《Pokémon Elemental High》An Interesting Introduction


(The drive took a few hours and by that time we arrived it was already midnight)

Korrina: Hey Ash, we have arrived!!

Ash: -looked out the window- Wow!!! This place is...no, not even huge can describe this

Korrina: You haven't seen anything yet! It looks better in the daytime. I'm going to lead you to your rooms, get a good night sleep, you'll need it for tomorrow, also make sure to fix yourself up, afterall you are going to meet my grandfather

-Korrina leads them to there rooms-

Korrina: Right in here

Gloria: -sleep walks into the room and onto a bed-

Ash: A pretty big room

Korrina: Of course, you're the first few students my grandfather has had in a while.

Korrina: Since you and Gloria are going to be sharing rooms you better not doing anything to her

Ash: I'm not even 16, I can't do anything sexual or would I ever, don't joke like that

Korrina: I know I know -chuckles- Oyasumi!! -leaves the room-

Ash: -covers a blanket over Gloria- Why is their only one bed -facepalms-

-Ash starts unpacking his suitcase and takes a nice hot bath before going to bed-

Ash: -grabs multiple blankets and places them on the floor to sleep- Goodnight

-In the morning-

Ash: -gets up, yawns, and stretches- She's still sleeping, I better get ready

-Ash brushes his teeth, fix his hair, and puts on his clothes-

Ash: She'll wake up eventually, I'm going to check this place out -leaves the room-

Ash: This hallway is much bigger in the day -Ash takes about 10 minutes walking through the hallway admiring the art work and weapons until he hears something-

Ash: -slides a door open and she's a girl-

The girl: -swing a bo staff- Huuuu Ha!!! Heeee Haaaaa!!

Ash: (That's a bo staff, I never seen one in person, well she's pretty good) -sits down and watches the girl for a few minutes-


Ash: (She hasn't notice me yet, she's really focus) -Ash's phone rings-

The girl: -stops- huh....who are you?

Ash: Sorry for watching you. My name is Ash, I'm a new student for Mustard

The girl: Ash? Ok, why don't you come here and train with me

Ash: Me? I never used a bo staff before

The girl: -she glares at Ash- Don't complain -throws a bo staff at Ash- Take a stance!!

Ash: Wait Wiat give me a mome-

-She attacks-

Ash: -Dodges-

The girl: -goes for an overhead strike-

Ash: -He quickly blocks the strike with the staff holding it with both arm-

The girl: You're open -Does a low sweep tripping Ash backwards while grabbing his and her bo staffs- Got you

Ash: Ow

The girl: -gives Ash a hand helping him up-

The girl: You have quick reflexes Ash

Ash: I guess so, but why you did you randomly at-

The girl: -does a roundhouse kick with her right leg-

Ash: -quickly reacts by grabbing her leg scoping it with his arm-

The girl: -pushes off on her other leg doing another side kick-

Ash: -he catches her another foot-

The girl: -She bends her back putting both her hands on the ground and then pushes her left foot into Ash side and flips Ash over her landing on his back

Ash: Ahh!!! What the heck!!!

The girl: You should have followed up after catching my left leg -grabs a pokeball from a shelf releasing a blaziken- You have a riolu right? Call him out

Ash: -gets up- How did you know that

The girl: Hurry up

Ash: (She's not going to listen to me is she) -throws Riolu's pokeball- let's do this Riolu!!

Riolu: -shouts- Riolu!!

The girl: Blaziken don't go to hard on the Riolu


Blaziken: -nods its head and charges at Riolu-

Ash: Riolu Vacuum wave!!

The girl: Flamethrower

-Blows the vacuum wave away-

Ash: Dodge!!

-Dodges the flamethrower-

-Blaziken is already where Riolu dodges and does an Axe kick sending riolu straight into the mat to the ground-

Ash: Riolu get up quickly!!

Blaziken: -picks Riolu up by his head-

The girl: Crush Claw!!

-Blaziken squeezes Riolu tightening its grip by the second-

Ash: Mega kick

-Blaziken uses its other hand and stops Riolu's mega kick-

The girl: Well it looks like it's over

Ash: Don't count Riolu out just yet!!! Use Vacuum wave in the sky

-He does does and speeds towards the ground-

Ash: Now quick use double force palm

-A second before hitting the floor Riolu uses Force palm with both hands boosting itself upward releasing itself from Blaziken crush claw attack-

The girl: You can't escape Blaziken

-Grabs the back of Riolu's neck in midair while it's upside down-

Ash: We weren't planning to

Riolu: Rio!!! -does an Axe kick clean to Blazikens head once again releasing Riolu from its grip-

The girl: (Interesting, it was like Ash and Riolu communicated without speaking, but the really interesting part is how Riolu performed a clean Axe kick by replicating Blaziken)

Ash: Force palm!!

Blaziken: Blaze!! -Blaziken uses its palm to push Riolu hand downward then does a judo style throw into a joint lock-

Riolu: Ri-io!! -screaming in pain-

Ash: Riolu!! -rushes over to him- Stop!!

The girl: Blaziken tighten your hold

Ash: Make Blaziken stop!!

The girl: Fine, Blaziken release

Blaziken: -release Riolu and walks back over to the girl-

The girl: Thank you, you did good -returns Blaziken-

The girl: Sorry for being rough with both of you, I only wanted to test you both. My name is Bea, as you probably heard from Korrina, I'm her twin sister

Ash: Bea? You're the twin!? Korrina did say you two did look nothing alike but this is just surprising, are you sure you're twins?!

Bea: I assure you we are biological twin sisters

Ash: It's great I met you but what the hell kind of introduction was that!!

Bea: Like I said, I was only testing you and from what I saw from you and Riolu you both have extraordinary potential, even more than me. You were able to catch kicks from me, that's an impressive feat on its own and you also reacted to my surprise attack very quickly. For that Riolu I have to say I'm impressed, just by seeing my Blaziken doing it once it was able to replicate a perfect axe kick which is amazing for a pokemon to do without any prior martial arts training. Then there's also the fact that you and Riolu communicated without speaking which involves lots of trust.

Ash: You're very perfective

Bea: It's a habit of mine -walks back to her bag and grabs a potion, water bottle, and a black box-

Bea: Here heal RIolu with it and you can drink some of my water

Ash: Thank you

-Ash does all this and they both sit down of the floor-

Bea: -She opens the black box which has donuts in them- Want one?

Ash: I'm alright

Bea: Take it

Ash: No really I'm alright

Bea: Just take it!!

Ash: Ok Ok!! -takes a bite- Wh-hat the -quickly finishes the donut- That donut was amazing!!

Bea: Thank you I made it myself

Ash: (She's pretty nice, but is definitely different from Korrina.)

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