《Conditionally Married》36- 36 hours (part I)


Sia pov

It is difficult to concentrate on work. Especially after the bet.

36 hours .. oh God! I wish I could have time stone, so I would just fast forward all this ..

The rest of the day went pretty busy since my boss also was busy. We didn't fight at all in office.

To what limit he can go to win bet? May be he'll give me too much work...? May be he'll ask me to work even during lunch break.

But, surprisingly, he did nothing. I was relieved but at same time I was tensed.

But I had to stay strong. I can fight and win this totally...

Meetings after meetings... I was hell tired of preparing meeting rooms again and again. Welcoming and escorting out guests. Duh!!

It was around 8pm and I was so ready to hit the bed.

I texted Mr. Ashar that I am going home and I didn't even wait for his reply.

Since I have to pass 24 more hours, I needed to be extra careful.

So again I took my food supplies and went in my mini-home, my room. It is the only peaceful place in this whole penthouse.

I did all the rituals and now I just want to sleep. So I closed all the lights and closed my eyes.

Why am I feeling so hot in here??

Suddenly it felt like room temperature has risen up.

I might be dreaming

I pushed back the duvet which was on top of me. But still it doesn't feel good.

And now I am sweating as well..

Finally, I open my eyes and looked for remote of AC. I pressed the buttons on it, but nothing happened.

What the fuck!!

I rubbed my eyes and tried turning on lights of the room. But its still dark.

Frustrated and angered , I went out to check what the hell happened. It is unlikely that Mr. Ashar had forgotten to pay his utility bills on time and they had cut the power supply.

I roamed around in lounge area and tried different switches, but nothing was working. I looked towards his room. He didn't come out screaming and yelling about the light.

May be he isn't home yet.

Forget it

I went out towards the gate. I found a guard there.

"Hey, could you please check the electric box? There is no light inside"

"Mr. Ashar had asked to switch off lights of all rooms except his" he said

Wait what!!!

I am so stupid. I should have guessed that before

"Oh. Atleast can you please turn on lights for my room?" I asked humbly.

"Strict orders ma'am" he said


No use to talk this guy!

So he thinks that by turning off lights of my room, he can make me talk.


There are many people that live without AC. They also sleep, so I can do that too.

I am.not.going to give in so easily Mr. Ashar

I took my duvet, pillow and a bedsheet and went towards roof.

Ya I am going to sleep there.

It was cold but I was tired. So I just drifted to sleep again...


I knew it was morning, because sunlight was more brighter then usual. I just kept my eyes shut. I am not ready to face the world right now.

And something tickled in my ear.

I tried to shoo it, and it went away for few seconds. But then it again starts to tickle in my ear.

Damn this feather.

I turned towards other side and rubbed my ear too as it started to itch because of tickle.

I hugged my duvet and keep sleeping, but still that stupid feather tickled me again on back.

Dammit!! Why it can't leave me alone.

Finally, I opened my eyes so much that my eyeballs can pop out, because I couldn't sleep last night thanks to Mr. Ashar. And now, this damn feather is not letting me sleep.

I punched the floor and turned around only to find it wasn't a feather

It was a big COCKROACH

Shit! I hate creepy crawlies..


Without thinking another second I stood up, leaving my things as it is and ran towards the door, but my eyes were still on that cockroach...

Oh God its flying too!!!

I got panicked so much that I just started to run randomly and then I hit a wall. And with its impact, I moved few steps back, and hit a wall again..

I turned around and saw Mr. Ashar smiling at me..

"Waw! You're jogging. With your little flying friend" he smirked and taunted

I took deep breaths and then I crossed my arms looking on the other side of ground.

"Seems like someone had a really nice sleep" he taunted again

As if he thinks he can break me.


This time he will be on losing side. For sure!!

"Well, because you had a good sleep, I'll see you in office early today. You can come with me if you want"

I kept my poker face. On one hand, I am really sleepy and on other hand, he is all pumped up to make me lose.

Few hours Sia... Few more hours...

I hurried downstairs and took shower. I had taken extra strong coffee too keep me awake. So after I reached office, I hurriedly opened my computer.


