《My Bully || TAEKOOK ✓》6. Shirt


Taehyung pov:

One of the most dreaded part of the day arrived. Gym. I was honestly starting to dislike gym now. I mean, now that everything is happening with me and jungkook. I just don't know what to think anymore.

I entered the locker room and headed towards my normal lonley corner. People tended to avoid this area of the room, they might get picked on. I tore off my shirt and opened my locker. Something was weird. I heard snickering in the background.

"Missing something?" One of Jungkook's friends says waving my gym shirt in his hands. I quickly turned around and ran after him. I chased him into the bathroom. He turned the sink on and shoved my shirt under the running water.

"NOOOO!" I shouted. The boy laughed at my reaction. I sprinted towards the sink and grabbed my shirt out as fast as humanly possible. It was soaked. I glared at him, a real death glare. All he did was smile. I didn't know what to do, I didn't have another shirt to wear.

"I guess you can go home now." He chuckled. "leave and take your pathetic shirt with you." He crossed his arms and headed towards the door. "Nobody want's you here." He left the room.

I guess that's one way to tell someone you don't like them. I leaned against the wall with my soaking wet shirt in my hand. Now what am I supposed to do?

I was straining my shirt inbetween my thoughts. Should I leave? What do I do about my shirt? I don't have another.. My hand curled up into a fist. I seriously hate jungkook and his stupid jerks he bothers to call his friends. I'm so done with him right now. I can't stand him.


Only then, just my luck, jungkook walks into the room. He stands there and takes a deep breath. I wonder what happened, wait no I don't. I don't care about him. Jungkook walks over to the sink and stares into the mirror, completely ignoring the fact that I'm not wearing a shirt or the fact that my gym shirt is soaked in my hands. It doesn't really matter.

After a few moments, he turns and realizes that I'm awkwardly watching him. My face turns a bit red and I feel like I've been caught doing something bad. "Hi."I mumbled, lifting my hand a little bit.

He pauses, his eyes travel up and down my body. Our eyes meet and his head makes a sharp turn to the right, "Why aren't y-you wearing a shirt?" He studders. I can see his slightly red face. Was he 'checking me out?' Not possible. "Wait here." He said while leaving the room. Psh- Like I was going to leave. Not like this.

In a minute or two, jungkook comes back with something in his hands. A lump of clothing. He stands in front of me and holds out his hands. "Here- you can use my shirt." He mumbles. "I've only worn it once, It's actually an extra." He grabs my hand and forces me told hold his shirt. "Put it on."

I awkwardly stood there, holding his shirt. Jungkook urged me to put on his shirt. I slipped his extra gym shirt over my head. It was a size bigger than me. His shirt was almost drownding me. I brought it up to my nose, boy did it smell like sweat. "It smells terrible." I groaned.

Jungkook's face brightened. "Sorry." He scratched his neck. "It's better than that, right?" He points to the wet shirt.

"I suppose so." I didn't want to admit it but I really like his shirt. It smelled like jungkook.

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