《Conditionally Married》43 - It's Business


Ashar pov

Thank Goodness that I had given that phone to Sia. I dont want to imagine what could had happen.

When I saw that lowlife touching what's mine, my inner beast growled to its fullest. I would have killed him if I hadn't seen Sia's face when she tried to stop me. Her eyes where I only wanted to see myself were now replaced by fear given by this a**hole.

I told her how many times to stay away. But she never listened.

The only way to calm myself down was when I will take all her demons away. And then I didn't ask for her permission and kissed her, sucking all her fears away.

"Where are we going? " She asked when I took her in car

"Home" I replied

"But I had so much pending work...."

"I am taking you home and that's final" I said.


"No buts. I won the bet and my time isn't over yet" I mentally told myself to keep making such bets with her. Winning is addictive.

We went home. I kept my hand on small of her back. I was scared to touch her. May be she doesn't feel comfortable after whatever happened.

"Sia, you can sleep in your room if you want." I told her.

She paused for few seconds...

"What if I don't want to.." she said.

I delightfully looked at her. " Then there is nothing else I want the most"

She smiled and took steps towards me. And within seconds, she kept her head on my chest and taking my body within boundaries of her arms.

"I feel safer with you" by the tone of her voice, I know she was smiling and her eyes were closed as she tried to listen to my unsteady and fast heartbeat that always happens when she touch me. Surprisingly her heartbeat matched mine and I can feel it beating with mine.

I took her in my arms and kissed her hairs. Her touch took me to another world where I lost track of everything and I just know that she is with me.

"Let's take you to bed. You need rest" I said and did the most difficult thing, separating her from me.

She smiled and we both went in. She went to washroom for shower. When she came out she looked more relaxed. She wore a full sleeves tshirt and pajamas.

Something told me that her night dress is weird. I never saw her wearing a full sleeve t-shirt unless...

I moved forward towards her. I grabbed her hands and moved her sleeves upward then I saw them

"You wanted to hide these from me" I saw her arms badly bruised. Some of them even turned purple.

"Ashar it's fine" She assured me.

Yes, it does look fine to her. But for me, its like marks on my heart.

I dont want to scare her from my anger again. So I kept myself calm.

"Sit" I took her to bed and she followed.

I grabbed an ointment from first aid box, took small quantity on my finger and delicately applied on her bruises.

She kept looking at me and just kept smiling.

"Here you go" I said. She felt better.

I tucked her in duvet and run my hand on her hairs. "Goodnight" I said and she closed her eyes. I kissed her forehead.

After she was in deep sleep. I went out quietly. I couldn't sleep. Not until I give ten thousand times more bruises then Sia to Tristan.


I dialed Eddy's phone and he picked up on second ring.

"Ashar... He ... Ran.. away" he was breathing hard

I panicked


He was still grasping for breath " he grabbed gun from one of our men"

Damn it !!! They can't handle one man

There was no use to shout. Damage had been done.

"I couldn't believe Eddy he can get away being in your custody" I shouted.

"We are trying to get him back. Dont worry"

Worry is something secondary on my mind. Primary things is her safety

"Dont let Sia know about it" I told him. She would just freak out.

I went to bed, unable to concentrate on any work. Sia was in her deep sleep and I was grateful for that.

I am still amazed that I am falling for this girl. Damn! I hated her so much because my father wanted someone like her instead of me. But I dont know how, when and where she made me change my opinion about her.

She isn't beautiful like the girls I had, but she looks perfect to me. Her dark black hairs looks brown in sunlight. Even orbs of her eyes looks brownish black when I try to penetrate in them. Her slim nose touches mine when I kiss her soft yet demanding lips.

I smiled unintentionally thinking of times when her lips moved in perfect sync with mine. I know she craves for me, even she denies that, but I felt heat emitting from her that shouts my name and I would bet my entire fortune that I arouse her from her core..

But I dont want to take her forcefully. I dont want her to regret making love with me anytime. It doesn't matter how long it takes. I'll wait for her till she fully surrender her to me.

And with that thought I drifted to sleep.


Morning welcomed me with sunlight but I didn't want to wake up. Morning means I had to get away from her. When I opened my eyes, I found her side of bed empty.

And she left a note

"Dear Boss,

I know you'll hate me for leaving without waking you up. But I had some pending work to do, which you already know. There are strict deadlines which the company had to meet. Since I wasn't able to work yesterday, I am leaving a little early to catch up.

Dont get mad at me. I know you'll find me if I ever got lost.

P.S I made breakfast today, you'll find the tray after you had read this note and turn on the other side.

Obediently, S"

Damn it! She left already

I turned around my found my breakfast tray. It was full, but still felt empty.

I had breakfast and went to shower when I got Eddy's message that he wanted to meet.

Not wanting Sia to know about Tristan, I asked him to come home in 15 minutes

"Hey Ashar" he greeted as soon as he found me in my lawn.

"Dont talk to me. I really upset" I acted like a child and I know I can. He is with me since childhood.

