《My Bully || TAEKOOK ✓》19. I warned you


Taehyung pov:

A couple days passed by and I really haven't seen jungkook around. I've talked with jimin a bit but that's about it. What's this feeling? I pouted as I walked to gym class.

I walked over to my locker and began to change my outfit. I looked around to see if jungkook was around. No luck. I mumbled to myself "What is going on.." Where is he? Did I do something wrong on our date?

I passed through the gym doors and began to stretch in my normal spot. Jimin walked over and began stretching with me. "Where is jungkook?" I asked.

Jimin looked at me disgustingly. "Why would you care about that piece of garbage?" He turned around, avoiding the question.

Awkwardly, I followed jimin around to see his face. "What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

Jimin stopped and laughed. "You know what's wrong.?" He looked me dead in the eyes. I could see that he had a couple scratches and a bruise. "That you like him." Jimin stretched his arms so they would cover his face. I tried to move jimin's hand away to examine how badly hurt he was but he wouldn't let me.

A couple seconds later, the gym door opened and a figure I haven't seen in a while appeared. Jungkook.

Jungkook walked towards us. He looked different than normal. His face was bruised a little and his lip was scabbed.

When jungkook stood in front of me, I reached up and touched his face. "Oh my gosh! What happened?" I frantically asked examining him. I twirled around him, looking for more bruises.

"He happened." Jungkook pointed to jimin and shakes his head.

Jimin scoffed. "He happened." Jimin mocked. "You happened." Jimin shoves jungkook.

Jungkook pushes back jimin and they Scowled at each other.


"You're a joke!" Jimin yelled. "You don't deserve him!" Jimin gets up in Jungkook's face.

I stepped in between the two and attempted to push them away.

Jungkook retaliated and they began to throw insults at each other. Each getting worse and worse.

A clump of people across the gym watched them fight, wnispering and making bets on who would win.

"Oh my gosh...." I started panicking. I never had to stop a fight, I was always the one in the fight! Typically, on the floor, getting kicked. All of a sudden, I felt overwhelmed and I started to breath heavily.

Jimin and jungkook kept fighting and my head started to spin and I was getting woozy. My knees buckled and I fell over onto the ground.

Jungkook was the first to notice. He shoved his brother really hard and jimin fell on the floor. Seconds later, jungkook was by my side.

"Taehyung! Are you okay?!" He frantically yelled, trying to get me to respond. Jungkook was feeling my forehead and moving my face around, seeing if I was still alive. I laid on the ground, paralyzed, my eyes getting heavy.


Later that day, I found myself in a room I sorta recognized. I rubbed my eyes and tried to focus on something in the room. The spinning subsided. I looked around at my surroundings only to find that I was in the school nurses office. Oh, the memories. I chuckled, I should make a scrapbook.

"Hey." I heard a voice from across the room.

"Hello?" I whispered back, my voice was rough.

"How you feeling?" A familiar body walked up next to me. It put it's hand on my forehead, feeling the temperature. I recognized the hand, It was jimin.

"Just peachy." I smiled sarcastically and scooted up into a sitting position. "Where's jungkook?" I said looking around the room.


"Detention." Jimin smirked.

I gave a concerning look. "Detention?" Jimin didn't like my response at all. He frowned. "Why is he there?" I asked.

"Why do you have to like him?" Jimin sneered. "He's a horrible person, he used to beat you up!" Jimin began to yell. "He's no good for you!" Jimin reached for my arm. "Can't you not like him?" He begged, shaking my arm.

"Jimin...." I tried to make him stop.

"Look what he did to you!" Jimin points at a couple scars, that I've failed to hide. "Look at what he did to me!" He points to his face, where there were a couple bruises and a couple fresh cuts.

"Stop." I whined, taking his arm off me. "I'm not in the mood to talk about this!"

"You're not safe when you're with him!" Jimin commanded.

My head snapped at him. "Stop saying such horrible things!" I yell back at jimin. "You're his brother!"

"What! Now, you're siding with him?" Jimin was frustrated.

"Stop talking!" Jimin looks at me in disbelief.

"I give up!" Jimin dramatically throws his hands up in the air and sighs. "If you get hurt, I warned you." Jimin got up from the chair and headed towards the door. Once, he reached the door, he turned to me and sighed. "You'll regret it."

I huffed. "Who is he to tell me that I'll regret it! It's my decision! Not his!" I laughed. "You'll regret it." I mocked his voice and crossed my arms. Ugh! I'm so mad!

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