I wonder what's important today? I saw his schedule, but I found nothing that important as my sleep was. May be he have something else.

I went in his room to give him his schedule.

"Sia bring me coffee" he said without looking at me.

What nothing.. what the hell is important ????

Was I regretting my decision of staying quiet.. No!

But yes, its annoying not to give him any solid answer.

I went out to make his coffee and tried hard not to spit in it. I sweetly handed him coffee.

He took a sip and said " Actually, I want Cappuccino" . He kept the cup on table.

What! He should have told me this earlier.

Anyways, I'll ask driver to go...

"Go and bring me Cappuccino"


"And wait.. I had sent driver somewhere so you had to go on foot"

It felt like a lava had been substituted in my body instead on blood.

Few hours Sia...

I took wallet and went off.

The nearest coffee shop is three blocks away and I had to walk all the way.

He can't win this time. Nope never. So I just kept on walking and walking...

Finally after a long walk, the coffee house came. As soon as I entered, I saw a big line for coffee.

Why everyone wants a coffee. It isn't good. It is only needed for someone like me who is fighting a demon.

I joined the line of caffeine deprived people and I cant punch those who are in front of me.

Come-on... Why don't people keep their change ready!!

After what it felt like eternal, I got my cup of coffee. Well, technically, its not mine.

I walked faster so that coffee doesn't get cold, or else I will have to go back. Heavily breathing, I reached to office and went in elevator. There I composed myself and my breathing.

Going in, I handed him his cappuccino.

"Thanks" he said and took a sip

Thanks, just one bloody word???

"It's much better, but I need a little milk more. Do you have some in kitchen?"

I gave him the most fake smile and went to kitchen to add milk. Then again I gave him his coffee.

He smiled and again took a sip.

"You know what, bring me a fresh one. This just ruined the punch" he gave me back his cup

Is he even serious??? I haven't written a single word on computer and he still wants me to run for his "punch"??

There was no use of cursing him in mind. He cant hear it. I took the cup again and rushed to the coffee house. Again there were atleast 5 people in line and the person before me had ordered 12 cups.

Just splendid!!!

"Hi! I want Cappuccino but with milk more, but it shouldn't ruined the 'punch' please" I placed my order.

I didn't know the time as I forgot to wear my watch, just because my demon boss wanted to see me earlier.

Again getting composed in lift, I went to his cabin and handed him his 'punch'

"Sorry, I want latte now"

Is he even serious

He looked at my expressions and gave me a mischievous smile.

So its was all his plan. Very lousy!

I went out, but I slammed his door hard.

I again went to that coffee house, but this time I took a cab. Yes, I should have thought about it earlier, but I am sleep deprived, and my mind just woke up.

I asked the driver to stay here. I went in and waited for like half hour to get my turn

"Hi again.. I want 3 cappuccinos one strong one medium and one soft. And 3 latte soft, medium and strong." The waitress recognized me and gave me weird look.

She doesn't know how well prepared I need to stay

She made my order and placed in on a big tray. I went into cab and he dropped me office.

I kept other coffees on side and went in to give his latte.

"Sia, I wanted a strong one. Too much milk"


I knew that. So I just went outside and grabbed the stronger latte, which was actually the medium one.

I handed him his coffee and he looked puzzled.

Take that!!

He took a sip and changed his mind again. "You know what, I need my Cappuccino again"

I smiled and brought him his soft Cappuccino

His eyebrows came closer to each other causing some lines on his forehead as he didn't understand how I am bringing his coffees so soon.

He took a sip and I waited for his next order.

"That would be all" he said in his defeated tone.

I gave him my victorious smile, returned to my seat and enjoyed other remaining coffee.

Also, I filled out expense form as well. Why should I be paying for his coffees?.

I couldn't keep my eyes open, but he just announced that we have to go to meet some builder. I didn't have much strength to fight, so I just agreed. But it got cancelled when we were just few minutes away from the place. I looked at my watch and it was 6pm.

I closed my eyes in the car, and I heard him saying to driver to take to home.

And I smiled...

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