《Pokémon Elemental High》Fennel's Origins


Rosaline: Ok, we're here!

Clemont: A barn

Rosaline: Yep, this is my house and those fields are all our property -she's opens the door-

Rosaline's mom: Oh sweetie you're back, and who is this?

Rosaline: This is Clemont, I met him on the way back home, he says he wants to know more about the dream world

Rosaline's mom: Learn more about the dream world you say, you came to the right person then.

Rosaline: Is it ok if he says for dinner!!

Rosaline's mom: No can do honey, his folks are probably going to be worried sick

Clemont: That won't be a problem, I already told them I was not going to be coming home today

Rosaline's mom: -she suspiciously looks at Clemont and then spots the bracelet that Elaine gave him- Ok, well it will take a while, I didn't expect Rosaline to come home so early, so in the meantime make yourself at home

Clemont: Thank you!

Rosaline: -grabs Clemont's hand- Come to my room!

-As Rosaline jumps forward stairs appear under her-

Rosaline: Ok!! Here's my room -jumps on the bed-

Clemont: Now can you please tell me more about parallel universes, different timelines, etc

Rosaline: I don't know much about that, I was just taught about it without any further explanation. Why do you ask about that?

Clemont: Cause it's fascinating to think about, imagine being able to meet yourself from a different reality, and if these 3 realms are truly infinite I want to find their true origin, this place has piqued my interest. But I would like to ask you something really important, does the name Fennel mean anything to you?

-Rosaline face was coated in red in seconds-

Clemont: (So it does huh?)

Rosaline: No-o sorry it doesn't

Clemont: Are you really going to lie when your face is that red. Now I don't know what that name means to the people here but what I do know is that my friend Fennel has been obsessed with the dream world for many years, and what I believe is that she originated from here which explains why she is so set on finding the dream world, and the fact that you're reacting the way you are tells me you know something, so tell me... who is Fennel?


-Rosaline was extremely nervous and couldn't get a word out of her mouth-

Clemont: (I may have poured too much information into her brain too fast)

-The door opens-

Rosaline's mom: So that's why you're here

Rosaline: Mother, why were you listening!?

Rosaline's mom: Of course, you really think I would let some random boy into my house and alone with my daughter in her room, I'm not stupid

Rosaline's mom: Only reason I let you in is because of that bracelet. It definitely screams Elaine. Now, Clemont was your name, right? I can tell that you're from the world of the living from the fact that you know Princess Fennel

Rosaline: -she takes a cigarette out- Call me Nova, now sweetie, tell me why are you in the dream world or there will be problems

Clemont: (She scary, sheesh) I'm here to prove the existence of the dream world

Nova: Huh? I would have thought the world of the living would have known of the dream world, well since the whole thing with Tobias, Darkrai, etc.

Clemont: Well you're wrong about that, most of the world doesn't even believe in it. As a scientist, I should especially know that it's hard to believe in something that has no trace of ever existing

Clemont: What I'm curious about is what you know about Fennel, or "Princess Fennel."

Nova: (Shit I didn't mean to say that, damn. Nothing gets past this kid, I should choose my words more precisely) None of your concern kid

Clemont: Oh is it now? What would you do if I said that Fennel is in the dream world as we speak?

Nova: -getting increasingly aggravated- You're bluffing!

Clemont: Am I now? Then how do you explain the very fact that I'm here, because to what I can info the only person to ever enter the dreamworld other than Sir Aaron was the infamous Tobias and knowing that he captured Darkrai I just know he has some kind of other force helping him. Coming here paid off pretty well, I even get a new theory about everything, what to hear it -smirks-

Nova: (Is he really a kid, his level of intelligence even surpasses mine in my glory days) Go on then...


Clemont: There are 3 realms, Jigoku, Tengoku, and Rengoku. Jigoku means hell, Tengoku means heaven, and Rengoku means Purgatory.

Nova: Yeah so? Everyone knows what those words mean, so what is your point?

Clemont: You'll see when I'm done talking.

Clemont: Darkrai rules Jigoku, and Cresselia rules Tengoku, then what about Rengoku? I was told it was "a neutral realm." Why is it neutral? What makes it neutral? I think it's because it has no current ruler

Nova: -shifted her eyebrows up in shock-

Clemont: Judging from your expression I am right, am I? Leading off from that, the fact that you called Fennel, "Princess Fennel," leads me to think that Fennel's family ruled over Rengoku since its creation. It makes the most sense simply judging from the fact that humans like you are born in the dream work, everything comes from something, that's the law of the universe. The other information needed to solve this was given to me by Elaine. What she exactly told me was, "It's a long story, but I'll summarize, so basically there is a turf war between different sides, I'm on one side and those 3 idiots are on the other side. For about a couple of decades, people from Jigoku have been able to come here since Darkrai isn't in the dream world anymore. They say he went with a man named Tobias, reasons are unknown to me at least." My guess is that this "turf war" is much bigger than Elaine made it out to be. The reason why Fennel was left stranded at a beach at 6 years old with no memory, and even with a Cresselia feather was because her parents made the decision to keep her safe from whatever kind of evil that is in this realm. The name Rengoku aka Purgatory isn't just for names, isn't it? Let's start with the question: what is Purgatory, it means to purify, cleanse. At the same time, it can mean a temporary punishment. A middle ground, a truly befitting name, and meaning. My final guess to wrap it all together is that since Darkrai was captured and taken out of the dream world it left the entire structure of each realm fractured which made it possible for other people to cross from realm to realm. And whoever this opposing force is, wants to get rid of the rulers of Rengoku, and I'm guessing that they manage to succeed but failed to get rid of the bloodline since Fennel was gone. The reason you're shaky about Fennel is not that she is here, it's because she is here way earlier than what was supposed to be. We all know the time in the dream world and time in what you call the world of the living are essentially different but you're smart enough to calculate the difference meaning you know Fennel is currently 13, and you believe she is too young and not ready to fight back against these forces. Now about you, judging from the fact that you know Elaine and seamlessly know all of what I'm saying I'm guessing you fought a battle against these ominous forces. I got the basis of everything but I still need more precise details that I can get from you and these ominous forces. Now, what do you gotta say Nova? I am here to help Fennel and for that to be possible I need the full story, so tell me, please, if not for me, for Fennel

Nova: (What the hell is this kid, there's no way he is human, with just small details he managed to figure out nearly everything. I don't know what to say, but if what he is saying about help is true, then with his help it's possible to regain our home)

-With Risa-

Attendant: Hello Miss Risa you have arrived

Risa: -rushes imminently out the plane door- Finally, Risa is her -falls down the stairs-

Eevee: -rushes to her- Eev evv

Risa: Don't worry Eevee I'm fine, I got excited, it's just a few scratches, now let's start our new adventure!!

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