《My Bully || TAEKOOK ✓》5. Tension


'I want you. All of you.

Your flaws. Your mistakes.

Your imperfections. I want

You, only you.'


Taehyung pov:

The next morning was extremely awkward. Jungkook, Jimin and I all sat around the rounded table while their mother cooked a pankcake feast. There was never enough food, especially around three boys. I wasn't hungry this morning because of the events last night. This morning was overwhelming and I hated every minute of it.

All of a sudden and out of nowhere, jimin screamed, "JUNGKOOK! STOP STARING AT TAEHYUNG! YOU CREEP!" The atmosphere took a toll for the worse. Jungkook clenched his fork and made stabbing motions towards his brother.

"I was not staring at him, you freak!" Jungkook lashed backwards. "I was simply spacing-out and his fat ass happened to be in the way," He groaned slightly and forced his head down and angrly tore at his pancakes. I couldn't help but little out a snort, what a child. "What are you laughing at fat ass?" He Snapped.

I think my jaw just dropped a little, to be so direct, especially in the morning. "Uh, nothing."I said quietly and played with my fork. My eyes peeked out slightly and noticed jungkook gazing at me. 'I guess jimin was right, he was staring at me.' I whispered, barely audiable.

Knowing my luck, jungkook heard and fuzed up. He slammed his fork down on his plate and turned his entire body towards me. I didn't expect jungkook to give a reaction that great. "Listen nerd, I was not and never will stare at you." Jungkook said half-heartedly. A slight pang hit my chest, my face hardened. Could he be serious?

Jimin, witnessing all of this, nervously spoke "Are you two dating or something?" He laughed, "The tension between the two of you is incredible. I can seee the bolts of lightning sparking." Jimin quickly motioned his hands back and forth between us, as if there was bolts flying off of each other. "OW! YOU ZAPPED ME!" He chuckeled.


Jungkook yelled "Zap off, We're not dating. We're more of enemies." But after jungkook said that, his face was filled with regret.


Monday has arrived and I dreaded every minute of it, mostly because of Jungkook's angry clan of unintelligent and foolish minions. Instead of doing something himself, he would tell one of his stupid "friends" to do it for him, they're basically dogs. I couldn't help but smile thinking of one of his friend's barking at jungkook.

"What are you laughing at stupid?" One of Jungkook's minions said while slamming my head into one of the nearby lockers. I could litterally feel my head and the locker mold into one, I think my head might have left a dent. Poor kid who has to have this locker now, oh well.

"Nothing, don't worry about it." I chirped and attempted to escape. Unfortunatly, I didn't manage to flee and was thrown against the lockers roughly. Now, that's going to leave a mark. He punched my face, leaving a brused mark for later and possibly a bloody lip. He tossed me onto the ground and started to kick me against the lockers.

I supposed it was more painful than ususal especially since the recent beatings have stopped a little. The beatings didn't last long because I was interupted by the ruler himself, jungkook.

"That's enough." His face tightned when he saw me. I was probally bleeding all over and had marks all over my body. "Leave him." His minion left without another word.

Jungkook stayed back for just a second, his faced changed from anger to concern. Jungkook looked concerned? Maybe becuase of my appearence, he might have felt a little concerned, maybe.

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