《[A Promise]>R. Tempest x Reader》Chapter 4×


"Mmmmmm! This is so nice!" The chopsticks were still placed in your mouth as you savoured the taste of the steamed fish.

"I know right? You should try this one as well." Rimuru pointed at a meat that was just placed in a black bowl. He picked it up and placed it down in your plate. "Try it. I promise you it's good."

You grabbed the piece of meat and examined it, before looking at the blue head. He waited patiently with a smile for you to devour the meat.

"Fine. I trust you." You bit piece of the meat, chewing it down slightly, before giving it a swallow.

"So?" Rimuru leaned forward with curiosity. "How is it?"

You allowed the meat to settle in your stomach, before looking at the anxious blue head. "It's.." You paused, staring into Rimuru's anticipating, golden eyes. "It's awesome! The way it melts on your tongue! Who knew meat can do such a thing?"

The blue head released a sigh of relief. "Glad you like it. Shuna worked really hard to prepare it for you."

"Well, I'm grateful. Oh! And speaking of which, I'm sorry that you had to be away from your people because of me. I'm not really good at communicating with others unless it's with my people."

"It's totally fine," Rimuru shrugged his shoulders, "I know you won't do anything to harm me and I feel like I can trust you."

You smiled at the man's truthful words before biting down on the rest of the meat.

"Mmmm. Maybe you should come and visit my kingdom. I'm sure my people would love you very much."

"I guess that wouldn't be so bad and.. Uh.." The man suddenly stopped talking. You stared at the male, watching as his eyebrows furrowed in thought.


"What is it?"

"Are you sure you don't want to move here? I can provide you with many things. For you and for your people."

"I thought we said we wouldn't speak on this matter again?" Your eyebrows thread together in annoyance at Rimuru's continuous request. "And besides, I can't just move in with you without the feelings of my people."

"What about you? Wouldn't you want this for yourself?"

"I know what I want, and I want my people to be happy." You turned your face away from him.

You were still annoyed that he brought up the topic that he said he wouldn't speak about. "And even if I do want to live here, it's not possible. I'll have to be married to you. My people won't trust to live in such a random village even if I insist.

Rimuru hummed in confusion. "So what you're telling me is that in order for you and your village-"


"-Kingdom to move to Tempest, you'll have to marry-?"

"You'll have to marry me."

"I'll have to marry you?"

"Yep. Then I'll officially become queen of my nation. And I guess you'll become king of my nation as well."

"Wait.. King?" Rimuru almost choked on his spit at the realization.

"Uh- Yeah?" You answered him as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"You're a princess?"

"Of the elf society."

Rimuru eyes widen. He looked from your eyes and straight down to your chest, mouth suddenly drooling at the sight before him.

"You idiot, eyes on mine."

"I'm sorry," He nervously chuckled. "But seriously. In order for you and your people to move here, we'll have to get married?"

You nodded your head.


"Then let's do it."

Your eyes widen at his sudden statement. "W-What!? Now?!"

"Well, not now. Maybe tomorrow?"

You scoffed at the man's request. "You don't even know me. Why do you want me to live here so bad? I can take care of myself."

"Well, it's not because I think you're weak." He paused for a moment, thinking of what else he can say. "I just feel the need.. To be with you? I don't know."

"Huh?" You questioned him with cocked eyebrows in confusion.

"I can't explain it, but I sense a connection with you."

You stayed silent at Rimuru's true thoughts. You didn't know what else to say. You didn't felt what he was feeling. You didn't sensed what he was sensing, but you did felt as if you can trust him perhaps.



"We'll see what the future hold for the both of us."

"Does that mean-"

"I want to marry for love, not to just live somewhere. So as our life progress, we'll see how our feelings for eachother grow."

Rimuru hummed at the thought. He extended a hand out for you. "Let's shake on it?"

You stared at his him, then at his arm. You sighed and extended yours out as well. "Deal."

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