《Pokémon Elemental High》A Compelling Trio


Risa: -get's up an swipes the dusk of her clothes-

Risa: -she looks up and see's an enormous building- This is the academy!? It's gigantic!!

-2 girls are walking toward Risa-

???: This is our new teammate, we're not going to make it!! -facepalms-

???: Solana relax

Solana: How can I relax Kate, she just fell down the stairs, that's already a bad sign

Kate: -sighs and walks up to Risa- You're Risa Omoshiroi right? -reaches her hand out- Hi I'm Kate Butai and the tomboy over there is Solana Ranger

Solana: For the last time, I am not a tomboy!!!

Kate: She's really loud ain't she hahaha!

Risa: You're Kate Butai!? -shake her hand up and down with sparkles in her eyes- It's a pleasure to meet you Butai!!

Kate: Pleasure is all mine!!

???: I see you two already met your new teammate

Solana: Yes, and from what I can tell we're doomed -stares intensely at Risa- You should have gone on the root your parents took and be a bookworm, Omoshiroi -slowly walks away-

Kate: Solana get back here, don't be like that!

???: Solana, get over here now!

Solana: Instructor Walker, no offense but I am here to be a ranger as great as my great grandfather. As you know he was the one who founded the Pokemon ranger organization 120+ years ago.

Jack and Kate: Yes, we know already for the 5th time... -sighs-

Solana: -blushes- Don't sigh you, imbeciles!!

Risa: -laughs- Hahahaha

Solana: What are you laughing at!!

Risa: I'm sorry, I just didn't think that the greatest ranger and the founder of this occupation's great-granddaughter would be this...how do I put it, unique. HaHaHa

Solana: Is that an insult!?

Risa: Take it however you'd like, what I do know is that you're a rude person, not even a minute and you already hate me? For what exactly? Another thing -get's in Solana's face- Don't ever mention my parents in a sentence again or else

Solana: Or else what child!?! Do you know who I am, I am the great-granddaughter of the founder of the rangers? I will get you arrested!! -grabs Risa shirt-

Risa: Do you know who I am!? I am the daughter Burnet Omoshiroi, and my mother is one of the higher-ups and knows Lor Lusamine, and last time I checked no one in the ranger organization has more power or authority than a Lord so you're the one who will be arrested

Solana: Why you!!

Jack: Hey hey girls, settle down, we're all on the same team here

Risa: Same team? Wait, she did mention teammate -falls on the ground- That means for the next 6 years this tomboy and I are going to be teammates, dear god no!!!

Solana: Hey!!

Jack: Ok stop!!

Kate: This is going to be a problem

Jack: You got that right. Well let's go already, we have enough eyes on us currently

-All 4 of them look around to see people staring at them-

Jack: Follow me -they go into the building-

Jack: Ok Risa, I forgot to introduce myself. -poses in a hero stance- I am Jack Walker, Professional Pokemon Ranger, and your teacher for the next 6 years, call me, Master Jack


Risa: (Charming, but where have I heard that name before?)

Jack: No need to be in shock yet -pulls a picture out of his pocket and shoves it in Risa's face-

Kate: -rolls her eyes- Not this again...

Solana: -facepalms-

Risa: Who are they?

Jack: This is my beautiful wife Avery, who I was betrothed and married 4 years ago and this is my angelic 3-year-old daughter Justice, they're beautiful aren't they!!

Risa: I guess?

Jack: They're goddesses who should be worshiped, I swear I shall give them the world! Anyway, now that you're all here I will show you where we will all be living

Risa, Kate, Solana: We?

Jack: Why are y'all looking at me like that?

Risa: Does that include you?

Jack: Yeah, of course, it has always been this way

-all 3 of the girls stare intensely at Jack-

Jack: Oh come on, why would I do anything to you 3, I am eternally loyal to my beloved Avery!!

