《Pokémon Elemental High》Former Elite Four Palmer


-Inside a cave in the mountains

Palmer: Barry get ready, our visitors will be arriving soon

Barry: Why do we have to handle Jack's mess

Palmer: Your brother asked for help, it's our job as family to help him

Barry: Since when did you care about family

Palmer: That's not the issue here!!

-Both Palmer and Barry turn their heads instantly-

Palmer: Looks like our visitors are here, Barry go along

Barry: HAHAHAH You won't be fighting today cause I'm going to beat Jack's students and send them packing home!!! -heads to the entrance-

Risa: -leaps off Noivern- We're finally here

Solana: That actually didn't take as long as I thought it would. That was probably about 45 minutes. -returns flygon-

Kate: -returns Noivern- Let's g-

-Barry crashes into Kate-

Kate: Ow!! -rubs her head-

Barry: Oopsee!!! My bad -stands up and stares at Risa-

-After a moment of silence

Risa: Um...hi?

Barry: -rushes towards Risa and goes on one knee- Marry me!!

Risa: Wha-at?

Barry: -takes her hand- Your beautify, is unrivaled, please be my wife!!

Solana: -pushes Barry away- Get off you sicko, "Your beautify is unrivaled," hmph. How could you say that to her when I'm right here

Barry: -looks at Solana and then looks away in disgust- Hell no

Solana: WHAT!?!?! Are you blind!!??!

Kate: Solana, stop, we not here to prove anything, we want that key, Barry

Barry: You know my name? Oh yeah that's right!! You 3 must be Jack's students, that lucky bastard teaching this divine beauty and this cute little adorable girl. -staring at Kate and Risa-

Solana: -pops her head in front of Barry- And me right!?!

Barry: -pushes her head away- Move!! -holds Kate and Risa hand- Follow me

-They walk until they reach an arena-

Barry: -speeds to one side of the arena- You 3 are here to get the key for those chains. To do that you''ll have to beat me!!

Solana: I thought we were suppose to get the key from Former Elite Four Palmer

Barry: I'm sorry to say it, but you won't be reaching my father if you can't go through me

Solana: Father!? Why are 2 idiots related to a Former Elite Four General.

Barry: You sure do talk a lot, how about you battle me first

Solana: Gladly!! -pulls Risa with her and heads towards the other side of the arena-

Barry: You know the pokemon trainer rule right? "When the eyes of tw-

Solana: "Two trainers meet, they must battle." So come on!! -pulls a pokeball out of her pocket-

Barry: -does the same-

Kate: -goes to the middle of the arena- I'll be the ref

Barry: Fine by me, to keep it short this is going to be a 1 on 1 battle, you sure you can handle it

Solana: Don't underestimate me, I will win


-Both of them tighten their grips and launch their pokeball-

Solana: -hits Risa in the face-

Risa: -holds her nose- Watch where your hand is going!!!

Solana: Not my fault. You're the idiot who's right behind my hand

Risa: We have chains on our wrist!! How am I suppose-

Solana: Blah Blah can't hear you. Just stay out of my way!!

-Flygon and Empoleon appear-

Solana: An Empoleon huh? Let's see what the son of a Former Elite Four General can do!!!

Solana: Flygon flamethrower!!!

-While bright red flames thrust toward it, Empoleon crosses it's arm and take the flamethrower head on-

Empoleon: Em!! Poleon!!!! -swings it arms out creating a strong gust of wind-

Solana: -loses balance-

Risa: -catches Solana-

Solana: -quickly stands up- Get off me

Risa: Wow, no thank you?

Solana: Stay quiet

Risa: All I'm saying is just be careful, with just a swing of it's arm it created a wind that wild is incredible, don't underestimate him

Solana: (I know that, but damn. She's right, I did underestimate him)

Solana: Let's up our game Flygon!! Flygon use Stone Edge!!

-Flygon slams it's fist into the ground creating large pillars heading towards Empoleon-

Barry: Metal Claw

-Empoleon raises it's arm and stop the Stone Edge dead in its tracks with Metal Claw-

Solana: The hell!!

Kate: (What amazing raw power)

Barry: Are you done? -smirks-

Solana: Don't get cocky, Flygon superpower!!

Barry: Waterfall!!

-As Flygon charges in a wall of water sprouts in front of Empoleon-

Solana: Flygon stop and use Flamethrower

-Flygon stops in its tracks and uses flamethrower on the waterfall creating heavy white steam-

Barry: -looks intensely- (Where is it!) No matter, we'll just do this!! Use Whirlpool!!

-It gets rid of all the smoke just for Flygon to appear right in front of it-

Solana: Twister!! -It sent Empoleon flying upward- Now combo with dragon tail and fire blast!!

Barry: Empoleon get out of the way!!

Solana: You can't do nothing in mid air!! See ya!!

-Flygon speeds up to Empoleon while using dragon tail to slam it to the arena floor and the releases a strong fire blast-

Solana: Gotcha!! What now, Barry? -smirks-

Barry: I'll admit, you are strong, but me and Empoleon aren't done yet, ain't that right?

Empoleon: -stand up straight- Empo!!

Solana: You sure do have a tough pokemon, I'll just have to use more of my tricks

Barry: Let's see them!! Empoleon use hail and then Blizzard

-The entire Area is clouding in icy mist-

Solana: Flygon use rock tomb and create a wall

Solana: (Ok now think Solana, think. Yes, I know just what to do)

Solana: Flygon use consecutive stone edges!!

Barry: You're getting a little desperate aren't you!! Empoleon liquidation!!

