisu, Eevee, and Pikachu come out from the ground underneath Palmer. The three electric types prepare a thunderbolt and Eevee uses copycat-

Palmer: What the!!

-They electrocute Palmer making him fall over and faint-

-Rhyperior immediately stops attacking and rushes to Palmer-

Risa: Did we just win?

Solana: Hell yeah we just won!! The dig strategy worked, nice one Kate!! That's what you get you old bastard!!! -hugs Risa aggressively-

Solana: -quickly gets off her and blushes- Shut up...

Risa: I didn't even say anything!!

Solana: -looks away in embarrassment- Just shut up!! -suddenly faints-

Risa: -catches her- Solana!!!

Kate: She still needs immediate medical attention!! We gotta get out of here!!

Risa: But the entrance was blocked and even if we got out we got no pokemon left that can fly

Kate: Damn -remembers Barry was trap in the rock dome- Let's go help Barry, he may have some flying pokemon

Risa: How do you suppose we break through the rock

Kate: -Trying to think- I got it, we don't have to break it. Pachirisu use dig-

-It creates a tunnel allowing Barry to slide in and come out-

Barry: So you finally let me out Palmer -looks around and sees Palmer on the ground-

Barry: Wait, you guys didn't actually beat my father did you?

Kate: Yes but not in the traditional way, anyway that isn't important right now, do you have any flying pokemon, our friend Solana is badly hurt and we need to take her to the hospital immediately

Barry: I have a staraptor but it can only carry 2 pokemon

Risa: That's fine, let's hurry

Kate: But how do we get through that hard rock wall blocking the entrance? Barry can you doing something?

Barry: I can't. For years I have tried to break Rhyperior rock but it's just too sturdy.

Risa: (Damn, now what!!)

-Suddenly the wall is completely destroyed and a pokemon appears-

Manaphy: Manaaa!!

Barry: No way is that a Manaphy!!

Kate: Be in shock later let's get out of here!!

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