《Conditionally Married》32- Surprise


Sia pov

I took a sigh of relief when he allowed me to go out with my friends. I don't know about shopping, but definitely will make most of my time. It had been ages since I had gone out.

"You ready" Daisy said

I looked at the watch. It was almost day end.

"Yup" I said and started to wind up

"Finally you're going out. It had been so tough on you. Office to home and home to office" she said on my table while I pack up.

"That's not home, its more like my second office." I can't call his home mine. Who I am to call that mine?

"I feel sorry for you. You're too brave to face this arrogant man all by yourself" She mean it.

"Thanks buddy" I said

"Just tell me one thing... Did you both never had anything..." She was fidgeting with her fingers.

"Nope" I dont know if I should feel happy or sad.

"Then he might be gay" she said.

We both laughed, keeping our hands on our mouth, not to make it obvious

"Well I dont think so." That day crossed my mind when he warned me that he will take me...

Just thought of it make me shiver.

"And how do you know" she said with mischievous smile

I wish I could tell her how he had threaten me to take me 'right there on his table'

"Just, like that' I shrugged my shoulders.

I put my keys and some tissues in purse and asked her

"By the way Daisy, why are you celebrating your birthday now, its like post 6 months of your birthday"

"Sshshh... You haven't told this to boss did you?" She whispered

"No, but still you haven't answered my question " I said

"Just shut up and enjoy" she winked and asked me to follow.

I sat in her car, with her on driving seat.

She turned on the radio where my favorite song was coming

"Love me like you do... Ll l love me like you do"

"Damn, I had forgotten how much I love this song" I said while just moving my head with its beats


"This is your night, I promise" she said

I smiled and looked out. The air, it felt so fresh. First time after that wedding, I was happy. It felt like that the breeze is passing through my soul, making me free. I am alive, yes. I am.

I looked around and realized that we are not going to mall.

"D, I guess you had missed a block or something, we should have reached there by now." I inquired.

"We are going on the right track" she said

"But, that's not the way"

"Yes it is, because we are not going to mall, we are going to a party at beach house"

"What?" I forgotten to blink and she just smiled

"You don't know what he'll do to me, if he found out that I went somewhere" I was now sitting with my face towards her. I was in completely panic state. Memories rush through my mind when I tried to ran first time.

And what he did to me after that

"Chill Sia. I had taken out your phone from your bag and kept it in office, so if he tries to call you, he cant and second, if he'll call me, then it would be my roommate answering the phone because I left my phone at home."

My eyed were about to pop out from its socket. Not believing her, I looked in my purse for my phone, but it wasn't there

I straightened myself in defeat, I rubbed my temple and just prayed for peace.

"Dont worry love, you will thank me later"

Yaa, if he leave me alive.

We reach to the beach house, which she arranged using her contacts. As I stepped out of the car, people shouted "surprise"

My mouth was wide open when I found some of my highschool friends along with some office ones.

"Oh my God... No way" I went towards the crowd and they all hugged me all at once.

There were cocktails, food and dessert. Music was all we could hear. It was super super refreshing.

"Siaa.. finally I am meeting you. I saw you in newspaper and I thought how lucky you are that you have an amazing hot and rich husband" My friend Pia said while hugging me.


"Great to see you too" I gave her my most faked smile. Thanks for reminding me about him, bitch

"Can I borrow you for a moment" Man voice.

I stood there. Stunned. This can't be. His voice was different,but may because of music

I turned around to see

"Tristan" a blow of air escaped from my mouth, that I was holding

"Waw. You were not expecting me here??"

"No no , its just, phew... I didn't see you in the crowd" I covered up

"Well, that's me." He said. "Come let's dance" and I followed him

We danced through out. I told him about Mr. Ashar being protective around me so he is a little weird with him, which he understands.

"I like you" he said and I stopped


"Ya, I like you. I want to know you more"

I laughed nervously. "Well I don't know what to say"

"Let me help you, hmmm....you can say, let's be friends first"

I smiled on his humor.

"Tristan, you are a good man. But I am married and Mr. Ashar is ..you know.."

He intercept me " I just know you and I know that you're not happy with him. Your face can ditch the world but your eyes can't lie".

I took a deep breath "I don't want trouble for anyone else, especially you. You're already in his bad list. All I can say is try to stay away from me"

"Well, I can't promise anything " he said I gave him a thumbs up and left to mingle.

"D, please its late. Drop me home" this happens when you don't have a car or phone.

"Come on, the night is still young dear."

"Yeah but...."

"I'll drop you" Ohh no, this man wants to die and will take me with him.

"Thanks, but I will go with D" and I turned to her, but she was lost.

"I wont harm you, come" Tristan said

Here goes nothing and I sat in his car.

There was an awkward silence in the car. What should I talk to someone who 'like' me?? Liking me is like entering in suicide squad. The dead end.

"So, how did 'this' happen?" He asked me

This what?? He read my confused look and said

"I mean you both... Getting married" he cleared

This thing was the last topic I want to talk about. I was already worried about Mr. Ashar's questions and this guy....

I started to remember Ashar's words in press conference

"It was his grand father's dying wish"

"And yours?"

Dammit!! Can't he just shut up.

I looked around and I realize that he shouldn't be dropping me on the exact place. Or else Ashar's cctv will capture him.

"Just drop me here" I said

"Here? But its not the place".

"Ya, but just drop me here. I will walk few minutes"

"You sure" he asked

"One hundred percent sure" I smiled.

He stopped the car.

"Thank you for everything Tristan. I wish things were different, but I know you will find someone for sure" I turned around to open the door when he said

"I already found one. And I am waiting for her"

Is he talking about me? Oh my God.

I just gave him a smile, got out of his car and hurriedly went inside.

I straighten up my dress and hairs with my hands. I dont want him to catch me.

I opened the door, and he was there.

""Hello Mr. Ashar." Shit, he is here.

"How was your shopping?" He asked without looking at me.

Shopping... Dammit. I forgot about it. And I was carrying .. nothing

"Well I looked too much, but I didn't find any worth the occasion" finally I gave him some good excuse.

"Ohh. Its ok, I will call my friend Natalie to design something for you. She is the best" he said normally.

So he did believe me.

I just smiled. Not want to start another conversation.

But then, his footsteps came closer to me. He looked into my eyes and said.

"Come, lets go for a drive"


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