《I Will Live My Life As A Slime With A Dark Elf Body As A Base!》Chapter 13: And Here I Thought I Would Be All Pacifist And What Not
Chapter 13: And Here I Thought I Would Be All Pacifist And What Not
The cold breeze of the mountains were playing around my cheeks as I watched the landscape that was far below seemed to be like a painted scene. It was so beautiful that I had completely forgotten I was still climbing the mountains with everyone else, Shen looked at me with a gentle gaze.
"You seem to like the view don't you, Yukiyo"
"I do. It's really beautiful. Its been a while since I have been in this world and I only seem to earn even more respect from seeing this, this world really is beautiful"
"Wait till you have wings and start flying off to the floating islands"
I screamed loud enough to cause an avalanche but it seemed Shen used magic to make it such that we could shout as much as we wanted to limiting how far my shouting could go.
"I am yet to get there myself"
"Same here"
"Shiro wants to go to floating islands and adventures with everyone!"
"I express the same desire"
"Kaa-san are we there yet?"
"Not yet"
Everyone was busy talking whilst I was in my slime form, I had transformed to be like a boat that would rapidly climb the mountain as fast I can if someone was to see this they would think they are having a hallucination and start to immediately running away from me. Yes yes I am surreal I know that but there isn't a better way of climbing the mountain at rapid speed without taking everyone with me. It seemed to be the most viable option too, yes everyone here could fly excluding her but she ignored all of their opinions and decided to move on with her own ideas.
"Yukiyo stop we are here"
"Ah, okay"
I transformed back into my dark elf form after everyone got off, I froze for a moment as I stared at the building that was before me. It was covered in complete white as was everything else here, the trees seemed to compliment the surroundings as their icy blue cherry blossom petals freely floated in the air, in between the trees themselves were statues of very beautiful women and fairies as well. The snow was slowly falling down in this place as if in honor of its very existence, the glass of the window felt made of ice itself, the walls were a cold brick of the same material as the glass, the decorations of the walls were covered by an array of snowflakes. I felt like I had entered another world entirely, I know I am in a fantasy world but this is just too beautiful.
"My sister is very elaborate when it comes to beauty and such, for instance she added the ice fairy statues a while back because she thought they looked cute."
"She lives alone up here?"
"As expected of the ice dragon, Setsu she loves all things related to beauty"
"D-Did Shen's sister do something stupid in the past too?"
"Yes, my predecessor was given the task of investigating the issue of the dragon that was stealing paintings, white colored treasures and even statues dedicated to queens."
"Yes Setsu lives up to her nickname"
"And what's that?"
"Winter thieving dragon"
"That's a funny name"
"Shiro thinks so too!"
"Let's move on now. We need to see my sister Setsu, I believe she already knows we are here"
"How so?"
"Dragons can feel the presence of other dragons and the door is already open"
I looked over the snowflake decorated door so we began to walk over to the ice palace that Shen's sister Setsu made. The interior was just as beautiful, everything felt like it belonged in a fairy tale the paintings of beautiful women were adorned on the walls making it even more surreal. Just how much of a beauty connoisseur is she?I asked myself as I kept on staring at everything all around us.
"What's your relationship with your sister Shen?"
"She is more or less someone I greatly respect, if I were a male dragon I would have thought of having her for myself."
"Worry not, I will not do such a such thing. I have you to look over after all"
"That's both reassuring and scary"
"Heh, you're such an interesting one. We have arrived."
Everyone was strangely quiet for some reason and I couldn't pin it down. The door opened and we were greeted by a room covered in white treasure, several elaborately designed mirrors with a single being sitting on a throne. She had long white hair, her eyes were icy blue wearing a dress of similar whiteness covered in the decorations of snowflakes. If she weren't a dragon I would call her a yukionna. She stood up from her seat, her cold emotionless expression was mesmerizing but I was noticing something off about this. Her gaze was slowly becoming really hot for some reason, once she got to a distance where she could run towards us she did.
"I can see why you would rather not"
Setsu was a siscon, simple and straight forward. She was currently hugging Shen in a strangle hold, had we not moved out of the way we would have been caught up in her glomp.
"Setsu-neesama please we have visitors"
"I noticed but I haven't hugged you enough you cutie!"
"Sigh this is why I rarely visit you nee-sama"
"I know that is why I stock up on my Shen energy!"
