《My Bully || TAEKOOK ✓》23. Naughty things


It's been about a week since we've officially started to go out and honestly not much has changed. Jimin is still in his 'not talking to me' and 'I'm clearing up my feelings for you' mode. So, I have no one to really talk about stuff too. I can't really talk to jungkook about how I'm feeling because well, he's my boyfriend. My heart skipped a beat and I laughed out loud for a second. Boyfriend.

I stopped at my locker and unloaded my books from my bag. I put a picture of jungkook in the back of my locker, so I can see him every hour. I grab the last notebook and stuff it in the back. I quickly shut the door and look around. I see jungkook hanging out with his friends at the other side of the room. I stand, quietly, and watch him. I studied the way he looked, the way he laughed with his friends, the way he placed his hand on another guys arm. Pang. I frowned, what is this feeling?

Our eyes locked and smiled greatly. His smile cleared any harsh feelings I had away. He waved slightly, acknowledging my presence. I let out a breath I was unknowingly holding. I smiled and waved back. Jungkook walked over to me; excusing his friends.

"Hey." He swiftly says, batting an eye.

I chuckle, "Hey." I look around and take a step closer, and hold one of his hands. Our bags are hiding them. Jungkook instantly smiles.

"Let's go on a date." He says quietly, so only I could hear.

My heart skips a beat and I nod my head with great acceptance.

"Friday. I'll pick you up." Jungkook says.


Friday appeared a lot faster than I expected. I guess I was just super busy with the week. I picked out a super simple outfit. I didn't know what we were doing so I didn't want to dress to fancy or too casual. I picked out a simple black long-sleeve shirt and some nice dark jeans. Of course, I picked out a nice pair of sneakers. I styled my hair slightly different, making it spike up just slightly. I felt that give me a 'badboy esk' feel to it.


I heard the doorbell ring downstairs and rush down to answer it. I knew who it was going to be. Jungkook, he looked magnificent. Really beautiful. He wore a button down shirt with his normal biker jacket and some nice jeans. I sighed in relief, I picked the right thing to wear.

He smiled at me, eyeing me up and down. Checking me out as I checked him out. He is some eye-candy. Jungkook grabbed my hand and squeezed tight. "You look hot." He choked out.

I laughed. "So, do you!" We both joked.

He led me to his car and opened the door for me. I hopped in and situated myself. I grabbed the seat belt and tried to buckle but it wasn't budging. Jungkook hopped back in his car and looked over at me. He sighed. "What am I going to do with you?" He leaned over to me, our faces close together. Eyes locked. Click, the buckle fastened. Jungkook smiles, all toothy. "I bet you wanted me to kiss you." He backs away from me and fastens his own. I pouted. He was right.

Jungkook reverses the car and heads down the road. He stops at a stop sign. He quickly leans Over to me and kisses my cheek. He rushes back to normal position and presses the gas petal. "I can't leave you hanging.'" I smiled and giggled, trying not to let him know that I enjoyed it.

Neon lights flashed around and I could see that we were at the bowling alley. I looked at jungkook. He sheepishly smiled. "I didn't want to be stereotypical." He unbuckled his seat and opened his door. He walked over to my side and opened the door for me. If the night keeps going like it's been, it was going to be a great night.

We enter the alley and walk up to the counter. Jungkook pays for our tickets and the man asks for our shoe sizes. Once we exchange shoes, we walk over to our lane. I pick up a bowling ball and realize that I'm weak! I couldn't pick up the ball! I casually walked away from the ball and picked a different one that seemed lighter. Still too heavy, I tried once again, and finally, it was good.


I threw the ball down the lane and it ended up in the gutter! I sighed. Jungkook picked up his and threw it down the aisle too. Luckily for him, it ended up being a strike! "WOW!" I cheered for him. "You wanted to show off, didn't you!" I groaned at him. Jungkook smirked.

"Come on, I'll show you how to do it." He walks over to me and hands my ball to me. I stand up and aim. Jungkook reaches over me and grabs my arm. He aims for me. Our bodies are touching and I can feel the heat radiating off him. I reacted so strongly to his touch, I jerked up and the ball went flying in the other lane. My face turned bright red.

"Well, that's one way to do it." He laughed, holding his stomach.

I tried a couple more times and improved a little bit. By the end of the game, we're getting hungry. We ended up leaving the alley and ended up at a nearby ice cream shop.

I ordered a strawberry cone and jungkook ordered a banana split. We sat down at a table that was out of the way of others. I grabbed Jungkook's spoon and tried some of his ice cream. "MMM.." I slurped down the ice cream. "That was good!" I say, taking another bite of his. He smiles, "You should gotten this one then!" He steals back his spoon and eats a bite. We chuckle.

"Let me try yours!" I hold the strawberry cone out, in front of his mouth. Jungkook sticks out his tongue and licks it very slowly. He looks me in the eyes, making the whole experience very sensual. He licks his lips, enjoying the strawberry ice cream. He takes another lick, this time extra slow and turning around the cone. Making sure to get all the sides. His eyes change to a darker color.

I suck my breath in, taking in what Jungkook is doing to me. I could feel myself getting bothered.

Jungkook, licks his lips, making sure to get all the spillage. He bites his lip and looks at me, even deeper. "Oh, the things I could do to you." He smirks and sits back. Watching me, flustered. I cough, trying to clear the air but it's not working very well. I can feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand straight up.

"I'm going to get some fresh air." I rise from the chair and walk outside. I walk around the building, my hand grazing the wall. I yell, from frustration. I lean against the wall, catching my breath and trying to calm down my nether region.

A couple minutes passed by and I was ready to go back in, but before I could even get off the wall, there was a mysterious body against me. I looked up, trying to identify who it was. Luckily, it was jungkook.

Jungkook used one of his hands to pin my hands above my head. I groaned, as he moved me. With the other hand, he cupped my waist. His hand slipped under my shirt. His hands were cold, from the ice cream. It made me shiver and let out a weird sound. He raised his hand up and everything was sticking straight up. Everything. "Jungkook."I pleaded with him.

He smushed his body onto mine, His equally hard. "Every time, I see you." Jungkook kissed my neck. "You make me want to do things to you." He sucked and left a visible mark. He licked my ear. "Naughty things." He turned and faced me. Our eyes, locked. He leaned in closer, and kissed my lips. At first, it was nice and sweet but then got darker and heavier.

It continued that way until we couldn't handle it anymore. Our clothes were shifted and our hair messy. Jungkook looked at me and kissed my forehead. He kissed my eyelids, my nose bridge, my cheeks and finally my lips. "I love you so much." He kisses my lips, once more.

"So do I." I kiss him back and hug him tightly. "So do I." I repeated.

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