《Conditionally Married》47- Where are you???


Ashar pov

"I am here father because she wanted me here, not because I wanted to be here. I am too thankful to you, because you chose her for me. But still, you had no right to ruin someone's life. You used her innocence and simplicity only so she can change your son. Is this what you give who had been loyal to you for so long?" I sighed

"I don't think I would ever forgive you for using her to tame your son. But still father, I am grateful. I know its complicated but maybe things would get better."

I fight with the tear that formed in my eye.

"Company is doing great. We had increased our revenue by 120% this year. Your employees all are hardworking. They are giving their hundred percent. I will give them raise, don't worry. And regarding Sia, I will try to convince her to move as co-ceo of company, but you know she is stubborn.".

I had never talked to my dad this much as I had talked today. Sia was right, I felt better.

"I better go, She is waiting" I touched his grave and went out.

I went to car, wanting to hug her for forcing me to talk to my father. As I went towards my car, I found her nowhere.


"Sia... Sia" I shouted her name all around but I found her nowhere.

I took my phone out and called her, but no response.

Then I received a call from a private number.

And then it stuck me. I closed my eyes , taking my time to make it realize that this is real

"Where is she?" There is no time for hello

"Impressive Mr. Ashar. You ARE smart" he said before his evil laugh

"Cut the crap you a**hole. Tell me what you want?" I clenched my jaw


"Watch your words Mr. Ashar. It wont be good for Sia's health... And life" he said.

I was fuming with anger. I want to drag his throat from my phone and bring him here and then kill him slowly.

"50 million dollars for your wife" he said.


He replied "Oh No no no. What we can do is KILL your wife AFTER we taste her body from top to her..."


"You should better arrange money or else you would have to feed them Sia's parts". He mocked

"Listen you son of a b-" I growled but he interrupted "No no, you listen to me. I will call you last time tomorrow morning at 10 to tell you time and place. If you agree to pay, then it will be of delivering money and if you deny to pay, then it will be for collecting your wife's body" and he hung up.

My hands shook with the fear. I never had cared about anything or anyone as much as her.

I called Eddy and asked him to activate all his sources around country for any clue.

I was afraid going home. Its silence and emptiness will kill me. And right now, I cant afford a nervous breakdown. So I decided to go office guest house.

"Don't worry Ashar, I have activated all my informants and we are also looking for any footage around city."

If anything happens to her... I will kill myself too

After an hour I received a video message.

"Ashar... Ashar please... Help" I saw Sia sitting on chair with her eyes tied and hands taped. Then a masked man appeared from behind and he pressed the knife on her arm making her bleed.


He laughed and said "time is ticking" and the video ends.


I stood up, ran my hands over my hair walking around like crazy.

"Ashar, relax. At least she is alive and we still have a chance" Eddy kept his hands on my shoulder.

The whole night, I just thought of what I could have done and what I should do now...

It felt like forever when finally clock hit 10 am and my phone rang

"Your decision" same voice said as soon as I picked up call

"Where should I give you money?" I said

"Good decision. Bring it in three hours near the old harbor. Come alone or Sia wont be able to go back" he hung up.

"Eddy, I want you to go to bank and arrange money. But I want each and every note marked. Also, install tracker too" I instructed and he followed.

Sia... I'm coming for you

The money bag was prepared as I wanted.

"Eddy listen to me carefully." I showed him Sia's video of yesterday. There was a sound of train horn coming from behind

"Did you listen it?" I asked.

"Yes, this place must be near some station. From the sound it felt like the train is about to leave"

"Yeah right. Find this place"

"But Ashar, there are too many places-" Eddy said

"You just keep finding. I will go and give him money"

"But there is no guarantee that he will hand over her to you, even after you pay them" Eddy once again transferred his negativity on me.

"I will take ever chance for Sia, even if it is 0.001%" That all I could say.

I never felt so vulnerable, so crushed, so .... Just few moments ago, she was with me, in my arms, all happy and perfect.

I will crush those who tried to crush our lives.

" I am going" I said as I took bags

"Ashar I'm coming too. Its dangerous" God cant just once he could talk positively?

"No need, you just find the place." And I left home.

I am coming swan. Once all this is over, I'll take you far away from here, where it would be just me and you.

I drove as fast as I could and reached to harbor. I looked around for anyone , but it was only ships and sea to my horizon.

My eyes just wanted a glimpse of her... My ears just wanted to hear her voice .. and its driving me insane.

I was stung by something, which I thought was a bee, but when I felt it from my finger, it was a needle like something.

It was tranquilizer..


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