《[A Promise]>R. Tempest x Reader》Chapter 24×


"Hey, Y/N. Would it be alright if you stay here while I check out what's happening?"

"Wait.. Did he said Carrion?" You completely ignored Rimuru as you tried to remember the name that sounded all to familiar. "I'd like to go too. I need to speak to him."

"He isn't here. It's his people that's representing him." Rimuru tried to explain. "You'll be able to have a talk with him, but I have to get going." He made his way to the entrance of his home. "I don't want to ruin the mood." Then he exited out of your view.

"Ugh. Benimaru already ruined the mood." You pouted.


There was a solid explanation as to why you wanted to speak to Carrion. You've always wondered what happened to your mother or where your mother may be. You thought that maybe carrion may have an idea where she may have disappeared.


You exhaled loudly and sighed silently on your bed things.

"Uh.. My queen." A familiar masculine voice can be heard outside your home. You smiled, realizing who that person could be.

"Come in," And that person who you hoped to be was right there in your face. "Zeldin." You got up from your seat and gave him a small hug, which he gladly returned.

"Queen, it feels as if it's been ages since I've last seen you." He joked.

"I know. I've been kinda busy with Rimuru."

"Oh," He lightly blushed, "I didn't need to know that."


"Anyways," He cleared his throat, "I came here to talk to you about something." He motioned you to the bed. "Is it okay if I sit here?"

"Uh, yeah. Sure." He gave you a small smile before doing as he pleased.


"Thanks, Queen. This is super comfy."

"So what's this important thing that you wanted to talk to me about?" Your eyebrows were furrowed together in concern as you waited for your long-term friend to speak.

"Well... How do I put this.." You heart was racing at the upcoming words that was about to be released from his mouth. "The kids are depress."

"Depress? About what?"

"I don't know how to keep them entertained like you do, Queen. They're always crying for you and it gets... Tiring sometimes.. Most of the times." He places is head in the palm of his hands and sighed in frustration. "I'm a knight. Not a babysitter."

You were taken aback by his words. He really did seemed stressed.

"Wait- I'm not saying that you're a babysitter, Queen. Of course you should be the one complaining since you have to do both jobs." Zeldin tried his best explain his statement, hoping that what he said haven't offended you in any way.

You only released a small smile and to reassure him, he placed a small hand on his back and began rubbing it softly.

"No. I totally understand. It's my fault that your doing such a difficult job." You released a sigh. "I still have business to complete with Rimuru, there's just a lot I have to handle." You gave your friend a soft smile and he reciprocated. "I don't want ask this, but.. Just hold on a little for me please? Just for a while."

Zeldin remained staring at you before looking back at the palm of his hands.

"You know I'll do anything for you, Queen." He exhaled before standing up. "Seems like it's almost time for the kids to eat. I should get going." He saluted you before walking out of you and Rimuru's shared home.


You couldn't help but allow the build-up breath to be removed from your mouth. You forgot the kids needed your attention and with everything that's been going on, it'll be hard to provide them that.

You promised yourself after your adventure with Rimuru, you'll give them all the attention they deserve.

Until then, there're still stuff you need to clear off of your plate.

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