《[A Promise]>R. Tempest x Reader》Chapter 18×


"Also, Y/N.. There is something that I wanted to ask you."

"What is it?" You waited for Rimuru's response. "You can tell me."

"How do you feel about going on an adventure? Just the two of us." He questioned. "And ranga of course."

"Who's Ranga again?" You tilted your head in confusion.

"Really, Y/N? You really have to remember everyone's names."

"I know, I know," You sighed. "But an adventure, you say? It's been such a long time since I've been on one."

"I was thinking really hard about this, and I thought that if I also tell you the reason why I want to go on this journey, it would bring some context to it."

"It's totally find if you don't want to tell me, but I surely wouldn't mind hearing your reasoning."

"I want to, though. It's nothing too personal either and even if it was, I should be comfortable sharing many things with you. It's all in the pass, so it doesn't really bother me as much."

"Oh. Okay then. I'm all ears."

Rimuru sighed softly before starting off his story.

"Well, to start off, before you came into my life, I was told that I was gonna have a soulmate. I finally met that soulmate and due to some of difficulties, she passed away just a few moments later." Your eyes furrowed sadly at the statement he told. "In order for her to rest in peace.. She requested I devour her body.. Which is how I'm able to contain this body." He motioned to himself. You were confused for a moment before nodding your head in realization.

Everything he eats.. He can transform into them? How come you never noticed it before?


"Before she died though, she asked me to complete a job she wasn't able to do. So that's where I come in."

"Hm.." You stayed silent for a moment. "I see." You completed the remaining piece of cake you had in your plate. "I wouldn't mind joining you. It should hopefully be fun." You stood up from your spot on the ground. "This is my first, real journey ever! I can't wait to see what it holds."


"Eh. Hopefully she likes kids. I didn't get to tell her that was part of the job."


"I know I told you just a few moments ago about how you're always helping me and I pro-"

"Rimuru. It's totally fine." You smiled cheekily at your husband. "I would destroy everything in the world just so I can be by your side." You chuckled. "I'm crazy about you." Rimuru stared at you with widen eyes, mouth agape.

No words could be said. His mind was running over the sudden confession you made towards him.

He felt.. Happy. Almost giddy inside.

"Anyways, when shall we leave? I would love to leave right now!"

"S-slow down, Y/N!" Rimuru finally stuttered out. "We'll be leaving within a week, so I suggest you start packing soon."

"Yep! I'll do that right now." You began running off excitedly away from the garden.

"Wait, Y/N! Our date isn't over yet!"

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