《Conditionally Married》38- Dressing up


Ashar pov

My desire for her was occupying my mind.

I swear if I hadn't seen her wet eyes, I would had fucked her raw...

I hate it when she was dressing up again. I just want to tear her shirt, which is closer to her than me. I didn't like the feeling that was dwelling in me when her shirt hugged her full and young breast, when it was my right over them.

She look embarrassed. But she shouldn't be. I am not ... rather, I am happy that I was the first to touch her. She looked up to meet mine, but I was already looking at her.

"From now on, you'll be sleeping with me, on my bed" The main reason I wanted to win was making her sleep with me.

I guess she knew that this will be the first thing I'll ask her to do.

She looked at the bed. I bet she is imagining how 'intimate' we can get.

"What if I dont do what you want?" She asked. I moved closer to her again, covering distance between us.

"Then I would finish what we had left unfinished just few minutes ago" I smirked. Then I moved closer to her ear "And you have no idea how badly I want to do that" I whispered

She shivered a little which showed how much I affect her.

" Come Sia, lets sleep.. together"

I bet she was thinking of some plan to run away. But my poor swan doesn't know that she is trapped in her own net.

Finally, she joined me on my bed.

"Come closer" I ordered. She was very reluctant.

I covered the distance between us and hugged her tightly with one hand on her waist and other over her shoulders and kissed her hairs.


I woke up early in the morning. How? Because I wanted to see her sleeping face lying next to me. And finally, I seen it. She looked so naive. Simplicity at it's peak. I have seen so many women with so heavy coats of makeup, that they leave stain on my pillows. But she.. her face is as clean as her heart.

Ashar, what happened to you? Since when you started to fall for her? Are you really falling ???

I brushed back of my fingers lightly on her sleeping face. She sleeps like a baby or as she says that its her mini vacation from reality. I curled a mischievous strand of her hair that was dancing near her eyes in my finger and pushed it back behind her hair.

I want to sleep every night with her... Forever

She stretched her arms as she woke up. And her smile vanished as she saw me next to her.


"I am sorry if I am stinking" she said while covering her mouth.

I took her hands and intertwined them in mine. I pushed them towards either side and then I put my lips over hers.

I wanted to go hard on her always, because she doesn't know what she is doing to me. She should know her impact on me. But since it was morning, so I kissed her softly, feeling every line, every curve of her lips. She doesn't kissed me back, so I gave a squeeze to her hands, closing my fingers around them. She gave up and started to kiss me back. I took her lower lip between mine and suck her like honey.

I was getting hard again from my groin and I dont want to impose myself on her. I let go her fingers. And we stopped kissing.

"I had never tasted something as fresh as you" I whispered in her ear. And she smiled.

"Get up, tomorrow is our reception. We had too many things to do"

"What? Tomorrow? But.. but I am not ready" she exclaimed as she stood up

"Dont worry, I had already called her "

"Her, who?"

"My friend Celina. She is one of the best designers. She'll handle everything" I said and went out.

"B..but what about office" she came running after me.

"We both are taking 3 days off. I already told departmental heads about our absence. They will handle everything"

Finally she ran out of questions.

We ate breakfast, and then she was going to her room.

"Hey wait... Where do you think you're going?"

She stopped

"To my room" she folded her arms.

"No no young lady. You're not allowed to go in your room for 6 days" I stood between the entrance of her room and herself.

"Technically, its not 6 days now. Its 5" she taunted.

"Its 6 days and 5 nights to be precise" I said.

"At least let me take my clothes and other things" she begged.

"Ok 5 mins. And your time starts.... Now"

I watched her how hurriedly she piled up her clothes, makeup, brushes, etc. and put into my room.

She was placing her clothes into my wardrobe. I hugged her from behind encircled her in my arms .

" Leave me" she said

"I will hug you whenever I want.. I'll kiss you whenever and wherever I want Sia" and I dig in her neck, below her ear. She put her hands on mine, trying to get free. But she can't.

I don't know why I can't take my eyes of her. I don't want to look to my phone or laptop. I just want to stare her all day and taste her every second.


She closed her eyes, I know she is fighting of not falling for me. But she'll lose again, I will make her lose.