Solana: Don't care, you can go sleep on the floor

Kate: Hahah, that's too generous, if we have a living room couch then he can sleep there

Risa: How about he doesn't sleep in our house at all

Jack: You heartless children, where's my respect, I'm supposed to be your supervisor!! (Damn, I can already tell these 3 are going to be a pain in the ass, hopeful the thought of my amazing family can keep me going, oh how I missed you 2) Let's get to real business though, in 2 days you will be starting at this academy

Risa: Wait 2 days? Don't we start on January 4 though? That's tomorrow then

Jack: Today is January 2, I had a private plane come pick you up so you can arrive early

Jack: I want us to get to know each other better, our room is on the 3 floor and is room 1-B.

Solana: I already know enough -points at Jack- You're a shabby sad excuse for an Instructor -points to Risa- And you're just some random book worm's child who thinks she can become a ranger. I'm going to go train so that we even have some semblance of surviving. -grabs Kate's wrist- Let's go, Kate, you're the only one here that has talent besides me

Risa: -grabs Kate's other wrist- She's not going with some rude little girl like you!!

Solana: What was that you stupid miltank

Risa: So I'm a miltank now, you good for nothing mudbray

Jack: -facepalms- (Why am I stuck with these 2!? I need to think of something) -walks away from the scene-

Kate: No, don't leave me!!

Jack: Just give me a couple of minutes Kate, I need to talk to someone!

Solana: Who even let you into this school, you talentless pop star!!

Risa: I'd rather be talentless than to have that awful hairstyle of yours!!

Solana: What!? I looked fine and way cuter than you

Risa: All I hear you rambling, you're jealous, calling me a miltank because you're flat as a cardboard box

Solana: You did not just go there!!

Risa: You did it first idiot!!

Kate: -drowsy from all the back and forth- Please leave me out of this !!


-After 5 minutes of bickering from Risa and Solana Jack comes back-

-He grabs Risa's right arm and Solana and puts something on them-

Risa: What the!?

Solana: Huh!?

Jack: When me and my brother would argue my dad would put this on us, he would call it, "Bonding time." Now you have today and tomorrow to get along and find the key to unlock it or I will personally have you both expelled from this academy.

Risa and Solana: What!!!???

Risa: This is basically a handcuff!! What if we need to go to the bathroom, or when we need to sleep!?

Jack: As my father would say, "Figure it out yourselves brats."

Solana: You can't expel me!! I cal-

Jack: Call who exactly? I already notified your parents and they gave me full permission to do as I see fit. Now any more questions

-Everyone calms down in silent rage-

Jack: Good, now shu

Kate: This is your plan?

Jack: -shakes Kate's hand- Yes, I'm a genius am I, Hahaha -laughs-

Kate: -sighs- (These people are giving me a headache)

Risa: Where is this key? Give some hints at least

Jack: If you truly want to become a ranger, you'll find it next to your nearest stranger

Solana: Ok, what does that even mean?

-Jack's phone rings-

Jack: Avery is calling!! -rushes out the door-

???: You 3 aren't going to make it pass day one -laughs-

???: Summer don't be rood

Summer: I'm just telling the truth -shrugs-

???: Sorry about her, long time no see, Kate

Kate: Long time no see, Kellyn

-They hug-

Kellyn: That's an interesting team you have there

Kate: -awkwardly laughs- Yeah, interesting

Risa: I don't have time for this -grabs her phone out of her pocket and calls her Burnet and slowly walks out of the building-

Solana: Wait, I'm not leaving!!

Risa: Dear God can you please shut up, please at least give me a minute of silence

Risa: Hello Mom

Burnet: Hey Risa, aren't you supposed to be on the plane still?

Risa: I got here early, just a few minutes ago actually

Burnet: Oh well that's good, so how is it so far

Risa: Well I already met my instructor, his name is Jack Walker, he is pretty goofy, funny, and ok so far

Burnet: Wait did you say Jack Walker? That's the son of Palmer

Solana: WHAT!?!?! -screams in Risa's ears- You're saying that sad excuse of an instructor is the son of a former Elite Four General!?!?