-Charges at Flygon behind the rock tomb-

Solana: Wait...

Barry: Now Empoleon!!

Solana: Go for it flygon, use boomburst!!

-Flygon jumps from the rock tomb and uses boomburst which goes right through Empoleon water and directly hits it, blowing it away. The sound vibrations continue to bounce off each and every stone edge repeatedly hitting Empoleon-


Solana: Now use earthquake!!

-With no way to defend itself, Empoleon takes the Earthquake head on-

Barry: Empoleon!! -rushed to it, to see it fainted- Return...

Kate: Empoleon has fainted meaning Solana and Flygon win

Solana: Good stuff Flygon!! -hugs it- Return

Solana: Hmph, that was all you got huh? Pretty sad for the son of such a power man

Barry: -goes directly in Solana- Shut up!! I was play and barely got to show any of me and Empoleon's true power, and we weren't using our full strength that's all!!

Solana: Sounds like excuses to me -laughs-

Barry: Why you!!!

Palmer: Barry enough. Like I said countless times, your arrogance and ignorance leads to your downfall -comes out from the shadows-

Barry: I will not back down Palmer I ne-

Palmer: -knocks his head- I told you a million times to call me father

Kate: So you're Palmer

Solana: -inspects Palmer- I thought a Former Elite Four General would look...um, not like a homeless old man

Palmer: You rude little girl, hasn't anyone told you to respect your elders!!!

Solana: -sighs- I'm officially disappointed. The entire family is full of idiots!!

-Kate and Risa cover Solana mouth-

Kate: -whispers- You should really watch what you say. He was a Elite Four General, the second most powerful position beside the king, he deserves respect

Risa: -whispers- I agree with Kate. We are standing in front of one of the most powerful people in the entire world. With his amount of connections I bet he could easily have us killed. So quiet down!!

Solana: -pushes both their hands off- Ok Ok!!

Palmer: Now that you beat Barry, you'll have to fight me together if you want the key to those chains

Kate, Risa, Solana: WHAT!!?!

Risa: You're not serious are you!?! You'll completely destroy us!!

Kate: Yeah that doesn't sound fair at all!

Palmer: Oh well, I guess all your hopes and dreams of becoming a ranger will crumble then

Solana: Come on team Solana!! We are not losing to some elderly looking homeless man

Kate: Team Solana?

Solana: Yeah, when we beat this freak show our new team name shall officially be "Team Solana."

Risa: You really do only think only about yourself

Solana: It's human nature, get over it!! Now if you would excuse me I need to beat this guy

Palmer: You surely don't really think you can beat me kid?

Solana: I do and watch me. After all, you're only a "Former Elite Four General," that was years ago, now you're all washed up!!

Palmer: (This kid surely does know how to piss me off) -grabs a pokeball from his pocket and throws it-

-A Rhyperior appears

Barry: -Instantly becomes worried- Wait father you can't do that!! Using your ace against them is just plain over!!!

Palmer: Silence!! I don't want to hear nothing from a failure!!

Palmer: Now I play with very strange rules. First off this will be my only pokemon, any of you use as many pokemon as you see fit. Second, we'll be playing like a pokken tournament style game

Barry: No father!! -tightly grabs his shirt- You can't!! Not that!

Palmer: -pushes Barry- Get off me!! The new generation will be weak if they are treated like children!!

Risa: Pokken tournament style?

Solana: Yeah what is that?

Kate: -think in her head- Wait, if that's what I'm thinking, then that should be illegal

Risa: Huh why!?

Barry: Pokken tournament style is a form of pokemon battle where the trainer is also in the battle

Solana: Wait, you don't mean!?

Palmer: Yes I do mean. Attacks from pokemon can be directed at trainers. The battle will ONLY if the trainer is unconscious, and in a lot of cases, dead. Back when I was an Elite Four General this was a form of battle we put war criminals in.

Kate: Why!? You can't do that

Solana: Yeah, you're going to kill us, I'm out -about to leave-

Rhyperior stomps on the ground creating a wall that's blocks any entrances or exit

Palmer: I'm afraid no one is leaving until this battle is over

Solana: What the fuck!!?! Are you insane!?! You won't get away with this, I'll-

Palmer: You'll what exactly? I know who you are, Solana Ranger, your family was the one who started the Pokemon Ranger Organization. That being said it doesn' me much to me

Kate: He's right, it's just as Risa said, he likely has big connections and could easily cover all this up

Risa: This is totally insane!!

Barry: Father I beg of you, you're going too far!!

Palmer: I am just teaching these children what the real world is like!!! As a ranger you'll be in the wild, seeing people and pokemon die, seeing the worst parts of everything. I have killed and cried for many people. I have been in many wars, seen many fall, and it was all because I was weak. If you all succeed here you will surely thrive in the future!! Now will you continue to let fear hold you back and die effortlessly, or will you die trying your absolute best!!!

Risa: (I guess I shouldn't be surprised someone who was in the Elite Four is acting like this after what the Black Ops did to their home) -breaths in and gets ready for battle- I have friends who have been through worse than this so I can not run away, but I also have hopes and dreams of my own, which is exactly why I do not intend to die here today!!! -grabs a pokeball from her pocket-

Solana: Same with me, I hold my family's pride towards the future, that's reason enough for me to not lose here in some dark smelly mountain cave!! -grabs a pokeball from her pocket- Hurry up Kate!!

Kate: Already on it -grabs a pokeball from her belt-

-All three of them throw their pokeballs at the same time-

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