《love to die for | mattia polibio》f o u r t y f i v e


'it's too early.'

'i'm sorry ma'am but i'm afraid there's no other option, we're going to have to deliver the baby through caesarean section.'

'a c section?! no- doctor my daughter is hardly even 6 months along, she's not ready yet.'

'the baby will be born prematurely, yes, but the longer i stay here having this conversation with you, the more likely it becomes for something to go wrong with either your daughter or the baby. i'm afraid it's not up to you, her water has already broken and we don't have any time to debate over this, i sincerely apologize, but i have to sedate y/n immediately.'

'fine, just do it.'

'thank you.'

'just please.. please make sure nothing bad happens.. to either of them. please. she's been through enough already.'

'i promise i'll do my best ma'am.'

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