《Conditionally Married》31- Truth or Dare


Ashar pov

She had gone far from her limits now

I went towards my office. I knew she is not following me and I dont care

I just slammed the door and sat on my chair

I told her we are going to announce our marriage. She should be happy.. Shouldn't this be the thing she wanted?

Now she have identity, my name, everything. Still she is such a... Damn!

There was knock on the door

Now she is coming

But there was someone else

"May I come in"

"Come in Jennifer"

"Sir, these are the documents we need to attach with our proposal to Collin's company"

She handed me the list

"Jenn, these all items are available with the girl next to you. So go ask Sia"

I was now more pissed off. Like seriously my staff thinks that if Sia isn't there, they should come to me?

"Sia is still not in the office" she said

I raised my eyelids

"What?" But she was behind me

"Yes sir" she said

Where is she???

Seriously, this girl cant stay at one place

"Wait for her. She is coming " I said

Is she my assistant or I am her's

I opened the security cameras of office to find her.

Cam 1... Cam2... Cam 3...nope not here

I kept looking all the way and then I found her in Cam 9. That is the lobby

And she was with Tristan

I zoomed the camera, and I was right.

I told her to stay away from that guy. But it seems she doesn't care.

I was sitting calmly in my office under fully air-conditioned room, but still beads of sweat was dwelling on my forehead and palm.

I took few clicks of them together. Just in case...

I forgot to blink, I clenched my jaws and started to fidget the pen that I had.

"I have something important to tell"

I closed my eyes to stop any more water which were forming in my eyes.

"What is it Eddy"

"We have found some ruins of the bomb in your house, there was some sort of serial number present on it. I just ran the search of that number among the computers of your employees. And I found it."

I sighed. Too much for one day


"Not only this, the computer where we found that serial number also got history of checking out bombs, like history, making, contents of explosives,etc. Same like the one in your house"

"Whose computer was that?"

I never saw Eddy getting scared of me. But today, he was having some other thoughts too.

"Who. Is. It. Eddy" I stood up from my seat. His silence was now killing me.

"Its Sia" and he closed his eyes.

My mouth stayed open, I exhaled a deep breath and just fell on the chair.

"I know Ashar it is too hard to believe, but I can't risk your life anymore so I had to tell you."

My eyes stayed still, un-blinked

"Is there any chance of mistake"

She can't do it. There is definitely a mistake

"No. I have strong evidences. All the computers here are used only by the one person. No other can access them,unless it is either you or the other person having password"

"WHO GAVE YOU AUTHORITY TO CHECK PC OF MY EMPLOYEES?" I slammed the table with my full force and yelled at Eddy. Why did he do this

"I didn't have any authority...."

"So why the hell did you check their PCs." I roared

"Ashar I didn't get your permission, but it is my duty to ensure your protection. I am not only your bodyguard but your best friend as well. I can't just let you to stay on mercy of some unknowns "

"But how do you even do that???" I kept asking him

"Is it only because SHE is involved?" He asked me a question for which I even dont want to answer myself.

"It has nothing to do with her" I lied

"Ya. I can see that in your eyes".

I turned around ,looking at the horizon from the big glass window behind my seat

"Look, I am sorry you had to find out about her like that. But try to understand.."

"May I come in" Sia knocked the door

I looked at Eddy and ask him to stay calm

"Come in" I said

"Here are the things for the Collin's company. Go through and sign please" she said

"Where. Were. You?" I asked her

She looked puzzled and met Eddy's eyes


"On my seat" she replied

"No, you were following me when we were coming from the press conference, and then you were nowhere" I asked.

She started to fidget with her fingers

"Ooh.. a-actually, I was hmm.. in the washroom" she smiled

My stupid vixen

I smirked. How fool is she thinking she can lie.

"Oh that made sense" I said

And she smiled and quickly ran out of the room.

"This girl will ruin you" Eddy said

"She already had" I replied digging my eyes in her soul.

"We need to do something quick and effective" Eddy said

"Plan a party" I said


"I just announced my wedding, there should be a reception, or else people will doubt"

"I don't get it bro! What is running in your mind?" Eddy asked me with shocking expressions

"Sia" I smirked

After few hours of conversation with Eddy, I was again drown in pile of my work.

As per my orders, the renovation work was going on and our stuff were moved to my penthouse.

Few hours later, I and Sia went out from the office.

"So, how is your Tristan?" I asked while driving car.

She saw me in surprise

"He is not mine" she said

"Oh, ok" I dont want to push her harder. I have my ways to find the truth

We reached to my penthouse and I hold her wrist as she was moving towards her room

"What?" She asked

"We are going to have a wedding reception on Saturday" I told her

She took a deep breath

"What is the point of bluffing all the people. ?"

"Well, last time I checked it was you working for me and not the vis-a-versa so just follow what I say"

With fire in her eyes, she remained silent.

One good thing about this penthouse is it has many bedrooms, so no more sleeping together

I dont know if its good or bad

I went in to get changed and for a quick shower. As water droplets touched my skin, Sia and Tristan came in front of my eyes again.

I should have taken her there and then. Then she'll know what I can do. I would have made sure she screams my name when I tear her apart from inside and she bleed.

I want her to burn with the thought that I can claim her anytime.

Night passed by silently and I decided just to sleep. It will be harder to sleep without her. I dont know what she does, but yes, I sleep peacefully when she is next to me.

Next morning we both were in office. I called in Sia and ask her to go for shopping for our reception party on Saturday.

"Mr. Ashar, can I go out with my friends?"

She asked politely.

I met her eyes

"Umm it's just would be good to have second opinion. Plus its Daisy's birthday too, so I thought if we can.." she left her sentence for me to complete.

"Ok" I said and looked at my screen

She said thanks, and by the accent I can feel her smile too.

As she left the door, I texted Eddy.

Sia, Daisy and two other people went out as office time got over.

I was busy in back to back meetings. Typical day for me. I like staying busy, I hate to get back to reality because it sucks.

As meetings got over, I took a deep breath and watched TV.

Just then I received picture of my lovely wife who was dancing with the guy I told her not to.

She had gone far off limits.

I waited for her to come back at home. She had forgotten her phone in office and she didn't even have courtesy to inform me. I came to know that when I tried to track her.

Some more pictures of those two come by. They were talking in one. Even Sia sat in the car with him.

Great. Perfectly great.

I waited and waited, tried to keep myself away from hurting myself. Because I can't hurt her anymore, and giving pain make me sane.

But, may be Eddy is right. It was her all the time.

I need to get the truth out of her throat.

"Hello Mr. Ashar." She said

"How was your shopping?" I asked while I was just going through some documents.

She didn't have any bag in her hands.

"Well I looked too much, but I didn't find any worth the occasion" she started to fidget with her fingers.

"Ohh. Its ok." I looked her and said "I will call my friend Natalie to design something for you. She is the best" I said keeping things normal.

She smiled which was so fake.

I stood up and walked towards her...

"Come, lets go for a drive"

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