《[A Promise]>R. Tempest x Reader》Chapter 15×


That feeling you had about something dangerous happening to your husband's village, you were right.

Everyone gasped at the large, blue creature that decorated the air.

Charybdis, it's name, was almost impossible to beat.

"Ok, everyone! Try your best to destroy it!" Rimuru encouraged his members with a determined look on his face.

"Yeah! Like Rimuru said! You guys can do it!" You joined, matching your husband's look and energy.

To be honest, you were kinda scared for everyone that was fighting this creature. You sense great power coming from it and yet, you weren't able to help the village due to your blue head husband's commands.

"Y/N, I want you to go and lay out on this one for me, ok? Why don't go to where Millim is." You frowned at Rimuru's choice of action before doing as he said.

If your people were hurt and you weren't there to protect them, wouldn't that be your fault?

You slugged at the horrific thought.

Once at the destination, you sat next to the pink head demon lord who were silently sleeping.

"I told Rimuru I could fight that thing. Why doesn't he want me to fight it?" You mumbled angrily to yourself, failing to notice more individuals joining to risk their lives for the village. "I mean I'm pretty str-"

"Millim! I need your help!"

"I'm up! I totally wasn't sleeping!" Millim quickly woke up from her short nap from the call of Rimuru acting as if she was awake the whole time. She didn't notice you and your grim look as she flew from her spot and to where Rimuru was.

"Hmph. I could've been called too." Your knee was now pressed against your chest allowing yourself to rest your head on your knees. "But even if I was called to fight, that charybdis probably wouldn't be the only thing I destroy." You now focused your eyes at the distanced Millim was at. "I'll probably destroy everyone in my path."


And just as you said that, a loud explosion was heard. You knew it was Millim's doing as you witness it from your spot.

"Hmm. Over here is pretty quiet. Maybe I can stay here a little longer." You clearly ignored everything that was going on. Your eyes started to droop, soon allowing sleep to take over you.


You opened your eyes and sat up from your spot to what you presumed is a bed. You let out yawn before stretching, allowing your muscles to crack and the tiredness to escape from your body.

"Oh. You're awake." You smiled at the familiar voice of your husband.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep during the war." Your eyebrows bend sadly as you spoke.

"It's totally fine. Everything was taken care of anyways."

"Hmm. I see." You started to remove the blanket that you didn't know was on your body, before placing your feet on the cold ground.

"How about you go in the springs? Everyone is about to be asleep, so I'm sure you'll have your alone time."

"Would you care to join me?"

"Uh-" Tomatoe Rimuru was back at it again as he waved his hand frantically in embarrassment. "W-Wait. I can't just join you. I've already taken a bath in the hot spring. There's no need."

"Hmm." You got up from the bed and made it out of the room. "I'll see you when I get back then."


"Oh, she's definitely mad at me."


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