《My Bully || TAEKOOK ✓》16. Just happened


Taehyung pov:

Jungkook was taking his time; taking my shirt off and feeling the skin underneath. His hands glided upwards, caressing each section until he finally got to a part he desired. He touched the area around my neck and drawing out more desire from me. I was dying to be touched.

My shirt was already off and now it felt like it was his turn. My demanding streak was starting to ware off but I had one last demand. "Take it off." All jungkook could do was smile and obediently obey me. I bit my lip, shyly checking him out.

Jungkook touched my shoulder with his hands, all the way down to my hips, caressing everything on the way. "You're so beautiful." he whispers between his heavy breathinng.

I shyly looked away, suddenly all embarrassed, letting it all soak in. In that moment, when it all sunk in, I realized what's been happening for the last couple minutes. I can't believe what I did. What I've done. I took the lead! I never take the lead! I choked in my own disbelief.

Jungkook kissed my cheek. "What's wrong?" He asks concerned. I feel like a baby. Like I'm backing down from being the leader, but I couldn't help it. I was so embarrassed. Jungkook kissed my other cheek, trying to get an answer out of me, constantly asking what was wrong with me.

Something snapped. Honestly I don't know what was wrong. Why was I so embarrassed? What's wrong with taking the lead? Everything was going great and I was enjoying it. Maybe a little too much? Maybe the spur of the moment passed by? Jungkook was kissing my cheeks, gradually getting closer to my lips. "Wait."I choke out. Jungkook continues to get closer and closer. He never stops.


"Stop." I try to say louder. A wild kissing jungkook was very hard to stop. I tried to move my arms to get him to stop but he didn't. "Stop!" I cried out. I used everything I had to push him away from me. A bit of distance was between us now.

Instead of relief, jungkook looked hurt. Really hurt. "What...happened?" He asked anxiously, his thumbs fiddling with each other. He looked shocked. He was so surprised that he backed off me and went to stand across the room. "Do you.." He paused, taking a deep breath, almost choking up. "Hate me now?" Jungkook looked like he was about to cry. I didn't know what to do to make everything right.

"What.?" I cautiously asked. "No...I.." I stood up and slowly limp-walked over to him. I stopped directly in front of him and reached for his hands. "Don't hate you." I tried to give a reassuring smile.

"Then why did you stop..?" Jungkook whimpered, feeling abandoned. He turned his head to the side so I couldn't see him pout. He looked kinda cute, but in a sad way.

"I didn't mean to.. "I tried to move his head to face mine. "It just happened." Our eyes locked in together, his more hurt than mine.

"What do you mean... you didn't mean to?" He asked confused. "It just happened." Jungkook asked more demanding than usual. "It doesn't just happen." His body moving closer and his voice sounding angrier. Jungkook grabbed my wrists forcefully, his gaze getting darker and not the good type of dark.

His grasp around my wrists were getting tighter and tighter by the second, but I didn't dare say anything, until jungkook started to scare me. "It hurts." I muttered under my breath, trying not to upset him more.

Realizing what he did, he dropped my wrists instantly. Jungkook's eyes cleared up and appeared sadder. "I'm so sorry." He pleaded. "I didn't realize what I was doing." He was apologizing profusely.

"It's fine, now you understand." I rubbed my wrists. "It just happened."

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