《Random Book 5》Emblem meet Midnight


Emblem and Maurice were U.A High school and saw a woman waiting for them.

???: Hello there, I take it you are Emblem and Maurice?

The two nodded.

???: I'm Nemuri Kayama the chief of this school.

Emblem: Nice to meet ya, Nemuri.

Nemuri: Same goes for me.

Emblem: So I'm guessing you want to talk to us right?

Nemuri: Correct. Follow me please.

They followed her to her office and sat down.

Nemuri: So tell me about yourself.

Emblem: Well, *points to her brother* This is my younger brother, Maurice who stopped talking for some reason. *whispers to her where Maurice couldn't hear* I have a crush on him.

Nemuri smiled at her as her door and show Mount Lady walking in.

Mt. Lady: Hey Mid I-*see Maurice* YOU!

Nemuri: You two met?

Mt. Lady: Yes, he stole my glory. I will never forgive you!

Maurice only responded by popping his knuckles.

Mt. Lady: Bring it on!

They formed a fighting cloud.

Emblem: Hey Nemuri?

Nemuri: What?

Emblem: Old hag.

Nemuri: You b*tch! F*cking sl*t!

They start fighting each other.

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