"I know its my fault. I wont give any explanation to you." The guilt in his voice can be felt. "But he is in our radar. We'll find him"

"I just want to make sure that he doesn't reach near to Sia" I hated that guy since day one and now I hated him like I never hated anyone before


"He won't reach to her. Promise" to which I nod.

"One thing is clear Eddy. She is not behind any of the attacks. If she wanted to kill me, she would have let that chandelier fell on me. She risked her life saving mine" I dont know, but I felt proud as I spoke with confidence to Eddy.

"You're right. But Tristan was not behind that accident" Eddy said. I looked at him confused." Really?" I asked

"Yes, when we saw CCTV footage of that incident, we can easily see Tristan in the hall all the time with your other staff" Eddy told me.

Crease appeared on my forehead "may be he had hired someone" I guessed

"May be. But we have records of the cellphones that were active during the party. His number was active, but he received no phone and no message" Eddy explained.

"May be some other number? I looked to him.

May be I want Tristan to be behind all these, so at least we could have a name of our enemy.

"There were few unknown numbers in list as well that were active, we are trying to find a clue" Eddy told me.

I released a sigh and covered my face in my hands.

"I bet Tristan would have tried to frame Sia by messing her computer so that we will find blue prints in her PC" I ran my hands in my hair.

"May be. That is why I am not blaming her this time" Eddy took the newspaper.

We discussed about our next step

"Eddy, we'll plan a day out after all this ends" I laughed.

"You bet. I miss being friend with you." I hugged my buddy.

Later, he left and I too went to office.

I took fast steps as I reached my floor by elevator.

I found her immersed in sea of work.

"Sia" I said and her pen dropped

"Good morning" she said and smiled. She was trying to read my face.

"A word?" I asked, pointing finger to my cabin. She nodded.

She followed me and as soon she came in, I closed the door.

She was taken by surprise as I pulled her in my arms, again without permission. I ran my hands in her hairs. I felt her body stiffen first and then relaxing .

"You alright?" I asked without leaving her. She nodded on my chest.

"You didn't have to come today. And its really not fair to go alone. You know we are on target these days" I run my hand on her hairs.

"I am fine. Dont worry" she said.

She pulled herself out from my embrace and looked at her feet, may be because she felt shy.

Looking at her, I was very happy for the things that are going for us.

We both went back to our work. Meeting, contracts, deadlines were the only thing we had talked.

Finally, we both exhausted, decided to head back to home.

We had dinner and she went to change when I got message from Burke for video calling.

I told Sia that I am in my study and she shouldn't wait for me. She agreed and laid on bed.

I Skype Burke as I reached to my laptop in study

"Hey Uncle Burke" I waved.

"Hi! How are you Son" he waved back

"Fine. What about you?" I asked

"Oh well same old. I had been on trip from four months" He replied smiling.

"Whoa. Work?" I asked curiously

"Mostly yes, and some are just for pleasure" he smirked

"Great great" I only managed to smile.

"How are you going with Sia?" He asked.

I wanted to share how things are with her. I could really use a neutral thought.

But Burke isn't the right person. I haven't talked to him about Sia much. It would be difficult for him to understand, and for me too to explain my feelings.

"Things are fine" I dont know why I said fine. I should be saying its great

"Uhh. I dont know why your father chose her. You must be having so hard time" he said sympathetically.

"What's done is done uncle. No need to cry over past" I said while moving my fingers in circle on table.

"Son, if only you would allow me, I might try to look for something. Something to set you free from this condition of staying married to her"

But I dont want to....

"Uncle, I know you would have done something if you could." I mentally thanked God that he couldn't do it

His expression showed sadness and as if he is feeling pity for me "I travelled around the globe in past few months and trust me I got some interesting methods up in my sleeves" he arched his eyebrows

"Like?" I asked now fidgeting with the pencil I had in my fingers.

He gave me an unnoticeable smile "we can tamper the will of your father or we can declare that your father was not in his sane mind when he wrote that will..."

He took a deep breath ".. or we could simply pass all the blame on Sia and prove it in court that she forced your father for such will or she is a gold digger or she is having an affair"

His words stabbed me like a dagger. If I had no relation with him, I would have poisoned him and watch him die.

Mentally killing him, instead of breaking his neck I broke the pencil in my hand and I saw its lead spreading on table.

Ya I would had done something like this to him.


I was again thankful that I didn't tell him the actual feelings I have for her. He would've somehow convinced me that she is after my money.

I kept my calm posture as much as I can. He is a lawyer and is very good in understanding body language. I dont want him to think what I am thinking.

"Your offer is as tempting as it can be. Let me think over it" I never hated myself as much as I was hating at this moment.

"You are not in love with her, are you? Dont let her fake charms get over your heart and mind" his face was now strict.

My whole body stiffened as I just can't do anything. Instead I have to act like he is right.

I clenched my fingers, even my toes.

"Dont worry. Its lika a business deal with her. Nothing more, nothing less"

"That is what I had expected to hear from you son" his smiled showed me that he believed me.

"You are doing good. I am proud of you. Goodnight" he smiled.

And I am ashamed of myself

"Goodnight" and I sign out.

I shut the screen of laptop and tried to relax, but instead my heart sunk.

Sia was standing at door...


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