《My Bully || TAEKOOK ✓》18. Roller skate date


We arrived at the roller skating rink and I was trembling. I know that I suggested this but I never actually thought it through. I don't even know if taehyung could use roller skates! I'm so inconsiderate! I attempted to groan in my head but I guess I groaned out loud.

"What's wrong?" Taehyung asks as we're walking into the entrance. I shook my head like nothing was wrong as he held open the door for me. He waits for me to pass him and I smiled greatly. What a gentleman!

We walked up to the counter. "I never asked you... but do you know how to skate?" I asked nervously, worried about the answer. The lady behind the window took our money and our shoes and replaced them with roller skates.

He hesitated a bit but said "There's only one way to find out." He smirks and happily runs over to one of the benches. How cute! I shuffled right next to him.

We put our skates on, making sure that they fit. Taehyung struggled more than I did. Once I tied my skates, I stood up and skated around for a minute, getting a feel from the blades. This is all second nature since I've skated a couple times.

I'm doing great but taehyung on the other hand is doing terribly. Taehyung was still tying his skates. I glided over to him and bent down on my knees. I reached over and grabbed his laces. "Didn't anyone ever teach you how to tie your shoes?" I laughed.

Once I finished, taehyung stood up for a good three seconds and fell over, lading on his butt. "Taehyung, what in the world are you doing down there?" I asked laughing.

Taehyung quickly stood up but fell over again. "I'm just testing gravity." He awkwardly spouts. He gets up, covering his face, trying to hide the blush on his face. "And the conclusion?" I questioned him, trying not to laugh.


"Works pretty darn well." He coughs and tries to maintain his balance.

"Maybe, I can help you?" I reach to hold his hand. "You know, not that there's anything wrong with gravity..." We both smiled and laughed. Taehyung nods his head and grabs my hand.

We slowly skate-walked towards the roller skating rink wall. Taehyung was going so slow, it was killing me. I mean, It was amazingly cute to watch him but seriously? Boy, needs to learn! And fast!

Taehyung wobbled over to the wall and latched on for his life. He looked embarrassed. "I'm sorry that I suck so much."

"I'm sorry that I didn't ask if you knew how to skate." I told him apologetically."I should have known better."

I reached for taehyung's hand and tugged him to get off the wall. "Let's try to make you better." I smiled softly. All taehyung did was comply with me.

We skated for a little bit. After a while, taehyung started getting better and gained some confidence for skating and didn't suck as much. "LOOK! I'm good at this now!" He smiled more often and even laughed. In a matter of a second, taehyung lost his balance and feel backwards onto his butt. He pouted and patted his butt.

"You got too cocky." I smirked.

Taehyung scrambled to the wall and tried to get up. Multiple times.

We skated for a little longer and decided it was time to get some food. We returned our skates at the counter and headed out to a pizza shack. It was really hard walking on the ground without wheels under me. I got so used to it, it just feels wrong now.

We followed a server to a booth in the back corner of the restaurant. We were put in a secluded area and there was music playing in the background so no one could hear us. Perfect for a first date. I giggled.


We ordered a couple slices of pizza and some drinks. At first we talked about what we were going to order but no, it's awkward. Jungkook was blushing and I didn't know why. "It's our first date.." Jungkook giggled.

I gave a strange face to him that he immediately stopped smiling. His normal stone face took over. That's the jungkook everyone else knows. "I like the nice jungkook better." I said informatively. "He's cuter." I said without thinking. Jungkook turned his head sharply to look at me and I shoved a slice of pizza in my mouth.

"OH really?" He said seductively. He placed his hand on my thigh. "Are you sure, I'm not more than that?" His hand started getting higher. My breathing fastened. Jungkook leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Aren't I...." He blew hot air slowly. "Hot?" His lips touched my ear, just barely enough to feel his teeth grazing against my ear. His hand continued to get higher and higher until he stopped. Right below of where I needed it to be.

I placed my hand on Jungkook's. "Not today, you're aren't." I smiled and removed his hand.

Jungkook sighed. "When will I?"

I smiled. "Some day." I picked up a slice of pizza and shoved it in Jungkook's face. "Just not today." Jungkook chewed reluctantly.

After we ate for a while, it was time to go home. Jungkook stopped in front of my house and got out of the car to open the door for me. "Thanks." I said.

Jungkook waves his hand in the air sadly. "I'll miss you."


Aww, that was a cute date, right?

I loved the taekook moment when jungkook helped Taehyung to skate so I wrote one episode on that, how was it?

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