《[A Promise]>R. Tempest x Reader》Chapter 28×


"I guess today wasn't so bad." You slipped on your pajamas before bouncy on the bed, belly first.

"It seems like everyone loved you, My lady." Ranga breath out.

"Yeah. There was nothing to be nervous about." Rimuru gave you a closed eye smile.

"Well.. You know how kids can be."

"No, I don't," Rimuru started, "It looks like you're quite close with the little kids from your kingdom."

"Ugh. I've been so busy, I wasn't able to spend as much time with them." You stuffed your face into the bed, now remember the pain your friend, zeldin, had to go through when taking care of the kids.

"If you want, you can go back home. I can stay and look after the children."

"Nah. It's fine. I came here with you for a reason." You lifted your head up from the bed. "You know, speaking of kids,"

Rimuru eyes widen, dreading for the words that may fall out of your mouth.

"You ever thought of having any?" Rimuru face were dyed red at the thought of your statement.

"T-Thought of h-having any?"

"Unless it's not your Forte," You softly smiled. "I totally understand." You got up from your laying position and sat at the edge of the bed. "But wouldn't it be nice to give your child the life you've always wanted?"

Rimuru could only blink in disbelief at your statement. Right. Your past. He mentally slapped himself a crossed the face. He definitely wouldn't want any child to go through whatever you went through as a kid.

"But I guess bringing a child into a world like this isn't any different from what I've experienced." You sighed before gasping. "Sorry. I'm making this about myself. You probably do or don't want a child for a complete different reason."


"I've actually never really thought about it." Rimuru truthfully spoke. "There is a lot of things to take care of, so having children never really crossed my mind."

"Oh, you're right. I only ever thought of kids because of our adventure today." You softly chuckled. You soon released a small yawn. "I think I'm about to head to bed." You crawled yourself to yourself of the bed and placed the covers over your body. "Night, night, Rimuru."

The man could only softly smile at you and the mini conversation you both just had.

Would having kids really be okay?


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