《[A Promise]>R. Tempest x Reader》Chapter 9×


The day.. Was finally here.

You and Rimuru were finally getting married.

During the days leading up to this, it has been nothing but smiles for you. You'd usually visit Rimuru and vise versa to talk about future plans for both of you guy's village and kingdom, and just afterwards, you'd resort to hanging out with yourselves. Your village can see the love that was slowly blooming between you two.

With you who have never experienced love before.

And with Rimuru, who also have never experienced love before.

It was a win-win situation and both of you were getting something good out of it, too.

"I now announce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

The wedding turned out better than you expected. It was simple, yet perfect and you were glad to experience the moment with all your people from your kingdom. And with Rimuru.

"Congratulations, princess."

"I'm so happy for you, princess!"

"I can't believe it! Princess is now a queen!"


You almost forgot about that.

Since you were now married, your title as princess had been distinguish, and now you were queen of the elf kingdom and Rimuru was now king of the elf kingdom.

"I'm really happy you get to experience something new, queen, Y/N." Elith happily smiled at you.

"Thank you so much, Elith. I never knew I could love someone so much enough to marry them."

"So it's true you're not doing this for the kingdom." Elith closed her eyes, the smile still placed onto her face. "I'm glad."

You gave the red head a reciprocated smile, before going in to hug her. "Thank you, Elith. To you and everyone."

A small blushed formed on Elith's face. "Uh-um you're welcome, my queen." You removed yourself from her. "Please enjoy yourself." She bowed.


"Yes. I should go and look for my husband."

"You're a little too happy, huh?"

You giggled like a high school girl. "I can't help it. It's my first lover. How should I act?"

"I'm the worst person to ask." Elith sighed. "But just go with the flow. I'm sure King Rimuru knows what to do. He did chose to marry you after all."

"Hmph." You nodded you're head in determination. "You're right. I shall go look for my new husband!"

"I shall see you, then."


"Uhhh! Ranga, help me!"

"What is it, master?"

"I don't know what else to do."

"What do you mean, Master?"

Rimuru let out an exasperated sigh.

"Now that we're married, I don't know what to do. I've never really experienced being in a relationship before." Ranga hummed in thought.

"I don't know what it's like to be in love, but perhaps you can do things that deals with love?"

"No kidding, genius." Rimuru sweat drop. "Maybe I'll just go and ask Y/N what she knows. Perhaps she delt with these kinds of stuff before? Seeing as she was a princess."

"You mean like hand in marriage?"

"Yeah. Maybe she knows what to do?"

"Perhaps." Ranga barked.

"Rimuru?" And speak of the angel, you were right outside his door.

"I'm in here, come on." The blue head called out. "If you don't mind, can you give us some space, Ranga?"

"Of course, master." The wolf exited out of Rimuru's house, allowing you to come into it.

"I'm glad you're here. I was just speaking about you." Your husband smiled at you.

"Well, I can't lie and say I wasn't doing the same thing," You laughed. You walked up to your new lover and sat next to him on his couch. "So.."



You both stayed silent for a few minutes, contemplating on what should be said.

"This is my first time ever having a husband, or just being in love with someone."


So I guess the thought of you having a previous lover should go down the drain.

"Oh. I thought since you were a princess, you would've had a lot of people getting down on you."

"Getting down?"

"Oh, nevermind." He glanced away from his wife in embarrassment. Your eyebrows perched together, still in confusion.

"Anyways." Rimuru stood up from his seat. "What do you want to do now that we're husband and wife?"

"Well," Your eyes were close as you went on thinking.

What could you do now that both of you were married? You never once experienced this kind of love before.

"What do partners do once they're married?"

"Well," Rimuru began to blush. "Uh..." He turned his head from your direction, regretting ever asking that question.


"I can't just tell her that they do the do once they're married." His face darkened in a deeper shade of red. "Maybe I'll just leave that part out."


"Well, you know, newly weds usually have their honeymoon afterwards." Rimuru faced back the adult with a smile.

"I see, I see." You nodded your head in understanding. You then stood up from your seat, before taking a hold of your husband's hand, a smile now plastered onto your face. "I wouldn't mind spending our honeymoon here. As long as it's with you."


"Wow. She has a way with words. I can almost fall in love with her all over again."


Rimuru grinned at your statement.

"I wouldn't mind being anywhere with you, either, Y/N Tempest."

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