《[A Promise]>R. Tempest x Reader》Chapter 12×


"Lady Y/N."

"Elith! How's it going?"

"I'm doing well, Lady Y/N." The red head bowed her head. "But it seems that one of king Rimuru's people would like to speak with you."

"Speak with me?" You tilted your head in confusion.

"Follow me."

Still in confusion, you followed the woman.

As you both reached the open area that your maid led you to, you were lucky to witness the calming wind that blown rather graceful and the sun that shine down in all the right places. It calmed down from the nervousness you were feeling. You felt peace in this area.

"Lady Y/N." Your thoughts were provoked by the sound of an unfamiliar voice.

"Oh.. Uh. Hello." You were sure you recognized the man that stood before you, but can't place your finger on it.

The man bowed down on one knee to show his mannerism. "It's a pleasure to come face-to-face with you." He stood back up from his actions. "My name Benimaru, and I'm one of sir Rimuru's subordinates."

"Oh?" You looked at Elith, who only shrugged in response. "Well.. Um.. It's nice to meet you as well, Benimaru. I'm sure you're a great helper to Rimuru, and I appreciate your loyalty towards him."

When you told Rimuru that you weren't good with people other than yours, you weren't lying. The fact that you have to converse with them, give them orders, and even be near them gives you anxiety. But that's a habit that you would have to break out of now that you were married to Rimuru.

"Please. Accept us as one of your people. Anyone who sir Rimuru chooses to be loyal to, we shall also be loyal to." He bowed once again.


"Yes. I don't mind." You awkwardly smile, trying to had the idea of not knowing what to say. Was that the right statement to reply with? "Thank you for this talk, but now, I must get going." You softly bowed, before teleporting with Elith by your side.

"That was so awkward."


"What's all that commotion?" Your eyes furrowed at the sudden explosion that was made in the distance. "A fight?"

After your small talk with Benimaru, you never thought to witness an intrusion in Tempest.

Both you and Elith teleported your way to the source, only to be face with a bruised dark skinned man, or rather beast, with dark purple hair. He was lying on the ground, struggling to even stand up. Two other beast stood behind him in fear.

"What the heck happened here?" Rimuru joined after awhile, mouth gaped at the sight in front of him.

"I'll like to know myself," You stood next to your husband, arms crossed in confusion.

"I beat him up because he was mean to my besties' subordinate!" Millim angrily spoke as she came up to Rimuru.

"I'm ok, though. No need to worry." Rigurd spoke from the crowd, allowing everyone to figure out that he was the subordinate Millim spoke of. You faced the male and went up to him, rubbing the bump that was on his cheek.

"It'll be fine." After awhile, the bump disappeared, as if it never existed.

"Uh- M'lady!" Rigurd was shock at the lack of bruises that was once on his face.

"And Millim! You can't just beat up anyone you like." You focused your attention back on the pink head.

"Yeah! What Y/N said." Rimuru agreed.

"But he deserved." Millim argued.

"Fine, then. I'll just take one week of lunch from you."

"Huh!? But you can't!" The pink head began to tear up before releasing all of her angry to the beaten up beast. "See! This is all your fault! If it wasn't for you, I would've still have me some free lunches!" Millim threw random punches and kicks at the man.

"Millim, that doesn't help." You just sweat drop at the woman's attitude.

Yep. This was the start of your day.

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