《Pokémon Elemental High》Sisterly Quarrel


Bea: Back to training, let's fight again Ash

Ash: Ok -reaches for his Pokeball-

Bea: I mean us, no pokemon

Ash: Uhh, my body is still in pain

Bea: If you want to be a strong pokemon trainer then you will have to train yourself as well

Ash: Yeah Yeah I understand, it's certainly not the first time I heard that

Bea: I'm going to train/teach you in didn't styles of martial arts. Some well known obvious styles are Karate, Kung fu, Taekwondo, Muay Thai, Wrestling, etc. For a pokemon like a Lucario I believe Kung fu, Karate, Boxing, Aikido, Jujutsu, maybe eve-

Ash: Wait wait wait wait. Why are you naming different martial arts styles for my future Lucario, are you sure my current Riolu can learn all, and how will this help exactly?

Bea: I'm glad you asked. Let's start with this question, what is a pokemon battle. The simple explanation is a fight between pokemon who are given commands by their trainers, once a pokemon faints the other opponent is the victor but calling pokemon attacks isn't always going to work, you need to use your own pokemon's body

Ash: By body you mean martial arts right?

Bea: Yes. Martial arts is a complete workout. You build stamina, strength, and flexibility. You also develop coordination and balance. You feel better physically as your body becomes stronger and more capable. This opens to more opportunities for attack and defense, for example. -grabs Blazikens pokeball again-

Bea: -grabs a training dummy- Blaziken do a axe kick

Blaziken: Blaze!!! -does an quick axe kick-

Ash: That was fast!!

Bea: Don't get excited yet, -picks the dummy back up-

Bea: Blaziken do variation 2

Blaziken: -nods- BLAZIKEN!!! -Blaziken's foot lits on fire and he strikes the dummy with an even faster and more powerful axe kick that splits the dummy in half-

Ash: Wow!! Was that Blaziken's blaze kick attack!?

Bea: Yes, by incorporating blaze kick with a Taekwondo axe kick the kick is even faster and stronger than before. That is just an extremely small portion of what you can mix, there are so many techniques and moves you can mix into one another, possibilities are endless!

Ash: -smiles-

Bea: What are you smiling for?

Ash: It's just great to see how passionate you are. Enough battle let's both battle again but this time I'll use -throws a pokeball out- Charizard!!!


Bea: You're bringing out your ace huh? I accept you challenge, Blaziken get in position

Bea: before we continue I need to you take off all of your clothes

Ash: Huh? Why!?

Bea: Just do it -goes for her bag again and grabs the same pair of clothes she's wearing- Put this on

Ash: I'm fine in my own clothes

Bea: -glares at Ash-

Ash: Ok ok!! -takes off his jacket first-

Bea: -feels his arm-

Ash: What are you doing?

Bea: You have a good physique. Excellent muscles for your age, impressive

Ash: We'll I do move around a lot

-Someone walks in-

Ash: Oh you're awake

Gloria: You bet. -looks over- Bea!!

Bea: -takes a good look at Gloria- Who are you?

Gloria: Whaa!! Bea don't be like that!!

Bea: I don't recall ever knowing you

Gloria: Your grandmother is friends with my mother Victoria. We met before a couple of times

Bea: Oh you're Gloria, please accept my apology for not recognizing you

Ash: Hey Bea I put the clothes on

Bea: -looks over at Ash- Good

Ash: It's a big tight you know

Bea: Just deal with it

Ash: You're real nice -sighs-

Bea: Ready to finally start

Ash: Yeah Yeah but my Charizard won't lose this time

-They all get interrupted by Korrina coming in the room-

Korrina: So you're all awake, this is great!!

