《love to die for | mattia polibio》t w e n t y n i n e


'so how are we gonna play this out?' i said.

'well we have court in like 3 months so we should probably keep that in mind.' replied mattia.

i shrugged, attempting to convince myself that acting careless would actually make me care less.

'i've got an idea but it might be a stretch.' said mattia, raising an eyebrow as if he was asking for permission to continue.

'any idea is better than no idea.' i said, scooping up a spoonful of the ice cream we were sharing in bed.

'okay so hear me out.. we pretend that we didn't know you were pregnant.' he said.

i froze with the spoon still in my mouth, and shot mattia a confused look.

'let me explain properly. all we have to do is wait until they find out you're pregnant, admit that we had sex once before we were caught, and pretend we didn't see any symptoms, and by that time there would be no choice but to let us have the baby, and it would probably help our case too.'

i put the tub down on the bedside table and looked up in consideration, and found that i couldn't really think of any flaws in that idea.

'hm..' i hummed as i scratched my head.

'hurry up and give me your verdict the suspense is killing me.' said mattia, over-dramatically.

'i think.. you might be onto something.' i said, 'maybe you're not as dumb as i thought.'

'shut the fuck up.' mattia laughed.

i leaned over and showered him with kisses all over his face.

'you're literally the cutest.' i smiled between pecks.

'stop.. y/n.. stop you're making me blush.' he struggled as he tried to push me off of him.


'we'll go with your idea.' i said, settling down.

'you sure?' he asked.

'i cant think of any better ideas, so.. yes, we're going with it.' i answered.

'great.' he smirked, 'are we gonna tell amber about all of this?'

'sure, as long as you don't use it as an opportunity to flirt with her.' i laughed.

'you're cute when you get jealous.' mattia said, poking me in my stomach.

i laughed and screamed uncontrollably, swinging at mattia in attempt to get him to stop tickling me, when i suddenly felt his hands wrap firmly around my waist and pull me in towards him.

i sat in his lap, shocked, one of my legs on either side of him.

'how do you make the most ordinary shit seem so sexy.' he whispered.

i felt his eyes subtly move downwards, and butterflies began to form in the pit of my stomach as he loosened his grip on me with his right hand, using it to gently trace my figure instead, and gradually guiding his cold fingertips under my shirt.

i leaned into him slowly, and gently gripped on his hair as our lips connected.

'you're so fucking hot.' i whispered whilst catching my breath between kisses.

mattia flipped me with ease, switching it so that he was on top of me.

i started pulling up my shirt, and he watched me impatiently. when i had finally got it off he snatched it away from me and tossed it across the room, placing a hand around my neck and gripping tightly, causing my heart to beat even faster than it already was.

we kissed for a while longer until mattia broke away. instead he kissed down my neck, making electricity spark at every point of contact.


he quickly found one of my sweet spots and sucked on it, smirking as he sensed my delight. i held his head against my body as i threw my head back in pleasure, letting out an irrepressible moan.

he continued moving downwards, leaving a trail of wet kisses behind him until he reached my pants.

he tucked his fingertips under the waistband, his cold rings against my skin making me shiver.

suddenly, an eruption of intrusive thought broke out in my mind.

i hated myself for it, but the tiny piece of me that felt uncomfortable having sex whilst pregnant was screaming at me.

mattia continued, unphased, slowing pulling my pants down.

i tried my hardest to fight the urge to do something, but i caved very quickly, frantically pulling my pants and underwear back up.

'what's wrong?' asked mattia, confused.

'oh nothing, i just- i'm not in the mood right now.' i replied.

a shadow of disappointment engulfed his face.

'you're never in the mood anymore.' he muttered under his breath.

'what's that supposed to mean?' i asked, slightly taken aback.

'nothing.' he said, getting up off the bed.

'well, obviously it meant something so explain it to me.' i said, beginning to get frustrated.

'fine.' he said, 'you've been acting so off lately, you literally never want to do anything sexual anymore.'

'just because i don't wanna do anything, doesn't mean i'm acting off. what's gotten into you mattia? i thought you said that you wanted whatever i wanted. where did that energy go?' i said angrily.

'it's making me feel like you don't even like me anymore.' he yelled in an outburst.

i slowly moved away from him, the sound of his shouting taking me right back to some of my worst nights i had endured with my abusive dad.

the sound of a knock at the front door downstairs interrupted my thoughts.

'look, i'm sorry.' said mattia, lowering his volume and reaching out to grab my hand.

i backed away from him even more, and tried to breathe slowly to bring my heart rate back down.

'i gotta go get the door.' i whispered shakily, gesturing towards the door as i tried to fight back the tears that were welling up in my eyes.

he let me go and i rushed out after quickly putting my shirt back on, catching a small glimpse of mattia sitting down with his head in his hands as i made my way towards the staircase.

i had never seen that side of mattia before.

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