"Yup a big siscon"
After she was done hugging her she then looked at the rest of us with an amazed yet calculating gaze.
"You have made some very interesting friends hear Shen. Twin Fenrirs, Twin Vampire Demon Lords, a Sage, and a monster I cannot fathom to understand"
"Its true though"
"I guess"
"Setsu-neesama allow me to introduce these people who I call family excluding the Sage who you already know. These two are Geri and Freki"
"Pleased to meet you"
"Humu humu"
"These precious young'uns are Shiro and Kuro"
"Shiro is happy to meet Dad's big sister!"
"Humu humu"
"And finally this is Yukiyo a very special person to me"
"Heh, alright now why did you want to visit me for after such a long time"
"I want to visit our parents, I need your help on finding mother."
"And not father?"
"I already know where he is, and no I will not be visiting him first"
"I see, so you are still angry about that. Well I will help you, I can see you have grown a lot in strength. Is it because of that monster beside you?"
"Yes, Yukiyo is a strange one even by our standards"
"I see, she has the makings of someone who can greatly turn people into god like beings"
"You have been taking care of my sister for a while now, I must thank you even though she is very stubborn at times and acts like she doesn't care. Shen really has a soft spot for the ones she cares about, you continue to care for her okay?I will be watching"
"Its my job at this point"
"Heh, now then let us make our way down"
Setsu changes her clothes to be more similar to Shen, this way their clothes look exactly the same. This siscon is amusing not going to lie. She teleports us down to the edge of the mountain but someone was waiting for us there.
"You have finally come down, I have been waiting for you Hero Killer"
"Ah.....is this revenge?"
The girl was on the teenager side of things so she could be in her edgy phase or whatever, I decided to look into her status for a bit.
• Name: Notte Dämmerungskill
• Age: 19 (in appearance), 29(slow aging)
• Race: Demon Lord (Premature)
• Title: The Demon King's Daughter
• Job: Demon King
• Level: 66 』
Uwah she is the demon king's daughter!Is she here because I killed the man who killed her father?!Please don't say that.
"No it is not, I simply wish to join your ranks, I have seen the great work you did with those children. You made them strong enough to be a force to be reckoned with so I decided to want to come under your wing if that is okay with you"
Oh I guess its alright, phew I thought I had stepped on a flag that I shouldn't have triggered. Good, I guess I will accept, make her strong really quick and allow Shiro and Kuro have a Demon Lord friend for once. This family is growing a bit too big for my liking.
"I acc-?!"
Before the words could escape my mouth an arrow was immediately shot at Shiro, I was too slow to react to that. She was injured and coughing up blood, I rushed to her side and began to worry about her state. Normally she wouldn't be hurt by something this stupid unless.
『Marwolaeth Cythraul (Demon's Death) - an arrow specifically made to kill premature demon kings fired by a being similar to the Hero, these are made by the Cornea Empire's elite mages in preparation for killing the Demon King's daughter』
"I got one of them!"
"Good! We have two more left!!"
Suddenly a bunch of guys dressed in white appeared from out of nowhere, they had crosses on their chest as they smiled at this tragedy.
"Who are you?"
"We are the secret elite force of the Cornea Empire, Dawnbringer!We have come to kill the threat of the Demon King whilst it is still young!"
I see....so this is the fate of my beautiful daughters huh?I will not allow it to happen, not by a fucking chance!
One of the vampire demon kings was shot but that was enough to send enough shock through them. It would be very dangerous to imagine if there was more than just one Demon King. They would kill the other one after a while and her use was done.
"Do you know what you have just done?"
"Yes!We have purged the world of great evil!!We are justice itself and we will continue to do so, hey dark elf if you act like a good woman then you will stay away from the corpse of that monster!We will treat you better anyway!"
"This is why humans tend to get killed"
"Aren't you the Sage Severn?!What are you doing with a bunch of demi humans and monsters?Are you defecting to the demons now is that it?"
"I will continue to remain silent about it"
"Hah!If you the Demon King's daughter come quietly with us we promise to keep your friends alive, we are heroes after all"
There was an awkward silence for a while until the dragon kin began to talk.
"You have made a grave mistake"
"What do you mean?"
"You have angered someone who is like the bright sun, someone who not matter how dire the situation is she smiles through it. You and all of those related to you have no hope of surviving this"
"Stop being such a-?!"
