《Conditionally Married》41- Coffee


Ashar pov

A huge weight had been lifted from my chest. When I confessed my confusion to her. Finally and may be that will put some sense in this senseless girl.

Sunlight woke me up as usual. But I kept my eyes closed. I stretched my hand to feel her, but she wasn't there.

May be I was dreaming...

I opened my eyes and look on the other side. She wasn't there, but wrinkles on the bed told me that I wasn't dreaming. She was there ... With me

Bathroom door opened and I turned to found Sia with her beauty at its peak. She wore a white tshirt with black pant. Water dripping from her shoulder length hair were falling on her tshirt, damping it.

It does feel good to see her every morning.

She looked at me. She smiled and went out.

I wonder if she's upset about yesterday. I was harsh on her. But it was her who pushed my limits.

I took the phone and checked for email. Just then she came in with breakfast tray.

"Good morning" she said smiling.

"Good morning Sia" I said and watched her bringing the tray towards my side of bed.

"What is this?" I asked.

"I made breakfast for you. I woke up early, made everything and then went for shower. Dont worry everything is fresh and hot" she smiled.

"But where are maids?" I asked.

"Oh I asked them to take half day off. I wanted to prepare this for you by myself" her puppy eyes made my heart melt.

No one ever had made breakfast for me. Never.

I looked at the tray. It had omlete with toasts and coffee. I noticed weird design on mine. It looked like half heart. I looked towards Sia and then at coffee again. She showed me her cup and it too had same design

"We both are incomplete, we both had bad experiences in past. There were people we loved who left us, there were some of those too which were our closest,but they had treated us the worst way possible. But we shouldn't just look at our incompleteness,rather should try finding someone who can complete us" and she joined her cup with mine and it completed the heart.


I looked at her and my lips stretched from ear to ear. It is one of rare times that I genuinely smile.

"But what about the wall that separates them" I pointed towards the point where two cups were touching each other that looked like a wall in middle of heart.

She smiled and arched her eyebrow " well it can also be broken.." and she bought out a new coffee cup from the tray and it had one big heart. ..." If both of them wanted to"

She amazes me everytime . The hidden meaning in her words were more expressive than any word in dictionary could explain.

"You do have answer to every question?" My smile never leaving my face as I was still looking at the cups.

"You have questions, I have answers. Questions without answers are unreasonable and answers without questions doesn't exist. They both need to be there to complete each other." her cheeks now had a tint of red color, and her eyes full of hope for me that I could understand her.

And yes I do...

"Well I want to tell you something" I said as we were having our breakfasts

"Please dont tell me you're kicking me out of job" she said filling her mouth with her omlete

"No. Its not that. But will you go out with me. I want you to see a place"

She stayed silent. Uncertain facial expressions.

"Do you trust me ?" I asked.

She looked at me "Yes".


She sat with me in the car and I started to drive. The place where I was taking her was a surprise that Eddy and I had planned way before our reception. I wanted to gift her, but that chandelier..

"Where are we going?" She looked out of the window as if she is memorizing road.

"You'll see. And dont worry I'll not let you happen anything so you can stop remembering the roads" I smirked.

She also gave me half smile as she wasn't expecting that I would know that. So finally she stop looking out.

After around half hour drive. We came to our destination.

It was a big white house near the shore of sea.

I went out and opened the door for Sia.


"Thank you" she smiled and looked at house.

"Whose house is this?" She asked. "You'll know" I said.

"Atleast you could have told me that we are going to meet someone. I would had dressed properly. She looked at her jeans and tshirt.

I took her hands in mine "you look perfect in every dress.. and in every way" I smiled and kissed her forehead.

She smiled and we went in. As we enter there was a big lounge area, where there was television and sofa. On the left, after few steps, there was a door to kitchen. On the right side, there were glass doors that lead to gallery where the breathtaking view of sea can be enjoyed. After few steps inside, it had stairs which took us to bedrooms. There was one master bedroom and other two for guests.

Master bedroom had big glass windows where we could enjoy sea while staying in bed.

Sia was observing everything. And from her facial expressions I can bet she loved every bit of it.

"So did you like it? I asked breaking her bubble of thoughts.

"Its a dream house Ashar. Its beautiful" she exclaimed.

I came behind her and encircle her waist with my arms and rested my chin on her shoulder. She also kept her hands on mine. I went closer to her ears, near her sweet spot and whispered "Its ours"

"What" she pushed my hands downward and turned to me. "Really" she can hardly contain her excitement.

"Yes" I had hardly seen her smile. She was smiling with me... With me!! Finally

"Oh my God" she covered her mouth with her hands and ran towards me. She put her hands around my neck.

"It's lovely Ashar" She said. I put my one hand on her waist and second one around her neck and hairs. I could smell lovely rose smell from her body. I buried my head in her neck, brushing my lips on them. I wanted to feel her. She was happy with me,in my arms

We both parted after few seconds and she continued looking around. "I bought this house few days ago. I loved this place so much..." I holded her hands again and pull her in my arms that again found her waist. "I dont want to stay incomplete. I want to complete myself. With you" I lifted her face with my thumb. "So I thought this place would be nice if we both want a new start"

She had tears in her eyes. "Do you think I can complete you. I am same old Sia which you hated?"

I took steps back " I trust you"

After she looked everything, we returned back to our old penthouse.

"Sia wait. I got something for you"

I asked one of the guard to bring me that package that Eddy had dropped when we were out. He had informed me about this few days ago but he got it today.

The guard brought the parcel and I opened it. It was a cell phone.

"Its for you" I handed it over to her

"But I had one already" she said

"Its for your safety" I told her and showed her how it works.

"Keep both phones with you. Please" and she agreed.


Sia seemed pretty much relaxed since that night. She smiles with me. She too liked to come and go with me. I enjoy her attention.

"Excuse me Mr. Ashar" she knocked

"Sia, you don't need to knock" I said

"I am your assistant so I should knock" she said. I gave her what-you-are-saying look

"Anyways, I thought may be we can have lunch together" she hesitate

"You know I dont have time for lunch" I had back to back meetings and many pending files because of just 3 days off.

"Dont worry, I am just going to nearby restaurant. I will bring something so you can finish some work"

"What I can say, you're the boss" I said and she smiled and went out.

I got busy with my pending work. Seriously just three days off can triple your to-do list.

Sia and I can't take off together. It is the fact. I didn't even had time to eat, but it was useless to fight my swan.

I can't believe that I can't stop thinking about her. I miss her.

Trying to divert my mind from her, I got busy again. After few minutes, my phone rang.

It was Sia's new number

I answered it immediately and she was screaming "please, please dont do that. I beg you dont"


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