《[A Promise]>R. Tempest x Reader》Chapter 7×


You can proudly say that Rimuru, Shuna and Sion enjoyed their couple hours of stay time at the elf kingdom.

Many of the elves enjoyed the blue head and his companions, which made you happier than ever.

"Maybe he can help this kingdom." That thought was lingering in your mind all day. Even after Rimuru and his subordinate left, those were the words you couldn't stop thinking about even when the new day arrived.

But it all depends on the people. If they don't like Rimuru, then perhaps you can try again with a new village instead.

"How are you feeling about everything, lady, Y/N?" Elith stood next to you as you place some of your belongings in your bags.

"As long as you guys are okay with it, then I don't mind." You smiled at the dark skinned woman.

"But how do really feel about it, lady Y/N?"

You stopped perusing your activity, now deep in thought at the question your personal maid asked.

"As I said before, I wanted to try something new." You finally answered.

"I feel as if there is something more to it, lady, Y/N."

"Hm." You chuckled. "Maybe there is? Who knows." You continued placing your belongings in your bags. "Are our rides ready?"

Elith closed her eyes for a second before opening them again. "Yes, my lady. Everyone is at the entrance waiting for you."

"Then shall we get going? I don't want to keep my people waiting."

Elith smiled at you. She enjoyed that you were finally opening up yourself to new things. Though, with many things swirling her mind, she thought it would be quite sad that you probably wouldn't have to depend on her any longer.


"Hm? Oh. Sorry, lady Y/N. Let's get going."


"Hm. Let's."


"Ok, is the preparations ready?"

"Yes, master Rimuru. All the housings and food had been prepared for our guest." Rigurd answered.

"Good. Y/N and her people should be here at any moment."

"Master, you seemed to be going all out for this person." Ranga barked. Rimuru faced flushed at the sudden statement his personal pet made.

"Well, uh. You see.."

"Don't worry, lord Rimuru. Whatever you're planning, we'll always stay here with you." Benimaru joined with a soft smile.

"Thank you, Benimaru. I'm so glad to have you guys here with me." The blue head smiled.

"Master, Rimuru. It seems that our guest has arrived." Rigurd announced.

"Good. Let's all go and greet them. Make sure to make their stay as comfortable as possible." Everyone nodded their heads. "Good. Then let's go."


"Rimuru. It's so good to see you again." You hopped out of her carriage and made your way to the male.

"Good to see you, too, Y/N." Rimuru looked behind the adult, examining the amount of elves that came out of the other carriages.

"Wow!" Marey can be heard exclaiming from the back.

"Seems like someone is already enjoying their moment." You joked as you stared toward the voice of the girl. You faced back toward Rimuru with a smile. "Shall we get started?"

"Of course."

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