《Smoke (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)》Chapter 39


3rd person POV

(Y/n) and Katsuki spent the rest of the day watching shows and talking about irrelevant and unimportant things.

"You really think Gon is stronger than Killua?" (Y/n) asked, her eyebrows raised as her head rested on Katsuki's chest, his arm wrapped around her waist as they watched Hunter x Hunter, a show (Y/n) had introduced to the blond and since then, they'd watch the show together every time they could.

"Yeah, he definitely is." Katsuki's eyes stayed glued to the screen as they talked but his attention was on her anyway.

"But Killua has more experience, intelligence and debatably power." She explained.

"Well yeah. If they were forced to fight, Killua would probably win but Gon has more will power. He has the resolve." Katsuki said, his head now turned to the (e/c) eyed girl. They made eye contact, their noses almost touching.

"You're so cute." The girl said, kissing his nose sheepishly. Katsuki was taken aback, surprised and flustered at the comment and action.

"Psht, whatever loser." He blushed, flicking her forehead back.

"Owww~" She pouted, rubbing the spot.

"Quiet, I'm trying to listen." He hushed, a small smirk pasted on his face as she pouted at him.

(Y/n) sat there for a moment, staring at the spiky haired blond.

"Hey, Katsuki?" She said with a bit more seriousness.

"Mgh-" He grumbled in response, his red irises flicking to her.

"How come you haven't asked me about anything that's happened."

Katsuki didn't say anything for a few seconds before pausing the show.

"Well I didn't think you really wanted to talk about it." He averted his gaze as he scratched his head.

"I just- I don't know. I think It's only fair." She played with his fingers, cracking a few at which he didn't even flinch.


"Then talk, Smokey." He turned his whole body to face hers.

She remained silent for a moment, occasionally opening her mouth to speak but closing it immediately. Katsuki waited patiently, which was pretty out of character.

"When I was younger, probably 7 or 8 years old, my father-" She paused again.

"Well he disappeared. My mom told me that he used to be really present in my life but I don't remember much of him anymore. We never really found out why he went missing or if he was dead or alive so my family kind of split, fell apart I guess. My brother was really close to him and remembers much more of his time with us than I do. He refused-" The girl thought for a second as she picked at a scab on her hand.

"Refuses-" She corrected.

"-to believe that my father was truly gone and so him and my mother fought a lot. My mother and I kind of came to terms with it, as devastated as she was and as confused as I was. Soon my brother went abroad to America and generally all around the world to travel with some kind of agency and my mom and I stayed in Japan." (Y/n) stared absentmindedly at the TV, looking at the paused screen.

She continued.

"My mother, well, we've never been super close or anything. After my father, she closed herself off and didn't talk often. She never had the best health either. She gets sick really often so we resorted to having her live with my aunt, her sister. I would visit her pretty often until I came to U.A. I still send her texts once in a while and she seemed pretty content and happy for me so I thought she was fine. Guess I was wrong." (Y/n) finished, staring the blond in the eyes.


Katsuki thought for a moment.

So that's why her brother is like that.

"Shit, Smokey. I uh- I don't really know what to say. I guess, thanks for trusting me or confiding in me or whatever." Is all the ash blond said. He wasn't the best at expressing or empathizing with other people but that didn't really bother her at all. The (h/c) haired girl knew that he really did care for her and what she had to say. No one was perfect.

They remained in a long but comfortable silence, (Y/n) intertwining her fingers with Katsuki's.

"I love you." (Y/n) mumbled, a slight smile on her face, her cheeks flushing a light shade of pink she hoped he wouldn't see.

"I love you too, dumbass." He grumbled as he pulled her closer. Her head laid on his chest, her arm over his hard abdomen meanwhile his arm was around her waist protectively, almost as if he expected someone to just bust into the room and take her from him.

Out of nowhere, and to (Y/n)'s pleasant surprise, Katsuki moved the hair off of her face, kissing her forehead gently as he held the strands back.

"You're really fuckin' important to me, y'know that?" He said, his deep voice rough as usual.

She was taken aback by this but soon composed herself.

"Yeah I know. You're very important to me too."

"I know I-" He scoffed at himself for having such a hard time expressing how he really felt about her.

"-I know that I'm not the most affectionate or the best at saying the shit I wanna' say but I'll always support you and have your back no matter what, you got that, Smokey?" He finally let out, his tone the aggressive one he would use for his classmates on a day.

A knot formed in her throat as her eyes burned, tears prickling her eyes.

Why am I about to cry? She thought to herself before shoving her face onto his chest.

"That means so fucking much to me, Katsuki." She sniffled.

"Yeah well it's true." He mumbled, flustered as he played with some of the strands of (h/c) hair on her head.

"Y'better get used to me, Smokey, 'cause I'm not goin' anywhere."






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