Burnet: Who is this?

Risa: -Pushes Solana off of her- Move!! It's no one

Solana: No one!?! I am Solana Ranger and I will be the greatest Pokémon Ranger just like my great grandfather!!!

Risa: Stop yelling, I'm right here!!!

Solana: I'm just making sure you get my point!!

Risa: That you're annoying!!?

Solana: No. That I'm awesome and should be praised -smirks-

Risa: Yeah, keep telling yourself that

Solana: Man you're rude, I can't believe I have to be stuck with you until tomorrow

Risa: I should be the one that's complaining, you're impossible!!

Solana: Me impossible!?! Please explain how

Kate: -watching from a distance- We're doomed, they are never going to get along

Summer: Yeah it will take a miracle

-After about a minute of more arguing from Risa and Solana, Burnet starts laughing-

Risa: Oh Mom!! I forgot you were on the line

Burnet: No No carry on, it's fun to hear that you already made a new friend

Risa and Solana: She is not my friend!!

Burnet: Hahahaha!! Well I won't take anymore of your time Risa, stay safe, you too Solana!! -hangs up-

Risa: Mom!! -angrily turns to Solana-

Solana: Don't look at me

Risa: -sighs- Let's just go find that key

Solana: Way ahead of you

-They both start walk in opposite directions until they crash to the ground-

Solana: And where do you think you're going

Risa: Outside because that is where the key is

Solana: Are you stupid, it's definitely inside this building

Risa: Why would it be inside the building when Instructor Jack literally went outside and brought these handcuffs in

Solana: Fine, since you're smart where do you intend we find the keys

Risa: ...

Solana: That's what I thought

Risa: Ok shut up, I have a better idea -takes 2 pokeballs from her backpack- Go Glaceon and Flareon!!

Solana: A Glaceon and Flareon? Wait... are you

Risa: Yes I am!! Glaceon use ice beam on these chains then use flamethrower Flareon

-Risa's Glaceon and Flareon use consecutive Flamethrowers and Ice beams-

Risa: -takes another pokeball from her bag- Go Leafeon!!

Risa: Use leaf blade to break these chains

Leafeon: On!! Leafeon!! -Leafeon uses leaf brain on the chain but it doesn't break, there's not even a scratch-

Risa: What the!!?? There's not even a scratch!!?!

Solana: Let me try -grabs a pokeball from her pocket- Go Flygon!!

Solana: Use flamethrower and then dragon claw on these chains

Flygon: Fly!! Gon!! -does the command but doesn't even scratch the chains-

Solana: What is this thing made of!?

Kate: -walks up to them- No matter how little you think of Instructor Jack, he is still a professional ranger, and he is not stupid. If he says the only way to open those chains is to find a key then we got to find a key. Why you two we talking on the phone and bickering I found out we Instructor Jack's father lives, former member of the Elite Four, Palmer

Risa: Wait how did you found out where he lives

Kate: That's not important, we got to more

Solana: Why would it be with Former Elite Four Palmer

Kate: Were you not listening to Instructor Jack. He mentioned how his dad would use this on him and his little brother, it would make sense that the key would be there.

Kate: Now if you two would stop being at each other's throats, let's move on, if you two get expelled I'll have to leave too. I'm sorry if what I'm about to say is rude but, I want to become a pokemon ranger, and I will not let you 2 take my dream that I have been pressuring since I was a child crumble before it even started.

Kate: -grabs a pokeball from her belt- Go Noivern!! -jumps on it- Follow me

Solana: Flygon let's go -jump on it-

Risa: Let me ride too

Solana: Wait, you don't have a flying pokemon!? Don't tell me you only have eeveelution!?

Risa: -blushes- Just let me on!!

Solana: -smirks- Kneel

Risa: What!?!

Solana: If you want a ride then kneel and apologize for everything you said to me

Kate: -grabs Risa's arm and pulls her up on Noivern- There, problem solved!!

-They all head off

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