《Conditionally Married》30- The Swing


I felt cold breeze hitting on my face. But I was covered in warmth of someone. I remember this touch. That has to be him.

I opened up my eyes and realized that I was still sleeping on Ashar's chest. He had carefully kept his hand on my back near my abdomen as not to hurt my shoulder.

And he was in deep sleep.

This man is so complicated. I looked at his sleeping face and asked myself 'what is this thing between us?' when I had build a bridge for him to cross, if he wanted too, but he doesn't. That means he doesn't have anything for me..

But again, he always find me one way or the other, comes to rescue me always and even save me. Even yesterday,he could have let me burn in that house and can easily term it as accident, but he came to save me.. why?

Either I am interpreting it wrong or he is not aware of his feelings??

Whatever is this, I dont want people to term me a greedy bitch.

I should not fall in love with him.

Tears fell from my eye just by thinking it that when we had completed the terms of his father's will he will just leave me to rot somewhere.

Its better if I should not get attach to him. I should not be feeling anything for him.

I should stop myself from falling.

His hand moved up and down on my back and I lost my thoughts

Let me just feel him some more...

And I just closed my eyes absorbing every sensation his touch gave me on my back. Maybe one day I could recall them..

I decided to get up and prepared breakfast. Thank God this place was stuffed with necessary items,except clothes.


Mr. Ashar went out and brought the bag which had new clothes for both of us.

He handed me the bag after taking out his clothes. I grabbed a T-shirt and sat on table

I handed over breakfast plate to him and cup of coffee.

"Mr. Ashar, can I take a day off today? I am still not in state to work" I said eating my breakfast.

"You have to come today. We are doing a press conference and announcing our marriage"

"That can be done without me" I said. He had already made up his mind, so why bother me ?

He lifted his eyes to meet mine.

"Do you know how much that house cost? It was more than you had earned all these years. I dont want to lose more, so do what I had told you to do" his voice again was cold and ruthless.

As per plan, we reached at office and went directly to conference room where press reporters were already present.

I was nervous, I had never faced so many cameras in my life. He might be familiar with it.

I turned to look him,but it was like an ordinary day for him,so he didn't bother looking at me

And I was falling for him. I shouldn't

As we made our way to rostrum, I looked around the hall where Eddy arranged press conference. It was a big hall with cameramen at the back as they adjusted their cameras and reporters at front.

"Thank you for arriving at such short notice, but I have an important announcement to make. My late father wanted me to get married to girl of his choice, so after he passed away, I fulfilled his that last wish..."

Reporters were busy in writing and recording his speech on their phones.


"... and that girl is none other than Ms. Sia, who was working with my father till his last days"

All the focus of cameras turned towards me.

Click click everywhere. I was blinded by strong flashes of camera.

" Why you're anouncing at this point?"

"Why you had preferred keeping your marriage secret?"

"Is it true that your wife still works at your office as regular employee?"

Questions were fired towards us from all sides and I was panicked. Ashar might have sensed that and he put his arms around me.

"It was our mutual decision to keep it secret. But the incident of last night made us realize that we should not keep it in covers anymore. So through the media present here, I am warning the people who are behind our lives that we were together ..."

And he intertwined his hands in mine and raised it

"And. we. Are. Together. And we'll always be"

His words were so strong and impactful that for time being I believed him that we will be together.

He answered few more questions then he took my hands and we left in the car.

The drive throughout was silent as if nothing happened.

We reached to office and he left, without taking me with him.

I followed him, silently. Even I dont want to talk to him.

"Hey beautiful" I heard the voice from behind and I turned.

"Tristan" I smiled as I met his eyes

"You looked great on TV" . Definitely, he had saw me there

I smiled. No words!

We both kept on walking towards elevator.

"But you dont look happy" he said

I got puzzled. How he knows that

"Who said I am not happy?" I asked covering the guilt.

He came in front of me. So close that his nose touched mine. He didn't blink and I too forget that

"I can read face, and your face tells me that you dont want to be with him"

My eyes opened wide and then I looked down to break eye contact

"H-h how can you say that? I am.perfectly happy with him"

"You cant lie to mirrors" he said

"It's not true" I said bringing some force in my voice

"You are married but your not HIS" he smirked and left leaving me stunned

Yes I am not his. And he even dont care!!

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