《Zodiac Stories》The Zodiacs As Quotes


Aries 'Only know you love her when you let her go'

Taurus 'The heart wants what it wants'

Gemini 'I will never be what you expect, not sorry '

Cancer 'She can fuck you good, but I can fuck you betta'

Sagittarius 'I'm perfectly good at being bad'

Leo 'Say it before it's too late'

Aquarius 'It's hard to forget some who gave you so much to remember'

Pisces 'If happily ever afters did exist, I would still be holding you like this'

Capricorn 'I never drink, but I do lie'

Scorpio 'I'm not worth it, am I'

Libra 'There will always be a person out there who thinks your beautiful'

Virgo 'I'm not mean, just honest'

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