《My Bully || TAEKOOK ✓》12. Silly boy


Taehyung pov:

Was I expecting something? I opened my eyes slightly. Jungkook's face In front of mine. His eyes were entrancing. Why is he so hot?!

"No." I pouted, crossing my arms.

"You sure?" Jungkook turned and pushed me down. I gulped, now laying on the floor. Jungkook climbing on top of me so that his legs were straddling my hips. His weight was pinning me down and I couldn't move an inch.

"Get off me." I hissed, barely able to breath from the monster sitting on my stomach. I wiggled and attempted to push him, little by little. I used my right hand and placed it on his chest. I summoned my inner strength but no luck found. Jungkook took this opportunity to capture my hand. His grip around my hand tightened and he pulled me forward. Closer to him.

"You silly boy." Jungkook shakes his head and laughs. "You never learn do you?"

Growing afraid of what he might say next, I squirmed and tried to get away but he grips my wrists harder. It was starting to hurt. He captured both of my hands and forced them above my head.

"Learn what?" I choked out, my body stiffing. The air between us is growing more and more intense and I'm slowly getting more hot and bothered but still slightly afraid. Is this normal? I think to myself.

Half a second later, just enough to knock me out of my trance. Jungkook lowers his entire body onto me so that it's barely hovering over me. I can feel him but I don't feel how much he weighs. I can feel his heart beat and it's super fast. His face is level with my neck and I can feel Jungkook's breath tickling the hairs. He blows out a tiny puff of air and my entire body shivers with delight. If my body wasn't happy then, it's happy now.


Jungkook whispered breathlessly "I want you to learn..." He paused, adding a more dramatic effect to the situation. His hands released mine and wondered down my sides. I can feel my pants getting tighter and tighter. He's barely touching me yet I'm this excited. He reached my waist band and tugged slightly.

I completely froze, paralyzed. My senses were at it's peak. I was feeling every touch he made, every breath he breathed. I reacted to his touch without even knowing it. He kissed the side of my neck. I can't control what I'm feeling anymore. I moaned. Loudly. Jungkook continued to shower my neck with kisses. Long ones, short ones. I felt every one of them.

Jungkook's hands were crawling all over my torso. Feeling every nook and cranny. Memorizing what it feels like as if it's never going to happen again.

He muffles in between kissing. "I want... Youu... To learnn" His kisses slow down to a stop. My neck beginning to feel bare. He lifts his head and shifts his body. His face was bright red and has shallow breathing. He looks me in the eyes. Deeply. In one swift moment he says the one thing I wanted to hear.

"How much I want you."

"How much I need you."

"How much I lo..."

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