《[A Promise]>R. Tempest x Reader》Chapter 23×


Y/N, are you done yet? I'm sure everyone is waiting for us."

"I can't fit these gifts in the bag."

"Huh? When did you had time to buy gifts?"

You giggle at your husband's question. "I bought these when you were too busy with those kids."

"Was that the reason why you wanted to stay here and not help me out?" The blue head sweat drop.

"Hehehe. You could say that."


"Isn't it good to be back home." You threw down your luggage before resting down tiredly on the ground.

"It is, huh?"

"I'm so tired too."

"All we did was teleport. How are you tired?"

You groaned. You just simply ignored his question. "Oh! That reminds me," You got up from your place and rummage through your bag that you placed down.


"There," You took out the item from the bag and held it tightly in your palm. "Got it."

"What is it?"

"Well... Uh..." You eyed your husband's golden orbs before slowly looking down at the object in your hand. "I.. Got you a gift."

"A gift? For me?"

"Mmhm." You extend your hand out to show the item to your lover. It was a box. He took the box from your hand and opened to reveal... A necklace.

"A necklace?" He stared at you in wonder.

"You don't like it? Perhaps it wasnt the right gift? Dang, I knew I should've gotten you a hat or even gloves, but a necklace? It's such a girl's thing! Who even would want a necklace on general? Right? Right?"

"Y/N. Calm down. I actually like it."


"She sure can run her mouth."


"You do?" You softly smiled. "I got it for you because it's seems that you're always doing things for me and all I do is just... Nothing. Except being a queen. That's it. I don't do anything for yo-"


"Being by my side is just enough for me." Rimuru quickly interrupts. "It may seems you don't do anything, but to me you do a whole lot." He giggles quietly. "It seems that you keep forgetting that trying is also a form of soing something. As long as you try with good intentions, then I'll say that's enough for me."

"Oh, Rimuru," Your eyes sparkled with happiness at the words that fell through his lips. "I can just kiss you!" You jumped onto him with a smile.

"Master Rimuru- Er.. Am I interrupting?"

Benimaru stared at the couple with flushed face.

"What is it, Benimaru?" Y/N released Rimuru from the hug and decided to watch the interaction between the two.

"It seems that carrion's people are here."

"What?" The blue head eyes widen.

"They'll like to have a word with you."

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