《Smoke (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)》Chapter 1


(Y/n) POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock playing its loud and annoying song.

"For fucks sake." I grumbled as I glanced at it to read the time.

'6:30 AM'

"Damn it! Its way to early for this shit." I moaned as I sat up and scratched my (h/c) hair. I used the rubber band around my wrist to tie it up into lazy and low hanging ponytail. (If you have short hair then ignore this)

I stretched a bit, feeling some bones in my body crack in relief.

I yawned as I fell back onto my bed in defeat -letting the soft grey sheets cushion my fall. I closed my eyes as I let my imagination and thoughts roam. Suddenly the reminder popped in my brain.

I immediately stood up.


Today is my first day at U.A. High, the most prestigious hero school in the country or maybe even the the world.

The impression on my classmates was sure to be tainted if I got to school late. But if i'm being completely honest, I don't really care all that much. They probably already think I'm an idiot or a pity acceptance thanks to the fact the I'm not even starting on the first oficial day. To elaborate, up until a few days ago I was enrolled and studying at a normal and common highschool. One day -as I was on my way home from school, I noticed a suspicious looking man walking around the streets. I decided to go with my gut and follow him around. Turns out, he was planning on assaulting a young girl he had been stalking for a few months.

As he was about to attack her, I jumped in and fought him at almost full strength -as I didn't really know what he was actually capable of. Even if I knew using my quirk in public was illegal, I couldn't stand by and watch this man potentially hurt and take advantage of a girl either. As I soon came to find out, the #1 pro hero, All Might, was also near by and saw the scene unfold. Even though he had taken full recognition for the saving of that young girl, he knew that I was actually the one to stop him, quite easily actually. After the press had left he walked over to me and offered a potential spot at U.A. since he was sincerely impressed with my powers. I hadn't taken the exam only because I didn't have the money to pay for that kind of school. If it wasn't for that -and I don't wanna sound cocky here but- I would have for sure snatched myself a spot at the school due to my high marks and pretty powerful quirk and ability. Of course, I took him up on the offer. He told me to wait a few days and that he would report back to me. Yesterday morning, as I walked through the busy Sunday streets, I was dragged into an alley way. At first, I was ready to fight but then saw him.


He told me that the school had done background research on me and decided that they would 'See to my acceptance'. He told me that I would go through some thorough examination quirk-wise on my first day of school to make sure I was suited to be in the school. He also mentioned that if I was accepted, they would grant me financial aid. So now I'm here, standing in front of the huge school building -all alone, swallowing my own saliva out of pure nerves. Thought raced through my head.

'What if they didn't like me?'

'What if I am weaker than I think?'

'What if I fail the tests?!'

It also didn't help that the well-known sports festival was in a week and a half.

I soon snapped out of it when All Might appeared in front of me.

I jumped back in defense -only to wipe off the sweat on my forehead.

"Don't worry, BECAUSE I AM HERE!" He yelled his signature catchphrase with a big, shiny smile on his face.

I suddenly felt the beed of sweat re-appear.

"Oh, um- Hi?" I said as I waved at him.

"Young (l/n), I assume you are here for your tests?" He said in a more calm voice, which made me feel more secure and confident.

"Yes!" I nodded quickly.

I followed him inside and was amazed at the huge interior. As we made our way closer and closer to the extremely tall door that read '1-A' the voices of my could-be classmates could be heard. I felt my stomach churn. I took a deep breath as All Might opened the large classroom door and I walked in after him. I couldn't help but analyze and stare at the students sitting in their desks in front of me. What used to be a loud and rowdy classroom turned dead silent as soon as I walked in. Their also analyzing eyes staring back at me. Most- if not all the students were observing me. Almost as if trying to figure out how to untie a knot.


"Class-" a new voice spoke. I looked at my side to see Eraiserhead talking to the class

"This is a student who will be taking a few exams here to see if she is fit to be in your class."

Everyone's stares intensified.

"Hey!" I tried to sound enthusiastic."My name is (Y/n)! Nice to meet you!" I said with a slight smile.

In unison, everyone greeted me.

"Hello (y/n)! It's nice to meet you!"

"(Y/n), you may go sit next to Mina Ashido. Ashido, raise your hand so (y/n) can see where she sits."

A girl with pink skin and hair raised her hand as she smiled at me.

Everyone's eyes followed me as I sat down.

Soon enough, class began.


When the bell rang, I was instructed to eat lunch and go to one of the fake cities outside to preform and begin my tests.

I stood alone in the entrance of this city in the gym uniform I hoped would be mine to take home after this exam. I heard All Might talk to me through the piece attached to my ear.

"You seem to have gathered quite the audience, Young (l/n)."


"What do you mean?" I asked curiously.

"Well, the entire class is here to watch you perform!" He spike again

"Fuck." I growled lowly. I heard a few laughs in the background, further confirming All Might's statement.

"Watch the language Miss (l/n)."

He said, warning in his tone.

"Sorry.." I mumbled, not really meaning it.

"I'm sure you will do great! That's why I recommended you after all!" He spoke to me reassuringly.

I heard a few students gawking at the fact that THE All Might recommended me. Which only put more pressure on me.

"Are you ready?" He asked sternly.


I took a deep breath, positioning myself into a fighting stance .


Alright (y/n), you can do this.


This is your chance


Don't fuck this up




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