《[A Promise]>R. Tempest x Reader》Chapter 13×


"Will you be joining us in our meeting, Y/N? You get to finally learn what it's like to hold meetings and such with confidence." Rimuru asked with a soft smile.

You hummed in thought. "Hmm. I guess why not? It'll be pretty fun." You took a hold of your husband's hand, and began walking out of your home, going towards a completely different direction of where Rimuru was planning on going. "Let's go!"

"Uh.." The blue head sweat drop, "Let me lead the way." Rimuru dragged you to where the meeting would be held.


Though Rimuru wanted you learn what it was like to hold meetings, you weren't paying much attention.

You were sure that was one reason why you allowed Elith to take control of meetings all the time.

You sighed quietly, not wanting to interrupt Rimuru's speech.


"Maybe I should just teleport out of here. It isn't like anyone would notice, right?" Muttering softly, you glanced around the room. Everyone attention seemed to be focusing on your husband. This was your chance.

You closed your eyes, and suddenly, you were placed out of the building.

"Hehehe, I feel so bad, but it's better than sitting dowm and doing nothing." You grinned. "Sorry, Rimuru." You removed yourself from in front of the building with a smirk and continued looking around. "Eh. Can't talk to anyone. Not even Elith. She's also in that meeting." A frown was now placed on your face. "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea."

"Of course it wasn't, Lady, Y/N."

"Ah!" You faced the person behind you with a shocked look. "Elith! I- Hey?"

"King Rimuru told me to get you." Elith had her eyes close, releasing an annoyed sigh. "This meeting is very important, Lady Y/N. Why did you leave?" Her eyes opened, a blank look placing into them


"Oh.. I was just.. You know." You didn't had any excuses and you didn't want to make up a foolish lie, or even a lie in general. You knew Elith could see through them, and that's what scared you the most. "Okay, fine. The meeting was kinda boring. But please don't tell Rimuru I said that!" You clasped your hands together.

"I won't tell him, lady Y/N, but you know ditching on an important meeting is not good."

"But you know I'm not good with people."

"Well, as a queen, you must start getting use to them." Elith glared at you warningly, only to soften her eye seconds later. "Let's go. I hope the meeting hasn't ended yet."

"Haha. Let's hope." You really wished the meeting ended. You didn't want spend the rest of your time staring into nothingness.


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