《love to die for | mattia polibio》t h i r t y s i x


day two.

everyone had taken their seats and the judge had began his introduction.

i turned to mattia, not for any particular reason, but to just look at him and make sure he was okay.

something was off though, i was looking at him, but i couldn't see him, he was just a blur of colors and lights.

i started to panic, realizing that i was starting to feel uneasy and dizzy.

not now, i thought to myself in hopes that my baby would hear, i'm not ready yet

i think i saw mattia's eyebrows furrow in a concerned way, but before i could say anything, everything had gone dark and i felt myself hit the cold floor.


once again, i woke up to find myself in hospital, the feeling giving me déjà vu.

my mom, mattia and mr miller all stared down at me.

'she's awake, thank god.' my mom said.

'y/n, are you okay?' mattia asked me quietly.

'i'm fine.' i nodded my head weakly.

'y/n, do you think you could sit up for me?' asked mr miller.

i couldn't tell if his tone was angry or sympathetic.

i sat up slowly, mattia helping me where he could.

'y/n, i need you to be honest with me right now.' said mr miller.

'okay?' i tried my best to act confused, even though i knew what he was about to ask.

'did you know that you're pregnant?' he asked.

my mom, mattia and i all gasped collectively.

'pregnant? i'm not pregnant- there's no way.' i stuttered, putting up an oscar-worthy performance.

'well, you are.' mr miller said frustratedly.

'are you sure?' my mom asked him.

'the doctors were 100% sure.' he replied.

i looked at mattia whilst they spoke to each other, and he winked at me discreetly.


'what are we gonna do now?' i asked in my best distressed tone.

'well you're 20 weeks in, y/n, there's no going back now. i'm surprised you're not showing yet.' mr miller answered.

i placed a hand on my stomach, in four months mattia and i were going to have a kid of our own.

'you guys know that this is going to destroy our entire defense right?' he said.

mattia and i solemnly nodded our heads in sync.

'okay just go home and rest, court has been adjourned for today anyway. i'll see you all tomorrow.' mr miller walked out, doing a bad job of hiding his frustration.

i told my mom that i needed a few minutes to pack up my stuff and use the bathroom.

'okay i'll be waiting for you in the car, hurry up.' she said before leaving, 'we have a lot to talk about.'

i was left alone in the room with mattia, who shut the door cautiously.

'i cant believe that worked.' i squealed excitedly.

'for real, you never told me how good of an actress you are babe.' he teased.

'right? someone tell jennifer lawrence and scarlet johansson that i'm coming for their spots.' i said.

'i've missed being alone with you.' mattia laughed, placing a hand on my thigh and squeezing me slightly.

i felt my skin tingle beneath his grasp, sending butterflies all the way up my spine.

'i have too..' i whispered, staring straight into his eyes whilst he stared into mine.

he slowly started edging towards me, the focus of his gaze shifting onto my lips.

i put my arms around his neck, pulling him in closer and within seconds our lips were connected.

the feeling of his soft lips on mine felt like heaven as i combed through the silky hair at the back of his head with my fingers.


at one point i even felt his eyelashes brush against my cheekbone, tickling me slightly.

i gently bit his bottom lip, desperate to feel as much of him as i could.

letting go was the last thing i wanted to do, especially because it had felt like ages since the last time we had a moment like this, but i knew that if i didn't pull away now, i'd never be able to, and i think mattia felt the same way because we both backed away slightly at the same time.

our foreheads were still touching, and we stayed like that for a moment or two, both of us smirking in silence as we just enjoyed each other's presence.

mattia eventually got up and placed a small kiss on my stomach and whispering something to the baby that i couldn't make out.

'let's get out of here.' he smiled at me.

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