《[A Promise]>R. Tempest x Reader》Chapter 16×



"Explore everything together, huh? He wouldn't even take a bath with me."


You lowered yourself down in the spring water, a sigh escaping your lips at the relaxation.

Your eyes danced around the scenery that surrounded the female side of the hot spring.

It was rather beautiful.

You faced your eyes back into the water, now slightly glaring at it.

"No, Y/N. Don't have those thoughts." You inhaled, then exhaled slowly to steady your breathing. "Was it the right choice to get married?"

And there you were. You refused to listen to yourself and still proceeded with the negative thoughts and doubts.

"Maybe I was not meant to be with him. Everything did happened all too quickly." You sighed, before standing up from the water. You made your way to where the towels were nearly folded and started drying off yourself. "I'll just sleep it off for now. Hopefully tomorrow will be different."




"Y/N, wake up."


"Y/N, darling."

"I'm up!" You sat up from your spot and stared at your husband, who smiled at you.

"Glad you're up." Rimuru crouched down next to and patted your head. "We have to get ready."

"For what?" You were still drowsy at your sudden awakening. You placed your palm against your mouth, covering up your yawn that was about to escape.

"I just had an amazing idea." You can tell how excited he was by the grin that showed off on his face. You unconsciously smiled at the look on your lover's face.


"Well... You know how we suddenly got married? Without experiencing anything beforehand?" You nodded your head.

Funny how you were thinking about that just last night.

"I just thought that maybe we can have the whole day to ourselves, and perhaps get to know each other a little more." A small blush painted across his face. He nervously looked to the side before giving you his attention again.


"Sure? Yes! I would love to."

"Then get ready! What are you waiting for?!"


"Oh? A garden? That's so cool." You smiled brightly at the sight of colorful flowers. The grass were dancing slightly in the graceful wind, bringing you into peace.

"Come. Let's take a seat." Your husband ushered you to the sight of a blanket placed on a ground, allowing the many different types of snacks to top the coverware.

"Wow. This is nice." You happily smiled at the scene.

"I just thought we should take a break together." Rimuru took a seat, bringing you down to sit next to him. "Which one would you like?"

"I'll take one of that please." You pointed at the chocolate cookie, mouth drooling just waiting to taste the dessert.

"So let's talk," After handing over your desire sweet, Rimuru faced you with his own in hand.


"I want to know you. Tell me about you."

"Oh? Uh.. Well..."

Where should you start?

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