《Conditionally Married》42 - Mistake


Sia pov

Few hours back

I cant believe I am doing this for Ashar.

He likes me ... Or may be love me.. I too have feelings for him, but I want to see where we go.

That house.. oh I just love it. It is perfect. And he wants me to be with him..

May be someday, we could name our relationship.

"Hey Sia, lets go for lunch" My gang said

"I am not in mood. Tons of work.. you all go and enjoy" I smiled and waved them.

Lunch hmm.....

I went in his room, and convinced him to have lunch with me.

I went out to grab something when my phone rang. I saw caller ID

"Hey Tristan.. what's up?"

"Come to me if you want to see me alive" he said and he fired some shots in air

"Oh my God, what the hell is this" I screamed.

But he hung up. He sent me cordinates of his location.

I got tensed instantly. What is upto with this guy??

Maybe I should inform Ashar too about it. But he'll be mad. Especially if this was some kind of joke.

And if it is a joke, he'll be paying for that.

I just went towards the location and I reached rooftop. It was an isolated under construction building but there was no worker. I found Tristan standing few steps from the door looking at view.

He turned and saw me, he smiled "I knew you would come"


"Yeah I am. I am tired of seeing you with that man. Do you realize your life is in danger with your husband?" He took steps towards me.

"He is my husband" I told him in serious tone.

"I know you dont love him. I dont see him in your eyes" he said.

His steps kept on bring him to me and my sixth sense moved my feet back back till I hit the wall.

He brought his face closer to me " Leave Ashar Sia and be mine . I will always keep you happy"

"You're JUST a friend, nothing more" I kept my poker faced, but inside I was scared and shivering. He's gone crazy


"I love you Sia, I don't know how when or where. " his nibbled near my ear. I could smell alcohol from his mouth and it made me feel disgusting

I regret that moment when I had met him. I regret fighting with Ashar for him. If I had just listened to Ashar...

He took steps back and opened his arms " come to me Sia. Let me take your worries away and make you feel the way he didnt make you"

I was all frozen up from this. No one knew where I was. I dont know what to do when Ashar's words echoed in my ear

"This is especially designed for your safety. If there is any emergency, you just need to press these volume keys for 10 seconds. It will immediately send me your location, pictures of the surroundings and it will call me too so I can hear each and everything. All you need to do is to press this key for 10 seconds and put your phone down"

I brought my hand behind my back and carefully was reaching to the phone that I kept in back pocket.

"Tristan this is insane" I was buying time. I knew he wasn't going back

Just a little more

"Why don't you understand love. He doesn't love you. He is not a man enough to love you like a man " he taunted

And my 10 seconds start....

"Tristan, please. If people knew about you and me, our company.."

"TO THE HELL WITH COMPANY." He yelled at me. "I am worried for you and you're worried about that fucking company" he again fired his gun in air

10 seconds up!

I took my phone out and drop it on the floor like it just fell out of my pocket.

" Please don't do this. Please I beg you".

"I couldn't see you like this Sia. You're wasting your life on him. He isn't worth it. Come to my arms and I will make you feel loved" he smirked.

"Can you just give me few minutes to think?" Come on Ashar be quick

"Fine" he said and sat on chair.


"By the way, were you involved behind that incident at reception?" I asked.

"I wish I was. But no. Because my focus was on you. And you were stupid to jump and save him. You could get yourself hurt" He looked at me with concern his eyes.

I was just buying time for Ashar to get me. But he was taking too long.

I just kept walking here and there to think what I'll do if he didn't find me.

"Times up Sia. Come on, come to me." His steps moved forward towards with with speed

I felt my heart beating in my stomach and this might be the last time I am feeling this.

"Tristan, please first listen.."

"No Sia. I can't wait any longer. I always wanted to be with you. But that asshole boss, he always sent me here and there so I can stay away from you"

He hugged me now and pushed me down. He lay over me.

"Please Tristan just once"

"I want to teach him a lesson, that no matter how hard he tried to keep me away. I still got you ..." he pinned my hands and I couldn't move my legs because of his weight.

"You'll never have me. I belong to Ashar and Ashar only" I shouted at top of my lungs but he seemed unaffected.

He looked in my eyes and I can see what he is going to do. He kept moving forward and I tried to escape but he was too strong. I started to smell his alcohol again and thats when I knew that he is going to get me.

But before I could feel him, I felt his weight being lifted over me.

I stood up and took steps back as Ashar was punching and hitting Tristan badly. He already had grudge for Tristan due to me and now I guess it was too much for Ashar to handle.

"HOW DARE YOU LAY YOUR FILTHY HANDS ON MY WIFE" Blood came out of Tristan's nose, his eyes were swelled up and there were bruises over his face and neck.

Ashar was more powerful than him. But I guess the reason that gave Ashar an upper hand was ME.

"Ashar leave him. Take Sia home. I'll deal with him" Eddy came and stopped him. His guards came and Eddy took him with them.


Gaining some strength, I went towards Ashar and put my hands over his shoulder. He looked at me and stopped. I started to see calmness falling in his eyes and he left Tristan.

He didn't spoke any word. He touched my face with his fingers and moved them right and left to see for any scar or blood. When he saw none, he touched my arms and legs for the same, but I wasn't hurt.

" I am going to kiss you right now and dont dare to stop me!" and with that he placed his ever wanting lips on mine like it was some emergency. I could feel the urgency in them as he tighten his grip around my waist and shoulders. He sucked every inch of my lips,tasting them and biting them. I couldn't resist or I didn't want to, I returned his kiss with the same desire and urgency. Feeling my lips returning his favours, his urgency was now turned into lust and full of desires as he tried to enter in my mouth. I didn't know what was happening. He tighten his grip a little more and a moan escaped from me which was just what he needed. He placed his tongue inside my mouth, exploring it.

I pulled his hair to show that I was out of breath. He crashed hard on me last time before leaving me.

"You know what.." he traced the outline of my just-kissed and definitely swelled up lips "this lipstick of yours doesn't only smell great but even taste amazing... But it cant beat the actual sweetness of your naked lips" he moved his hand behind my neck with his thumb in front caressing my cheeks.

He was trying to cheer me up, and guess what it worked !

He kissed my forehead took me in his car.

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