《[A Promise]>R. Tempest x Reader》Chapter 10×


Out of everything Rimuru could've woken up to, he never thought in his life, even his past life, that he would have woken up to a girl with him in bed.

But he was right. It wasn't just girl next to him in bed. He was woken up to a wife next to him. His wife, and he couldn't have been more happier.

Rimuru stared down at your resting face with a small smile, soon shuffling out of bed, slowly as to not wake you up.

"Okay. Let's start the day. Hopefully nothing weird happens." He clapped his hands together in determination. He then stared back at his sleeping wife, a smile still resting on his face. "Hmm." He suddenly frowned. "Should I give her a good morning kiss? But I've never done something like that before! Maybe the day can be the day!?" Rimuru began blushing at the thought.

With the small crisis that he was experiencing, he failed to notice your body getting out of the bed and tiptoeing near him. You leaned over and gave him a small kiss on the shoulder.

"Good morning." You smiled cheekily at him.

"Huh," The blue head stopped his concerning actions and faced you. "Oh! Hey, Y/N! Didn't know you were awake. Could've fooled me." He let out a humorous laugh, making you chuckled in the process.

"You actually woke me up, though. But it's fine." You gave him another kiss on the forehead. "Shall we start our day?" You hummed and walked your way back to Rimuru's bedding.

"Um, Rimuru? Can you perhaps zip this down for me?" Thinking of changing out of your nightgown, and into a more suitable clothes for the village, you faced your back toward the man, who froze in his spot.



"Zip it down? What is she trying to indicate? I can't just do that! That'll just means I'll see her naked! I mean, not that I mine."


"Actually, now that I think about it, there's some important things I have to do today. See you later, Y/N." Before you were even able to open your mouth to speak, Rimuru quickly jolted out of his house, leaving you dumbfounded.


"Whew, that was close." The Golden eye man frowned. "Who knew what would've happened if I went further than just a z-" He suddenly stopped is ranting as he cast his eyes toward the clear sky. "What's that power?" He sensed. A part of the sky was now covered in black dust, before disappearing as it showed off the clear view of the blue sky. He turned into his slime form and hopped to the direct of the powerful source.


"Hm. I wonder why Rimuru left so suddenly." You threw on what was left of your remaining outfit with a small frown. "I don't want to assume the worst, but.." You stood up from your seat and made your way out of your new bedroom, face to face with the citizen of Rimuru's village.

"Rimuru and I are besties for resties!"

You heard. You threw your head toward the massive crowd that was just a few feet away. With confusion arisen in you, you strolled your way to the group, wondering what caught their interest.

How long has it been and something strange has already happened?

"Yeah! Millim and I are besties for resties!" Rimuru was rested in a woman's arm.


The woman in question had pink, pigtails and pearl, blue eyes.

She almost didn't look like a woman, for she had features of a young child.



"Oh?" Your voice boomed from the back of the crowd. Rimuru froze in the arms of Millim. "Is this the reason why you left so suddenly?" A dark aura can be sensed from you, making everyone shiver in fear.

"Uh, Y-Y/N. It's not w-what it looks like." Rimuru tried his best to fix the false narrative you had.

"Hey! Don't you dare talk to my bestie for resties like that!" Millim released Rimruru from her grip before walking up to you, throwing an angry glare your way.

"Oh? Well this best friend of yours is my husband." You glared back.


"Now, come on, girls. There's no need to fight over me." Rimuru gave you both a nervous smile, hoping a fight wouldn't happen between the two of you.

He could've sensed powerful aura coming from both you and Millim, and he was scared of what might happen to either of you.

"Wait." Millim suddenly stopped her glare, now replacing it with a questionable look. She leaned closer to your face, examining every spec of it. "Y/N?"

You sewed your eyebrows together, before folding your arms. "How do you know me?"

"You were such a young girl, I almost didn't recognize you now that you're older." Millim laughed loudly. "I really wished you stayed a demon lord, then I would've had someone se to play with."

"Demon lord?" Rimuru eyes bulged out at the new information.

"Oh!" Now you remembered. "Millim!" You went in to hug the girl, who happily returned it. "I guess it has been a long time, I forgot what you looked like." You giggled.

"You were a demon lord, M'lady?" Rigurd spoke from the crowd.

"I wasn't planning on telling anyone as of yet, but I guess the beans had been spilled." You smiled happily with your eyes clenched close.

"That must means you're super strong!" Sparkles were placed in Gobta's eyes at the thought. You just laughed it off, not really bothering with his statement.

"Y/N was such a great demon lord! She was almost as strong as me!" Millim spoke with excitement. "It was too bad she quit, though."

"I was just a young girl that was thrown into that. What else did you expect?"

"We should talk about this later, Y/N. For now, why don't we give Millim a good place to stay in?" Rimuru had many questions for you.

Were you planning on telling him about your relationship with the demon lords? No, he shouldn't be thinking that way. You both barley knew each other and you guys had just gotten married. But, perhaps...?

"Yay! I'm so happy to stay with my bestie! And my other bestie!" Millim clunged onto your back, and you couldn't help, but chuckle.

"Let's carry you to your room."



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