《[A Promise]>R. Tempest x Reader》Chapter 21×


"I'm sorry about my actions. I'm Yuki Kagurazaka." The brunet decided to introduce himself. "And who might this be?" He motion to you who stood quite annoyed in the back.

"I'm Y/N L/N, now known as Y/N Tempest."

"She's my wife. We both came here to talk to you about something." Rimuru elaborateed just a little. Yuki nodded his head in acknowledgment.

"But first... You said you were an other worlder right?"

"Uh.. Yes?"

"Then... The Mangas...."

Yuki didn't even have to finish for Rimuru to know what he was talking about.

"Now I'm just going to stand here.. In the back.. All alone." You dramatically sighed as you watched the two interact.


"So.. That happened." Walking down the massive hallway away from the head master's room, Yuki explained the curse that was placed on the five kids Rimuru came for.

"Is there a way to fix this?" Your husband asked, worried lingers in his tone.

"I have no idea. But perhaps you can still be of use by helping them with their powers." The brown head suggested.

"And what if we just want to rest up? I'm so tired. You guys were just talking about nonsense all day." Referring to the topics of Manga books and their plots, you couldn't help but groan rather impatiently. With that, Rimuru chuckles.

"How about you show us our living area before we meet the kids."


"Finally! A bed!" You jumped on top of the comfort lable object once you opened the door to you and Rimuru' s new bedroom.

"Will you be joining me to meet the kids?"

"Hm," You hummed tiredly. "Not today."

"You know we won't be staying here all day right?" The slime sweat dropped.


"Persuading me won't take me away from my bed."

"Fine. Suit yourself." The blue head placed his belongings on the ground before exiting out if the room.

"Now," You sat up from the bed, remembering the task you kept private to yourself. "What if I can sense my mother here."

Being able to sense or find someone was something you could've done ever since you were a child. You'd use this magic to cheat your way when playing hide and seek with Zeldin and Elith.

But now... You don't know if it'll be strong enough to use when searching for your mother.

It's been such a long time that you don't even know what her energy is like anymore to sense her.

"Crap," You sighed. You dropped her self down on the bed, staring at the white ceiling that did nothing, but stared back. "How can I find you, mom?"

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