Our moment was ruined by doorbell. It has to be Celina. We separated from each other and went out.

"Ashar , sweetheart. After so many years, finally you called" Celina came.and put her arms around me. She gave me a peck on lips too. "I missed you too much" she said

I smiled and pushed her back by her arms. "Its great to see you".

Celina and I had a kind of history. I would have never called her, but I needed the best one for Sia. And unfortunately she is.

"You look more handsome" and she bit her lips seductively.

"But you're same" I said "well the reason I called you is..." I went towards Sia, who was standing there like a statue. I holder her waist from behind, bringing her closer to me.

"She is my wife. And I need you to use your best assets for our reception tomorrow."

Evidently, Celina doesn't liked that I holded someone else in my arms rather her. She was always very self centered. No doubt she have a body to die for and any man would want her anytime, but I am not interested now.

She isn't match for my Swan...

"Precisely" she gave her faked smile. "Pleasure meeting you Ms. Sia" she forwarded her hand for shake.

"Its Mrs. Sia Ashar. But you can call me Sia" and she shook her hand. This definitely taken Celina off guard.

"Certainly Sia. Well Ashar had already told me everything about the occasion. My helpers are just preparing for your facial and other things like that. Meanwhile first let me show you some options of dress"

Celina showed some dresses on her iPad. She was looking at me for help, but I raised my hands up. I can't deal these women stuff.

Especially when clothing her is last thing on my mind...

Sia selected some dresses and Celina ordered her staff to bring those. Meanwhile, her other staff took Sia for her beauty treatments. I wonder if she really needs them..

Since Sia isn't there, I got back to my work in my room when my phone rang

"Boss, your job is done. I am sending you cordinates"

"Great" and I disconnected the phone.

I replied to my emails which took me 3 hours. This was usually done by Sia, but since she is busy, I had to do it myself. I never knew she handle so much. It was so difficult to concentrate on so many matters at one time.

"Hey handsome" A female voice broke my concentration.

I looked up and frown to see Celina there.

She looked around my room and inhale deeply.

"I still love the way your room smell." She said biting her lips seductively.

Her body was shouting my name. But she wasn't the one I wanted. I could take her here to my bed and fuck her the way she likes.

But she is not her...

"Celina, what brings you here?" I asked

She came towards me and set on my bed near me. She came closer and closer, and I can see her deep cleavage. "You my darling" and kissed my cheek.

She kissed me. But I felt nothing. It just felt like she just touched her lips to my cheek. I felt no feelings for her.

Before things would run out of my hands, I pushed her back "Celina, I am busy."

She frowned. "I got some dresses for her. She can't decide so she needs you to see them" Her smile gone. Her facial expressions got from seduction to hatred.

"Let's go then" she stood up and went out and I followed her.

"She is inside" Celina pointed to Sia's room. I knocked the door and she opened the door.

She wearing a gown that was having a V neckline. But it was too deep that anyone can see the space between her breasts. Plus the slit. It was so damn high. And fabric, it was so transparent.

"Isn't it amazing?" Celina asked. I was in no mood to answer her.

What does she think of her. Sia isn't for eyes of everyone. She deliberately chose this dress for her, thinking that everyone is a whore like her

Damn! I made a mistake of hiring her.

"It's beautiful" Sia said.

"Sia, can we talk for a moment?" I asked. She nodded and we went in her room

"What do you think you're doing? " I folded my arms. She looked puzzled.

"You're not going to wear this" I ran my eyes on her semi-naked body from top to bottom

"But why?" She asked

I pushed her to wall and caging her between my arms. " Because I dont want the world to see what's mine"

Sia looked pissed off. "I'll wear this whatsoever"

"Then there will be consequences" and I smirked. She got the message.

I opened the door." Celina may be you should give her something in maroon or dark red. Which is less revealing" I said or rather instructed.

"Sure" she looked among the pile of dresses and found a new one. "Try this". She gave it to Sia.

She wore a beautiful maroon colored tail gown which had frills in bottom. It had applique work done on the net cloth which covered her top and back very well.

I smiled. Its perfect.

"This is final" Sia said to Celina.


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