《Smoke (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)》Chapter 20


Katsuki's POV

I woke up to the sound of a stupid fucking notification on my phone. I was about to reach for it, when I realized that my arms were holding something.

The fuck?

My eyes flickered over to the (h/c) girl I was embracing.

I found myself staring at her sleeping form. She was peaceful. Her (s/c) skin glowed under the the sunlight that peaked in through my curtains. Almost instinctively, my hand trailed up and down her arm, feeling her warm skin under my touch. Her skin was smooth and sensitive. I could hear her light breathing, her chest slowly rising and falling with each exhale. I found myself matching our breathing. This girl was something special. She was different, nothing like anyone I had ever met. Everyone always neglected me and pushed me away. That or they just wanted to be around me cause I was deemed 'cool' back in middle school. But her, she was strange. Even after I pushed her away, even after I insulted her, even after I tried to cut her off and shot her down, she was still here. She was still loyal. She stayed.

From the beginning, she always stood out from all those other fucking extras and nerds. When she was talking with that damn, Deku, it made my blood boil. And the way that dunce face looked at her, it drove me crazy. I wanted to kill them before but now, I was sure I'd fucking blow them to pieces. My arms snaked around her waist, pulling her closer to me. Her mouth was slightly agape, making her look extremely fucking cute, which pissed me the fuck off. I closed my eyes, hoping I could get a few more hours of sleep before she woke up and started nagging me.


(Y/n) POV

My eyes snapped open as I realized something pivotal.

Oh my fucking god! I'm late to school!

I tried jolting up as fast as possible, my brain going at 100 miles per hour with thoughts and regrets, only to feel a force- or weight- pushing down on the lower half of my torso. It was holding me in place, not letting me scramble out.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I heard a deep, groggy voice whisper in my ear, his hot breath causing chills to erupt all over my body.

My eyes widened as I shifted to my side, finding a shirtless ash blonde laying beside me, hooded crimson eyes glaring at me.

"W-we're g-going to be late to class!" I whisper-yelled, feeling more and more anxious by the second.

I watched as one of his hands- which was lying under the pillow, flicked my forehead.

"Ow!" I rubbed the spot he had just assaulted. "What the hell?"

"Idiot." He grumbled, propping himself up with his elbow. His bicep flexed, making me have an imaginary nosebleed.

"We don't have school today, remember? It's the day before we leave for the internships."

He grumbled, annoyed.

"Oh~! Right!" I giggle nervously at my own stupidity.

I shuffled closer to Bakugou, wanting to feel his warmth. I wrapped my arms around him, embracing the boy in a loose snuggle.

"W-what the hell are you doing now?" He sounded angry but shocked.

"You're so warm and comfortable." I whispered into his hard chest. My hand foolishly wandered from his back, to his lower abdomen. I felt him flinch under my touch. His skin was just so warm, I couldn't help it. Suddenly, I felt him wander up my side and to my breasts. I stiffened under his hands.


"Uh-m- what the hell are you doing?"

I could almost hear my face heating up.

He nearly scoffed and grinned.

"So you're allowed to wander but i'm not?"

My hands immediately went back to their previous placement. He pushed my body against his, placing his hand gently behind my head while the other one laid on my upper back.

"I'm just fucking with ya, (y/n). You can touch all you want."

I could basically sense the cocky smirk he had on his lips.

"S-shut up." I stuttered.

We laid in comfortable silence, breathing at the same pace.

I was admittedly thinking about everything. About all the events that had led to now. About everything that had happened last night. About his voice and what he was saying just a few minutes ago.

Then it hit me.

My head snapped up to look at him. His scarlet orbs observed me analytically. Like they was trying to descifre me.

"Did you just say my name?"

He looked stunned.

"I always say your name, dumbass."

His gaze flickering elsewhere.

"No no no. You always call me, Smokey. Or some kind of insult or whatever. You actually called me by my real name, and my first one at that." I smiled genuinely and pleasantly surprised.

"Yeah, so?"

"So I'm worthy of the great Bakugou calling me by my actual name?" I whispered lowly, closing in just enough so that I made our noses touch slightly.


I furrowed my eyebrows at the correction.

"Huh?" I mumbled, confused.

"I said, call me Katsuki, ya damn fucking moron." He growled.


"Ka-tsu-ki." I said slowly.

His breath hitched at this.

"Say it again."

I smirked.


He leaned in closer, his lips nearly touching my ear.

"One more time." He demanded.

"Katsuki." I said, extra breathy this time due to the close proximity.

He leaned in, and before I knew it, his lips had connected with mine for the fourth time in the last 24 hours. I had never kissed anyone before, so this was all new territory for me. But I was starting to love the activity. His hands found their way back down, enclosing around my waist. Mine went up to his hair, entangling themselves in his thick and soft ashy spikes. I pressed myself closer and pushed his head down, deepening the kiss. He then did something that caught me completely off guard. He licked my lower lip gently, demanding entrance that I wasn't about to decline. I parted my lips momentarily, giving him a way in. His tongue wandered in my mouth, dominating and claiming his territory. Making sure that my mouth knew that it now belonged to him. Our tongues danced together, exploring each other. The open mouthed kiss had lasted so long, but it had been so addicting that I had forgotten to to breath. It had seemed he felt this too because, to my dismay. he pulled away from me, a trail of salive being the only thing connecting us. We both breathed heavily, trying to fill our lungs back up with air.

This was definitely becoming one of my favorite things



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