That was when they saw . The sky was covered in black as a violent black wind started wrapping the dark elf in rapid speed, she started to melt into a black ooze before reforming her body into something from beyond this world. It was in the shape of a human yet it was not, the ones surrounding it had already escaped the wrath of this monster that had been born into this world. Multiple mouths covered its body as the surrounding black ooze had crimson eyes that stared at them with fury.
The very sky itself had turned into a mass of black wrath filled eyes, it had ominous spikes on its body, defiled black as well as pure white wings appeared on its back, a floating yellow crown appeared above its head, its abdomen was a large mouth with rows upon rows of sharpened fangs, twisted horns were on its forehead making yet another crown made from horns. Its crimson eyes were filled with wrath and hate, it was about to move.
They all fired their Marwolaeth Cythraul arrows but those were smacked clear away from its body as the dark eye balls floated right above its shoulders and shot at the archers of the group with black lightning making their shoulders completely erased from their bodies causing them to scream loudly, with a sense of emergency they pulled out a crystal and showed it off to the evil god.
The place is filled with immediate light as an angle descends from the very heavens themselves.
"Agribiel kill that monster!"
The angel was shivering its place like a leaf as the monster in front of it actually gave it a sense of deepened fear. This evil god was more than just that, it was an eldritch being that sat on the throne of all the evil gods, a Demon God. Seeing the angel shiver made it cover its face as its head bent backwards.
A deep insanity filled laughter roared from the abyss itself, the nobles of Dawnbringer were terrified what they had just done was awaken a demon god who was slumbering and now they were paying the price. It sent the black ooze in a wave as it puts hands forward with the black floating eyes following behind as well. The first nobles who tried to fight it ended up having their bodies cut up into pieces that still screamed as they were eaten alive by the black ooze, their weapons had no effect on it and no matter what they did, it still came back to kill them. Only one thing was left for them to do.
"Tch, fucking cowards!!"
They were apparently slow and the black ooze held them in a firm grip, some of the nobles wet and soiled themselves from the sheer despair.
"I am sorry Chloe it looks like I would have to borrow your Beelzebub skill what I need to do here is very important"
It talked to itself in a mature voice as it looked at them with interested sadistic eyes.
"Heh, I've got it. Angel-san transform into the Beelzebub skill"
The black ooze came for the floating angel that was struggling to remove it all as it was drowning inside of it, until nothing of the angel remained except a massive ball with the click of a finger it exploded and all that remained was a monstrosity that could only appear in the deepest hells of their nightmares. A massive humanoid fly was buzzing about, it had a crown on its head as well as a crimson cape with an evil gaze on its compound eyes, its hands was a specter.
"I am going to eradicate your families from the face of the earth, everyone will remember what happened here today. Even the idiots who created the arrow that pierced Shiro. 【Seven Deadly Skill: Beelzebub: Death Flies】"
The fly monster along with the floating eyeballs disintegrated into a swarm of flies that were headed towards the Cornea Empire. The nobles themselves screamed as they were let go with the demon god before them beckoning them to fight it.
"C'mon go out with a bang, fight valiantly against this servant of the Messenger of Chaos and the King In Yellow"
They looked at each other and nodded, they would fight to save their families even if it meant their deaths. They picked up their weapons and ran at the abomination.
It pointed at them with a myriad of colors concentrating at its finger, a ball of such colors is fired at them as they raise their shields and brace themselves for the worst but nothing happens.
"Its something one of you will notice immediately"
They all check their statuses and the same had been applied to them, they lost a great amount of hard earned strength all gone within a couple of seconds.
"Debilitating Flies. A skill that sucks dry all of your hard work in one blow, you know what comes next right?"
A sharpened ooze spike penetrates his skull as one by one the nobles are either stabbed in the head or chest or all over like the leader who was spouting bullshit about justice.
That day a massive swarm of flies came from nowhere and eat to the bone the families of very famous nobles excluding their branch families, the court mage died as maggots writhed in his body and left him nothing more than skin and bones. This was said to be the curse of the Demon King and the announcement of his arrival as people feared the Demon God even more because of this, the Emperor became afraid of the things that were to happen in the future and decided to train the heroes even further because of it. The gods of the world were wondering too what had happened as Yukiyo picked a side.
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