《Random Book 5》Sam and Acnol wants to hang out


Sam open her eyes as her nine tails wag and got up.

Sam: I want to hang out with Maurice again. *opens her door and saw Acnol* What is it?

Acnol: Wanna hang out with Maurice?

Sam: I was going to ask him.

They went to him and saw actually talking to Shay.

Maurice: I can't believe school is about to over.

Shay: Yeah. This year went by fast.

Sam: *chokes Maurice from behind* You baka! Since when you start talking?!

Maurice: I decided to at least start back today.

Acnol: Go to have you back, Momo.

Sam: We hang out by the way.

Maurice: Is that a command or ask?

Sam: Command.

Maurice: Fine.

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