《Smoke (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)》Chapter 2


Midoriya's POV

As soon as All Might yelled the word "Go!" (Y/n) dashed into the fake city. It seemed to be the same entrance exam we took, only with some bystanders who could have been caught in the chaos.

"All Might, don't you think having to rescue people and fight all alone is a little bit tough for an entrance exam?" I asked him, worried for her.

"I recommended her for a reason, Young Midoriya. I believe she has the potential to become a great hero. I think that kids with big dreams shouldn't have to give up because of things they cannot control. Now, pay close attention, you might learn something..and maybe I can too" He said, a signature toothy grin flashing on his features.

"Right!" I mumbled, taking out my notebook and pencil.

She soon encountered a 4 pointer about to attack a few civilians. A small fire suddenly appeared on the palm of her hand.

"Could it be some sort of fire quirk like Todoroki's?

More smoke than normal is coming from it though, which could pose as a disadvantage for her."

I switched from screen to notebook constantly, taking down notes about her.

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I glanced up and saw Uraraka staring back at me.

"Hey Deku, not complaining or anything but.. you're mumbling again." She chuckled. I felt heat creep up on my cheeks, flustered.

"Sorry about that."

I looked back up at the screen, hoping I hadn't missed anything.

To my relief, I hadn't.

I watched as smoke quickly rose to the air but then, stopped.

I watched in disbelief as she used smoke to lift herself into the air, like she was flying, and at the same time attack the robot with it.


I couldn't see how she exactly managed to use a gas to attack a robot but I'd ask her later.

The robot fell sideways, toward the bystanders,

She quickly swooped in and grabbed them, giving her enough time to get them out of harms way.

She continued like this, using different and innovative moves that adapted to the situations.

Most people in the room had their eyes glued to the screen.

I looked over at All Might, hoping to get some kind of guess as to what his opinion was. He definitely looked surprised with her advances, moves, and score, but there was something off.

Once she was finished, she had a total of 68 points which was very impressive. Her score was actually really close to Kaachan's which really gave me some insight into how powerful she actually was.

Speaking of, I hadn't heard a single peep from him in all this time.

I wonder if he's okay.

As soon as it was over, everyone ran into the field to see if she passed or not.

All the girls and most of the guys surrounded her, telling and complementing her on how well she did.

All Might suddenly appeared out of no where. We all moved to the side and stayed quiet,

All Might put his hand on her shoulder as he looked at her sadly.

"I'm sorry to say this but you failed Young (L/n)."

"Hm.. doesn't surprise me." She simply said, with not one care in the world.

"WHAT!?" Everyone yelled in unison.

"But All Might, she did so well!" I protested.

He ignored me and looked at her.

"Young (l/n), in order to become a true hero, you must want it will all of your being and soul. If you do not put everything you have on the line for it, there is no point in giving you this spot. Why work for something you don't care about? You see, what I just told you was the last part of the entrance exam. I wanted to see weather you really cared or if you would settle. And you- settled. I will give you one last chance (l/n). Do you want this? Do you want to be a hero?"


Silence fell over the field.

"Of course she fucking does. Why the hell would she waste our time if she didn't give a shit about it?"

Everyone looked over at Kaachan, surprised.

He looked over at her.

"Don't fucking waste our training time if you're gonna fail, you damn extra."

She seemed taken aback. An emotion flashed through her eyes as she looked back up at All Might,

"I want this. I won't fucking settle. You got that?" She said rather aggressively as she put her finger on his chest, pushing him a little.

God I hope she doesn't have Kaachan's temper.

All Might simply smiled as he turned back to the class.

"Well kiddos, say hello to your new teammate and classmate, (l/n) (y/n)!"

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