Bea: Good morning Kore

Ash: -he looked back and forth at both of them-

Korrina: What's the matter Ash

Ash: Come here -grabs both Korrina and Bea hands and puts them together side by side-

Ash: How are you guys twins? Gloria come, do you see any similarities

Gloria: Not really, I always wondered that myself. They look nothing alike

Ash: Their hair color, eye color, skin tone, facial features, and bodies are completely different

Gloria: It's remarkable honestly

Korrina: We are biological twins!!! I can even bring out the papers

Bea: No my dear sister, it's understandable why they are questioning it

Korrina: Don't you get sick of the questions tho, hundreds of people have asked

Bea: The fact that you worry about things so trivial when the true is already clear is the exact reason why Grandfather scolds you so much

Korrina: No one asked for you opinion -folds her arms-


Bea: -sighs- Now will you excuse me, I have a battle I need to start. Come on Ash

Ash: One quick question, where is your grandfather Mustard at right now?

Korrina: You don't know?

Gloria: Ash I told you already!

Ash: oh yeah, about uh...summit I think?

Korrina: Yeah, from what I heard, some interesting topics are going to be brought up so he won't be back for 2-3 days.

Gloria: Then that's perfect!! Ash, we can go catch a Dragapult now!

Ash: Hey you're right!! Bea No, we must battle. I need to prepare you both for when my grandfather arrives

Korrina: -puts her hand of her shoulder- Relax, the real training hasn't even started yet

Bea: You see, that attitude is the exact reason why you will never surpassed me Kore

Korrina: There's nothing wrong with slacking off once in a while

Bea: "Once in a while." You slack off everyday and you're even roller skating now. Acting like this and not trying will only prove those stuck up nobles

Korrina: Not trying? -she paused- I have been trying!!! I been trying so hard to keep up with you for all my life, buts its impossible

Bea: Only a quitter would say nonsense like that. I know you Korrina, you have never gone all out in your training, always making excuses while I have to back you up all the damn time!!

Ash: Hey come on, that's a bit to-

Bea: -she turned to Ash and screamed- Quiet!!

Bea: -looked back at Korrina- Do you know how many times I covered up for you? I always make some kind of lie up while you take a scroll through the city!! I always make up a lie about you training when you're out somewhere watching pokemon battles!! I listened to all your worries since we were little, but have you ever once asked about mine? You are the lucky one Korrina, no one expects much from you and instead they focuses on me, always praising me, giving me compliments and presents. Oh please I couldn't care less about them, I do not train for them but for myself. I want to be strong and respected not because of the family I came from but for my own efforts. You have that chance to prove it, and just seeing you not trying your best and letting those bastards put you down just irritates me all the more. You have a better relationship with grandfather and he even trains you more than he does with me. Mother and Father praised me for being the "future of our family." You always complained to me that Mother and Father favored me more, but that just isn't true. They only act that way when there are people around, they can't do many things with me cause I need to live up to the expectations of not only my family but to random good for nothing nobles. Since you're always in my shadow they don't have to worry about what others think so they can do all the fun activities with you, they treat you more like a daughter. You get to do what you want all the time, you even get to go to other regions while I'm forced to stay in region 8. You're jealous of me, well I'm jealous of you and you didn't realize that much... -the expression on her face changed like see suddenly came to a realization- I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said all that. Can you all leave me alone for a while...

-Korrina, Ash, and Gloria walked out the room without saying a word-

-5 minutes have past when Gloria finally spoke up-

Gloria: well, I'm glad I don't have a sibling

Ash: -pitches her cheek- Not the time Gloria

Gloria: Hey Korrina I'm sorry about that, if I haven't mentioned going to catch Dragapult that argument wouldn't have happened

Korrina: No, it was going to happen eventually. My sister is always expression and well mannered, I have never seen her act that way before. It must have been that inner pile of emotion she built up for all these years. I can't blame her, because everything she said was right. I was selfish by always thinking I had it worse when I didn't even consider what Bea is going through. So don't blame yourself for something that inevitably going to happen, you guys can go and catch your Dragapult, I'll just go to my room

*This is the author again, I am still working on the news series , don't expect it to come out soon, maybe a month or 2, or even a few weeks*

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