《Conditionally Married》50- Epilogue


"Hello and welcome to new episode Morning with Me.. Today we have a very special and famous couple with us. These two had made us believe that love after marriage DO exist. So please give them a round of applause to Mr. & Mrs. Ashar"

They both arrived from the back of the stage. Sia wore a beautiful white dress with diamond sequins dress. Complimenting her, Ashar wore a blue dress pant with tie matching Sia dress color.

They both came, holding hand in hand. Smiling and waving to audience.

They kissed on the lips,sending a message to world that they are together like flower and its scent. Ashar held her waist from one hand and from the other, he held her from shoulder. Sia also strengthen her grip on Ashar's neck and they both were lost in their own world.

After a while they sat on the guest chair and the host sat on her's.

"Without letting viewers suffer more, let me start by asking the most important thing.. How does love happened between you two?"

Sia blushed and looked down, Ashar smiled and answered " We were two people, both with troubles of our own. We decided to let each other help and face demons of our lives together. Love didn't happen, it just found us"

The host clapped and so does the audience. The host questioned again " Which quality of Sia you liked the most?"

"Simplicity. People may had thought that she is a gold digger. But trust me, if she wanted to, she could easily get a CEO position in the company. But rather she worked at the same place she was working earlier. She showed me how to be selfless, to be kind.."

Once again cheering from audience was very audible.


"Sia, coming to you. How will you describe your journey of being Ashar's not-so-favourite employee to his soulmate?"

A delicate smile passed on her lips. Sia looked to Ashar and he nodded. "It was complete roller coaster ride. We actually didn't know how we fell for each other. Professionalism was one of the things I learnt from his father and to me getting in relationship with someone from office was a big no-no. But destiny joined us together. He showed me how to feel safe without walls."

Their eyes sparkled seeing each other. Anyone can easily guess that whatever they are saying are nothing but truth..

"I really can't believe what you guys saying is true. I mean where would you find this kind of intimacy?" The host turned towards the camera and addressed to viewers.

"Coming to bitter side of your lives. How you guys are coping up with the kidnapping and betrayal thing? She asked.

Smile from their faces were replaced by frowns. We could see they were hurt to recall the incident.

"Those days were the most ... I- I mean seeing him on the chair, all tied up, and forcing him to either let me die or divorce. I don't know how he ....." Sia was interrupted by tears in her eyes.

Ashar quickly surrounded her in his arm and pushed her towards himself.

She cleaned the tear and after composing herself, she continued " I just don't want to imagine what could have been done if Ashar doesn't had a backup plan".

"What about you Mr. Ashar" host turned towards him

"Well, I never believed in term 'frenemies' but I guess it does exist" He held Sia's hand in his "She is the most important person in my life. She mean the world to me. And I will do anything to protect her."


"That is really sweet" the host exclaimed and seemed awestruck

"The final question.. what are your future plans regarding your relationship?" She put her hand below her chin

"Plan is simple. Keeping her with me in my arms forever..." Ashar replied taking Sia in his arms again.

They both shared a deep passionate kiss again, on screen, for the world to witness purity in their love.

"I truly believe in love now. That's all for today. We'll see you guys next week. Till they... Stay in love" the host wink and the show ended.


Ashar and Sia went to meet Burke as he had called them in their office.

They know why he had called.

"Hello uncle Burke" Ashar said offering his hand for shake.

Burke looked down before and said " I am so sorry for believing all lies. I am sorry for not informing you anything... I am so-"

"No need for sorry uncle. You're the only family I have. And I am grateful that nothing had changed" they both hugged each other.

Burke, after removing tear from his eye. "Since you both have completed the condition of the will..." He forwarded papers to Ashar "..Here are the papers of property. Everything had been transferred on your name"

Ashar looked at Sia and they both exchanged smiles. " I already had everything." Sia blushed a little.

"I know your answer, but still it's my job to tell you that now you both are free. If you don't wish to continue this marriage, you both can file a divorce" Burke explained.

"I will only divorce her if she agrees to re-marry me" Ashar asked Sia.

"I am happy the way it all happened. I dont want to change anything. I dont want a single second of my life to pass by without you. I want every minute of my life to be spend as Mrs. Sia Ashar." She looked serious. She took his hand in her's and kissed the back side of his palm.

"Your wish is my command my lady" he gave her peck on her lips.

All three of them stood up and said their goodbyes.

Sia and Ashar went out from Burke's office to begin their own version of forever....


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